Sunday, December 19, 2021

I'll Be Gnome For Christmas

Happy Sunday my loves, 

Hello my friends. I hope you are good! Things are great my way. I had a long weekend, was off Thursday and Friday, did some deep cleaning and relaxed with the cats. Yesterday I went to a women's breakfast with my mom with her church. It was nice. Today I plan on doing some reading, watching TV and hanging with the cats and Casey a bit!

Today I have some Christmas gnomes from a new plate I recently got. This plate is great. It's got such cute images on it. I love it and think these nails turned out super cute 😍 

My bases are Holo Taco Everything Is Pine (green glitter), Different Dimension Love At Frost Sight (white) and ILNP 1 Up (linear green). I stamped using Lantern and Wren Gnome Place Like Home with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

These nails just make me so happy 😊 

Here's a few pics from the breakfast yesterday. Have a super fantastic Sunday, talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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