Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ehhhhhh......ouhhhhhhh....Scary Ghosts!!

Hello love bugs,

Happy Caturday, hope everyone is having a good one.  I am going to my cousin's son's b-day party and am really excited to go, haven't seen them in a while and I love my cousins so much.  Today I did some very scary, scary ghost nails.  I used a dark purple creme base, stripers in white and black to do the ghosts and sparkle on top.  These are easy to do, use the white striper to draw and color in the ghost once the base coat is dry, then when the white dries, use the black striper to do the eyes.  I had the bottle of white out in the pic, but, didn't end up using it, I was going to use a brush, then, decided on just the stripers.

Taken in Sunlight

Bottle Shot
Orly Bonder, OPI "Vant To Bite My Neck?", China Glaze "White on White", Art Deco Stripers in White and Black, a holo glitter polish I mixed with different polishes, Out the Door "Northern Lights", NYC "In a NY Minute"
Here is Vant to Bite My Neck? on it's own and my ghosts before the eyes.  I put my "Melly Mix" holo top coat over top of that and put a coat of OTD "Northern Lights" on top of the ghosts.

Have a great Caturday everyone.  I leave you with Dino.  Black Cats, I love Black Cats!!!
I'll never ever get how weirdos think they are bad luck or evil, Black Cats ROCK!!!!




Thursday, October 23, 2014

Nail of the Day (NOTD)

Hi again so soon me friends,

Just a short sweet post of the nails I did on Monday night (10/20).  
These were just a quick easy glitter accents mani.  I sure do love my GLITTER too, that's for sure!!

                                                         Polishes Used
(L-R) Orly Bonder, China Glaze "Float On", Venique "Rhinestone Stiletto", NYC Shimmer Blast Sparkle Top Coat "Sweet Candy"
Here is a pic of Float On on it's own, it's a neon and it much brighter in person, I just couldn't capture it on the finished nails pic.  If you are a pink neon polish fan, you need this in your life, I love it!!
Oh, and please pardon my dry cuticles in the last two post, they got kind of wrecked last Saturday cleaning, washing and putting all our PDF crap away.

Love you my friends.  Toodle-doo, 


Sponged Nails and Kitties

Hello friends, 

Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days, I'm having a really difficult time with losing two fur kids so close to each other, it's very hard to say goodbye to another one after you said goodbye to one about 6 weeks prior.  A part of you goes with each and every one that's gone to the Bridge to wait for Momma Melly to rejoin them one day.  I miss my ginger babies so much, it's so weird without them, they were two of our outside kitties, we do still have one outside, Little Shit, and we are going to be adopting a few year old female for a new sister and huntin' (please take note that there ain't no "G" at the end of Huntin' EVER) buddy for Little Shit.  He's been crying alot, he doesn't know where his Momma and Uncle went and why they aren't coming back, sigh.  I am so sad, yet, now I am also excited to adopt our new fuzzy and furry fur kid, yay.

These nails I did Saturday afternoon between taking care of and loving Billy, we knew it was soon his time to go to the Bridge and he did sometime overnight/morning Sunday, so, these nails were special nails, they were my Billy going to the Bridge nails, I just didn't know that at the time. 

I did my accent nails with 3 different polishes sponged on with an eyeshadow applicator. 

                                                                   Bottle Shots
(L-R) Orly Bonder, Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Resurrection", Orly "Plum Noir", Zoya "Flora", Orly "Boho Bonnet", Milani Color Statement "Pearl-Plexed", Seche Vite Fast Dry 

I did a base of Resurrection, sponged on the Plum Noir, Boho Bonnet and Flora, then the accent nails with maybe China Glaze "Fairy Dust" or a dupe, I forgot to take a pic of that bottle. This is a very easy and fun mani to do. I'll explain below this pic how I did these.

I use a paper plate to drop each color polish on to sponge onto the nail as I go, I use the plastic clear cuticle pusher to clean as I go, the cap is acetone for clean up, the q-tips and pink brush for clean up.  After I painted all my nails with the creme blue, take the lip chap and put that on around your accent nails in the cuticle area and a bit below the nails and some on the side before sponging.  The lip chaps helps temendously with clean up.  Drop  the first color onto the plate and put the applicator on the polish, then, dab the applicator onto the plate to remove excess polish off the applicator so it doesn't just gob on your nail when you sponge it on, sponge VERY lightly on each nail here and there, repeat with the other colors, then sparkle top coat each accent nail.  Do your cleanup, apply your top coat, I love my fast drys and, easy, not a lot of time consuming nail art, yay!

Resurrection on it's own

                                                           Finished Nails, I dig 'em :)                                                   

That evening one of my very loved friends, Kristin, stopped by with her boy,  we did candy corn sponged with a little cut up piece of bath or face or makeup sponge to create a gradient look.  For this take a little cut up sponge, paint the three lines of color on the plate, then dip sponge in, then take sponge and starting on the side of the nail place sponge and do a "roll" over the nail bed to the other side to get the lines on the nail, you may have to redip and do this a couple of times to get the desired color.  Use the lip chap and clean up for this kind as well.  Here are my girlie's and my nails, I love it!!!

Kristen & Melly's Nails
Well that's all the nail for today, I have two or three more manis to get caught up on here, will get to posting them very shortly, at least one more quick NOTD (Nail of the Day) post with not as many words.

Lastly, I leave you with a pic of our two amazing ginger kitties that both went to the Bridge.  Mommy loves you both so much. Also, here is the picture that one of my BFF's Niki, made and posted for me with the  burnable cat memorial, "Paw Prints on Your Heart" we made for PDF Spring 2013. Niki, I love you, you have no idea what that did for me and how special that picture you did is.  I love you so much. 

Momma Kitty

Rainbow Bridge pic Niki made

Polishes and Meows,


Sunday, October 19, 2014

After PDF Marble Nails

Okay, I told a fib, posting my post PDF nails during The Walking Dead commercials cuz' I don't like most commercials and commodification just sucks, grrrrr..........anywho's here my marble, the polishes used and a couple pics, not that great of ones, I just took a quick couple outside one day at work. 

                                                         Marble Nails in the sunlight

                                                    Polishes Used:
Left to Right: Orly Bonder (rubberized base coat), China Glaze "Cons-Ulta My Manicure (my base), OPI "Live, Love Carnaval", China Glaze "Capacity to Sea Beyond" (used these 2 for the marbling), the shimmer is just one I dumped a few shimmer top coats together to make a multi-color top coat and finished with a coat of NYC New York Minute fast dry.

I couldn't get a great pic of these in the sun, I like this marble, it came out purty I think :) 

Toodles and Hugs, 



I Is a Sad Today ;(

We got home from PDF Monday, it was a fun burn, more about that later. A few days ago we noticed our one older outside kitty, Billy, going downhill, he had stopped eating with some other signs and we knew it was soon his time to go to the Bridge.  Last night our older ginger kitty, Billy, went to the Rainbow Bridge. Six weeks ago, his best friend and side kick Momma Kitty, went to the Bridge. They were both feral cats that we tamed and we were able to give these two babies great lives. I miss them both. We knew after Momma went to the Bridge that Billy wouldn't be that far behind, it's just so hard to have to say goodbye to another one this soon. 

I am going to miss our ginger babies so much :(( In this pic Momma is in the front with Billy behind her. We still have one outside cat and are going to be adopting a buddy for him now since he's now by himself outside, he was Momma Kitty's first kitten she had when we moved here and started feeding/rescuing/fixing/homing cats. My heart just hurts.  We also do have three inside, two solid blacks and an extra toed solid gray. As much as it hurts to say goodbye I could never not have cats in my life.  I love cats! The rest of our brood are in the pictures below.

Momma Kitty & Billy 2010
Little Shit

Dino, Buster & Pebbles
And, that is it for now. The Walking Dead just started, yay!

Will do a nail post tomorrow.

Hugs and love,


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tally 'Ho, it's off to PDF we GO.....

Quick post today as we are off to PDF see all my crazies soon, yay! Can't wait, yay!

I leave you with Diamond, my first horse I had after my shitty, bratty, but awesome Shetland Pony, Goldy, and since our effigy is a pony and the pony  burns in 3 days, here's Diamond, our Qwaattterrrr  Hoss!!  She was a great horse, errr....pony, :) Everyone that met or rode Diamond fell in love with her, she took good care of her riders :)

Diamond Sundance McCue
  Now, Tally 'Ho, it's off to PDF we GO..... 

Bubbles, Glitter and FIRE, 


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Why, It's Pre-DF Wednesday, Yay, and Water Marble Nails

Greetings and Salutations my friends, today is Pre-DF Wednesday, tomorrow is "IT'S ONLY THURSDAY", we leave for our Burning Man Regional, yay, I can't wait to see our crazy, silly, goofy, awesome friends and community.  Google Burning Man and Playa del Fuego if you want to know more.  One day in the future, I will have a burn post, but, for now, that thing called Google it is, smiley face.

For PDF I decided to do some water marble nails.  I will do a tutorial on water marble nails at a late time, but, in the meantime, you can, you know what I'ma gonna do here, don't you, Google that :) 

Below is a bottles shot of the polishes I used and the names listed left to right underneath.  My base was China Glaze "Tart-y for the Party", the glitter on the Tarty is Maybelline Color Show Veils "Crystal Disguise", over the marbled nails is Orly "Prisma Gloss Silver" (dupe for CG "Fairy Dust"), the rest of the polishes I used for the marble. 

China Glaze "Tart-y For the Party", OPI "Amazon...Amazoff", CG "Under the Boardwalk",
OPI "Shorts Story", CG "Feel the Breeze", Maybelline "Crystal Disguise",
Orly "Prisma Gloss Silver" 

This pic is way more blue here, the below pic is the most color accurate.

My marbles, I dig 'em :)
I am very happy with the way these came out, they are pretty and I do enjoy these colors together.  Marbles are so much time, but, so fun.

Be well all and I will chat at you next week when I get back to the land of the Walking Dead, ooops, mean living dead and the interwebs, I'll be saying hello after I watch my DVR'd Walking and Talking Dead when we get home. Today I leave you with a pic of me, Smelly Melly, at this past Spring Burn in my scooter art car.  This pic is one of Radical Self Expression, one of our burner community principles, we have 10.

Smelly Melly

Toodles and Doodles my friends, our kitty of the day is once again, Princess Pebbles!!

Princess Pebbles

Bubbles and Glitter and FIRE,


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday everyone!  I hope a good weekend was had by all.  I had a good weekend, got a lot done for PDF, our arts event we leave for this weekend, painted my nails, got more stuff ready for PDF, hung out with the kitties, My hubby, Matt and I got to hang out today, relax, we are both getting thru this icky zombie plague and tonight we are hanging out, cuddling and watching the last night of the Breaking Bad Binge, so, now it's time to bring on the Walking Dead, yay, I can't wait, I heart TWD :)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Nail of the Day (NOTD), Valerie's Poor Gal Get More Life Out Your Gel Mani & Cats!

Happy Caturday to all my friends.  Hope you are having a great weekend.  Today I went to work to make some time up from being sick and have been packing like a madwomen for Playa del Fuego, our Burning Man regional event we go to twice a year, this upcoming burn is quite exciting as it's my 10 Year Burniversary, ten years ago I participated in my first ever burn event and it changed my life, more on all of that in a later post.

Today I have a simple creme with shimmer and glitter on accent nails.  The creme base I used for this mani is China Glaze Bottoms Up from the Sunsationals 2013 Neons topped with Color Club Bright Nights, Big City from their Made In New York Collection with Orly Explosion of Fun from their 2014 Holiday Sparkle Collection.

 With flash inside.

                                                     No flash inside.

Orly Explosion of Fun