Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Why, It's Pre-DF Wednesday, Yay, and Water Marble Nails

Greetings and Salutations my friends, today is Pre-DF Wednesday, tomorrow is "IT'S ONLY THURSDAY", we leave for our Burning Man Regional, yay, I can't wait to see our crazy, silly, goofy, awesome friends and community.  Google Burning Man and Playa del Fuego if you want to know more.  One day in the future, I will have a burn post, but, for now, that thing called Google it is, smiley face.

For PDF I decided to do some water marble nails.  I will do a tutorial on water marble nails at a late time, but, in the meantime, you can, you know what I'ma gonna do here, don't you, Google that :) 

Below is a bottles shot of the polishes I used and the names listed left to right underneath.  My base was China Glaze "Tart-y for the Party", the glitter on the Tarty is Maybelline Color Show Veils "Crystal Disguise", over the marbled nails is Orly "Prisma Gloss Silver" (dupe for CG "Fairy Dust"), the rest of the polishes I used for the marble. 

China Glaze "Tart-y For the Party", OPI "Amazon...Amazoff", CG "Under the Boardwalk",
OPI "Shorts Story", CG "Feel the Breeze", Maybelline "Crystal Disguise",
Orly "Prisma Gloss Silver" 

This pic is way more blue here, the below pic is the most color accurate.

My marbles, I dig 'em :)
I am very happy with the way these came out, they are pretty and I do enjoy these colors together.  Marbles are so much time, but, so fun.

Be well all and I will chat at you next week when I get back to the land of the Walking Dead, ooops, mean living dead and the interwebs, I'll be saying hello after I watch my DVR'd Walking and Talking Dead when we get home. Today I leave you with a pic of me, Smelly Melly, at this past Spring Burn in my scooter art car.  This pic is one of Radical Self Expression, one of our burner community principles, we have 10.

Smelly Melly

Toodles and Doodles my friends, our kitty of the day is once again, Princess Pebbles!!

Princess Pebbles

Bubbles and Glitter and FIRE,


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