Monday, November 16, 2015

Post Post Halloween Party Stamped Nails

It's Monday...

Hello my friends, hope you all had an okay Monday, mine was pretty good considering it was Monday, lol.  I was/am a bit tired today since I stayed up until midnight last night to watch Talking Dead which was on an hour later than normal due to a new AMC series, Into The Badlands, premiering, so, it put me up later than usual on Sunday night, but, oh well, I need my Talking Dead and last night was a good Walking Dead episode, had a lot of dirty Daryl Dixon in this one and I sure do love me some Daryl, yum!!!!! There's only 2 more episodes left tho' until the mid-season finale, then we have to wait till next year for the second half of season 6 to come back, ugh, it's going to be a long few months, lol.  Walking Dead is most definitely my favorite TV series of ever although Breaking Bad is right up there nudging WD for the fave TV series spots in my life, LOL :) And, it's been SO GOOD this season too!!!

Saturday night Casey and I went to some friends Post Post Halloween Party, they do it every year a couple of weeks after Halloween, which is awesome, cuz' I hate saying goodbye to Halloween, so, we get extra of it each year, it's nice!   Casey and I went as black cats and had so much fun with super awesome and amazing friends, old and new, yay, good times.

For my party nails, I decided to do some cat stamping on them and I love, love, love the way they turned out. I've gotten a couple new nail stampers that actually work really well and not crappy like the cheapie drugstore ones I had and I also got more stamping plates, still have some on the way and a wish list for others I want.  Stamping is fast going to become one of my favorite things to do on my nails, it's fun and so cool.  You can Google many different stamping tips, advice and tutorials if you are interested in getting into stamping and there are so many different plates and options out there, but, if you do get into it, make sure to get a good stamper and not a sucky one, it makes a world of difference.

I used a base of China Glaze "Sugar High" then stamped the cats on my thumb and ring fingers using Messy Mansion plate MM50 and stamped the paw prints using Konad M91 plate, then put a coat of Pretty & Polished "Halo Top Coat" on them all and was good.  Hope you like them, I do :)

Sugar High on it's own
Here's Mommy and Miss Betty looking alike before we left for the party, don't we look so alike :)

Here's Casey and Princess Pebbles looking alike.  I love this picture and Casey really does make such a cute cat, I love it :)
Here's Casey and me at the party, we do make some dern cute cats :)
Here are my friends, the party hosts, Nick and Leah, two of my very favorite people in this entire world, they are just so awesome, good people, I love them so much.  They were AristoCats for the party, don't they look amazing :)
And, here is the rose Casey brought home for me today, he's so sweet and so sweet to me, I love this guy so much, he's a good guy :)

That's it for now.  Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you all soon for sure!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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