Friday, July 1, 2016

Sponged Stamped Hearts

Happy Friday Friends,

It's Friday, yay :)  I also have a half day today for the start of the July 4th holiday weekend.  Casey, myself and a friend of ours are going camping this weekend at my Dad's hunting camp in the most beautiful county in PA, Potter County.  It's nickname is "God's Country" since it's so gorgeous, it's mountains and mountains and more mountains.  My Dad's camp is a 1939 school bus that was converted to a camper style camp years ago and my Dad and some buddies of his hauled it up there over 50 years ago.  It's freaking awesome. It's got bunk beds and there are three of the original bus bench seats still in it.  It's been a bit emotional for me packing to go since this will be the first time I've gone to the bus without Dad.  He was so proud of the bus and camp and my family will continue to use it and make him proud.  He said he wanted us to use the camp after he was gone and we plan on it. I've cried a few times packing things, but, I also know that Dad will be there with me this weekend too.  Dad and I always had such awesome times at camp when I went with him over the years and those memories will always remain some of my fondest with him.  I'll be taking lots of pics and will post them when we get home and I post my 4th nails next week.

My nails today I did many weeks ago and never got around to posting, gah......

So, for these I did a base of Color Club "Factory Girl", then sponged using some cut up face scrubbie sponges with Essie "Mrs. Always Right", Essie "French Affair", Essie "Nice Is Nice" and China Glaze "Pool Party", then I stamped using Konad black polish and Born Pretty plate BP-11, then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped/sponged nails.  I put a coat of Sally Hanson Salon Manicure "Tulle Kit" on top of my pinky and thumb and my glitter accent is Color Club "Love You To Pieces".  I really love how this mani turned out, the sponged nails look so pretty and the hearts totally finished it on those nails in my humble opinion ;)  Hope you likey too :)

Factory Girl by itself.  I've had this polish forever now it seems.  I think this was one of the first light blues in my collection many a moons ago.

Have a great rest of Friday and an even more great weekend and holiday if you celebrate.  We'll be going to the flea market, then meeting up with Casey's family and another friend tomorrow for the huge ass fireworks show they do up there, then on Sunday we'll be hanging out at camp and doing some maintenance around the bus and camp. 

I'll leave you with Buster and Miss Betty snuggling together on the couch, these were two separate times when I got these pics.  These two are really good buds, have been ever since Miss Betty moved in with us and it's adorable seeing their kitty friendship :)  They are my babies!!!

I'll talk to you all soon, soon :) Thanks for stopping by, I truly do appreciate all my readers I have from all over, I truly do :)

Miss Betty and Buster 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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