Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Smooshy Unicorns

Happy Hump Day Love Bugs,

We've made it the middle of the week, yay :)  Hope you are well. I am, but, it's been raining like crazy the last two days, so, it's been kind of dreary and I've been feeling dreary myself, oh well, it could be snow this time of year, so, I'll take the rain!!

Tonight I have some smooshed, then stamped unicorn nails I did a couple of weeks ago.  In truth unicorns or horses with horns scare the bejeebus out of me.  If horses or ponies really had horns I probably would have never made it age 5, LOL :)  But, unicorns are really pretty and they are horsey, so, I do love them in the end :) I love the way these came out, they are so pretty I think :) Hope you likey too :)

My base was China Glaze "My Way Or the Highway", then I did some random dots of polish on the smooshed nails and a stamper to smoosh the polish using Essie "In the Cabana", Sally Hansen X-treme "Big Teal" and Orly "Gumdrop".  Then I used Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" and Bundle Monster Plate BM-XL214.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and a coat of Color Club "Lady Liberty" on my pinky and the unstamped smooshy nail.

My way or the Highway by itself, this one is really pretty.

That's it for tonight.  I just got done doing some awesome gumball machines and gumball nails tonight that I love and am super proud of.  I'll try to post them in the next few days.  They came out so cute :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Life is short-let's do this."

Love this one, it's so fun and so true :)

I'll talk to you soon and here's all my black fur kids in one pic, Princess Pebbles, Miss Betty and Dino. I LOVE black cats in case you didn't know that :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, November 28, 2016

Holy Huntin' Holiday

Happy Monday,

Hope you are well and that today is treating you well.  Mine is okay for a Monday.  Today is opening day of deer rifle season in Pennsylvania and this is a seriously special day for hunters in this state. They get so damn excited that deer season and deer camp time is here, it's cute and funny. Every year my Dad, brother and Dad's buddies would all be out for this big day of huntin' or as I call it, "Holy Huntin' Holiday".  My boyfriend, Casey, is out with his family hunting today also, so, maybe we'll be having some fresh deer meat for dinner later on.  I think my brother, Dave, and my Dad's last man best friend still alive, were going out too. Three of the guys here at work are off for hunting today and numerous other folks I know are out too.  Casey is off work to hunt thru Wednesday of this week yet.  Every year my Dad would go up to Potter County, PA and the bus hunting this week.  It was the thing he most looked forward to all year, he loved it.

The last couple of years I did some deer season inspired nails and dedicated them to Dad. Well, this year is not going to be any different even with him being dead now and not here.  They are still dedicated to Dad and will be forever more when I do my huntin' nails.  So here's my openin' day of deer nails dedicated to Dad, but, also for all the other hunters I have in my life :)  Hope you enjoy them. I dig them and do hope to have some fresh deer meat to eat this week :)

My base here is OPI "Is Mai Tai Crooked?", then I used eye shadow applicators and sponged on China Glaze "Community", OPI "Don't Mess with Texas" and OPI "Suzi, The First Lady of Nails" on the nails I then stamped on using Sinful Colors "Black on Black" for the camo stamp with Winstonia "Hunter's Life" plate and the deer are Born Pretty plate "BP-LO11" and Bundle Monster plate "Work It BM-XL178" stamped with Essie "Penny Talk" for the deer stamps. I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails.  The glitter accent on my index finger nails is Funky Fingers "Glitter Matters" and on my pinky nails is Color Club "Go Go Green".

Is Mai Tai Crooked? on it's own. 
There you have my openin' day of deer nails for this year.  Good luck and be safe out there if you go hunting yourself.  It is kind of a sad day today knowing how much this day meant to Dad and him being gone, sigh.  But, I know he'd appreciate my silly little dedication to him and for something he enjoyed doing so much.

Your feel good for today, this one is silly fun:

"You can't make everybody happy. You aren't a jar of Nutella."

 Enjoy the rest of your night and I'll talk to you soon.. I'll leave you Miss Betty trying to push Buster out of her way on the couch :) She's funny, she will get up and just boot him out of where she wants, but, these two are really good friends and sweet to each other.  Their facial expressions in this are funny I think :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, November 25, 2016

On Cloud Nine!

Happy Friday Love Bugs,

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving if you celebrate and didn't eat too, too much, lol :)  I had a good day.  It was nice.  Today I did work and was the only one there, thankfully the phones weren't too terribly busy at least.

I've had these cloud nails to post for a couple of months now and I guess better late than never, eh? :) These were really fun to wear and pretty easy to do too.  I like them, they are such cute little happy clouds :)

The base here was China Glaze "Bahamian Escape", then I used a dotting tool to create the clouds using Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "White On" then Nicole by OPI "All About the Glam" to add some sparkly white to the cloudes. I did a coat of Ruby Kisses "Snow White" on my index and pinky nails.

Bahamian Escape by itself.  I've had this polish for a long time now and it's still one of my favorite blues for sure.
That's it for today.  Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you soon.

Here's your feel good or well, rather, words of wisdom for today:

"Most people have five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch & hearing.  The successful have two more: horse & common."

I love, love, love this :)

I leave you with Gypsy chilling in a bookcase one day :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Turkey Day Pie Slices

Happy Thanksgiving Loves,

I hope you are all well on this day of giving thanks for those we love, both human and animal, and for the good we have in our lives.  I am thankful for so much every day, not just on the day we are "supposed" to be thankful for.  I am thankful for Casey, my boyfriend, that I love dearly and is always there for me, I am thankful for the loving family I have, I am thankful for all the amazing souls I have in my friends that I have in my life, I am thankful for having Casey's wonderful family in my life, I am thankful for my horse, Dusty Bucks, and am so, so, so very thankful every single day for my kitties that bring me such happiness and joy every day.

This Thanksgiving is a bit hard as it is the first one without my Dad and I've been thinking about him a lot this week, well, I think about Dad all the time every day, but, I think you know what I mean, and been kinda dreading not having him be here today.  But, at the same time, I am also thankful that I have a Dad that I do miss more and more every day since he died.  Not a lot of people have that sadly and I did have the most awesome Dad and for that I am eternally thankful and grateful.  He's still with me every day also and for that I am thankful too.

Casey and I are going out to see my Mom and sister this morning, then going to Casey's parents for dinner, then tonight my sister is coming in to catch up on the last two weeks of The Walking Dead and that is my turkey day plans, so, it's a going to be a good day.

For my nails for today I did some pumpkin pie slices and since I love pumpkin pie, these were fun and so easy to do. They turned out so stinking cute I think :)

I started with a base of Orly "Coachella Dweller", then used a nail art brush and China Glaze "Desert Storm", Orly "First Kiss" and Nicole by OPI "It's All About the Glam" to paint the pie slices.  I then did a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the pie nails and Color Club "Orange Crush" on the glittered nails.  Are they making you hungry for some pie?  They sure are me :)

Coachella Dweller on it's own.  This is a pretty green.  I love it actually, it's dusty, my favorite kinds of cremes. 
That's it for today.  Enjoy your day with family, friends and pets.  And, make sure to eat all the food, lol :)  I know I sure will :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."

I love this one and it's so true.

I'll leave you with Mr. Kitty, Dino and Miss Betty :)  Talk to you all soon and Happy Turkey Day :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, November 21, 2016

Zombie Party- Be A Good Zombie!!

Happy Monday Loves,

It's Monday, today was kind of a long day at work today, was really busy, it's Monday, lol.  Over the weekend the weather went from really warm and nice on Saturday morning to cold and brutally windy and it's been crazy windy since.  Today was really bad and it's supposed to be windy thru tomorrow yet, ugh!!!  I am so not looking forward to Winter and the cold at all.  I hate the cold with such a passion, it sucks!!  Give me warm and Summer any day!!!  Oh well, only 5 months or so of this nonsense to come and it will go fast I am sure like time sure does seem to have a way of doing especially the older we get.

So, last weekend Casey and I went to our good friends' Nick and Leah's Post Post Halloween party they do two weeks after Halloween each year and it's awesome cuz' we get to dress up two weeks after when everyone else is thinking of the holiday season coming up we are still thinking Halloween, yay.  This year Casey and I decided, well I decided for us, lol, that we were going to go as walkers aka zombies this year.  It was so much fun being walkers and being able to make zombie noises all night and pretend to bite people :)  Casey's brother did our zombie makeup for us and he did an awesome job, so, super huge thanks to Chris for making us look so dead and so super scary :)

Of course I was doing some sort of zombie/walker nails and this is what I came up with.  I LOVE these, I mean, they say "zombie party" and "be a good zombie", too freaking awesome :)  I had also just gotten this particular stamping plate and was itching to use it anyways :)

I did a base of NYC In a New York Minute "Park Ave.", then dry brushed using a couple different browns I forgot to write down.  I then stamped using Messy Mansion Plate MM80XL and Essie "No Place Like Chrome", the glitter accent is Wet 'n Wild Mega Rocks "At Will Call".  I then put a coat of Finger Paints "Once In A Wild" and did a splatter on the ring finger nails using China Glaze "Salsa". Hope you like them too.  I loved these nails :)

Here's Casey and me as walkers that night, don't we look sooper dooper scary :) 
 Here's Valerie, my BFF, and me :) 
An old, old dear friend of mine, Kiefer and me :) 
 Sweet Jolene and me :) 
Another awesomely amazing friend, Rubin :) 
There you have my zombie walker nails.  The party was a lot of fun with a lot of really good people :)
Your feel good for today is:

"There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy."

That's it for today.  I leave you with Dino and Princess Pebbles one day :) Talk to you soon later on this week.  I have some acorns to share that I did yesterday and for turkey day I am doing pumpkin pie and I still have quite a few manis to get posted and caught up on soon too I hope :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Scary Scarecrows!

Happy Hump Day Loves,

Hope you are well.  I took the day off work today sick, have an icky head cold and just generally feel like crap, ugh.  Going back to work tomorrow, but, definitely needed a day of rest at home and on the couch all day with my little nurse, Miss Betty.

Not a whole lot to say tonight since I'm not feeling well, so, onto the nails now.  I did these scarecrows one day last week and love the way they turned out.  They are so cute I think :)

My base here was OPI "Lucky Lucky Lavender".  I used dotting tools and nail art brushes to draw the scarecrow face and the patches.  The red is OPI "5 Apples Tall" and the blue is OPI "My Pal Joey".  I didn't write down all the other polishes I used.  I then put a coat of Orly "Love Each Other" on all nails to finish.

Lucky Lucky Lavender on it's own.  This has been one of my fave OPI's for a long time now ;)

That's it for today.  I'll get the zombie nails I did for the post post Halloween party we went to last weekend and some pics from that up later this week.  Casey and I went as zombies and it was too much fun being walkers.  I loved being able to talk like a zombie and walk the zombie stumble :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Life is better when you are laughing."

Love this one.  I'll talk to you all soon.  I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino.  I love these pics of these two so much, they are so cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, November 4, 2016

Potter County & the Bus

It's Friday, YAY,

Happy Friday, the weekend is here, yay :) It's also Z Nation night too, so, zombies, yay.  I like Z Nation, it's a much more lighter tone than Walking Dead, so, it's fun :)

I've had these nails done and to post since the end of September when Casey and I went up to Potter County, camping in the bus (my Daddy's huntin' camp) which was the last time I got up this year. Casey went up last weekend huntin' with my brother and Dad's last friend left.

We also went the old Austin Dam and Bayless Paper Mill ruins that weekend.  There's pics at after the nails of some of those and pics at camp and the awesome 1930 Rio school bus that the camp was, it's awesome :)

So,I started with a base of Essie "Go Go Geisha" (from the fall collection out now", then did a coat of China Glaze "Fresh Prince-ss" on top of the nails to be stamped, then took crumpled up saran wrap and dabbed some of the "Fresh Prince-ss" off of "Go Go Geisha (use a new piece of wrap for each nail you want to do).  I then stamped using China Glaze "Emotion" and Sally Hansen Insta-dri "Pink Fast" with Uber Chic "Great Outdoors" plate and Bundle Monster "Work It" plate.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and a coat of Zoya "Leia" on the others to finish.  I love the little fire stamps and the little camper to pretend it's the bus :)

Go Go Geisha on it's own, it's pretty :) 
Here's the dam ruins and some info on the disaster,  


Me and my plush cat that I need to give a name to by the dam.

Here's the paper mill.  This is really freaking cool looking :) It was fun and the weather was awesome that weekend and we had a really good time.  Since Dad died I feel the closest to him up there and really feel he's there. I love it up there.

The bus, it's so flippin' cool.  Dad loved the bus and was so proud of it and I am too!

 My cat begging, even up in the mountains we had a cat begging :)

 Firewood at the bus that Casey put there.

 Cool stuff inside the bus :)

 The bus :) I LOVE the bus :)

Finally, some outhouse humor :) :) :)

Isn't the bus and Potter awesome :) I love it.

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you at some point this weekend.  Don't have much to do this weekend at home since I got a lot done last weekend, so, determined to get a bit caught up with some blog posts this weekend.

Talk soon.  Here's Miss Betty the day we got home from the bus and she missed us so much and wanted to snuggle and cuddle.  I love her :) And, Casey too :)

Hugs, and.........

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?