Monday, November 21, 2016

Zombie Party- Be A Good Zombie!!

Happy Monday Loves,

It's Monday, today was kind of a long day at work today, was really busy, it's Monday, lol.  Over the weekend the weather went from really warm and nice on Saturday morning to cold and brutally windy and it's been crazy windy since.  Today was really bad and it's supposed to be windy thru tomorrow yet, ugh!!!  I am so not looking forward to Winter and the cold at all.  I hate the cold with such a passion, it sucks!!  Give me warm and Summer any day!!!  Oh well, only 5 months or so of this nonsense to come and it will go fast I am sure like time sure does seem to have a way of doing especially the older we get.

So, last weekend Casey and I went to our good friends' Nick and Leah's Post Post Halloween party they do two weeks after Halloween each year and it's awesome cuz' we get to dress up two weeks after when everyone else is thinking of the holiday season coming up we are still thinking Halloween, yay.  This year Casey and I decided, well I decided for us, lol, that we were going to go as walkers aka zombies this year.  It was so much fun being walkers and being able to make zombie noises all night and pretend to bite people :)  Casey's brother did our zombie makeup for us and he did an awesome job, so, super huge thanks to Chris for making us look so dead and so super scary :)

Of course I was doing some sort of zombie/walker nails and this is what I came up with.  I LOVE these, I mean, they say "zombie party" and "be a good zombie", too freaking awesome :)  I had also just gotten this particular stamping plate and was itching to use it anyways :)

I did a base of NYC In a New York Minute "Park Ave.", then dry brushed using a couple different browns I forgot to write down.  I then stamped using Messy Mansion Plate MM80XL and Essie "No Place Like Chrome", the glitter accent is Wet 'n Wild Mega Rocks "At Will Call".  I then put a coat of Finger Paints "Once In A Wild" and did a splatter on the ring finger nails using China Glaze "Salsa". Hope you like them too.  I loved these nails :)

Here's Casey and me as walkers that night, don't we look sooper dooper scary :) 
 Here's Valerie, my BFF, and me :) 
An old, old dear friend of mine, Kiefer and me :) 
 Sweet Jolene and me :) 
Another awesomely amazing friend, Rubin :) 
There you have my zombie walker nails.  The party was a lot of fun with a lot of really good people :)
Your feel good for today is:

"There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy."

That's it for today.  I leave you with Dino and Princess Pebbles one day :) Talk to you soon later on this week.  I have some acorns to share that I did yesterday and for turkey day I am doing pumpkin pie and I still have quite a few manis to get posted and caught up on soon too I hope :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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