Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Miss Betty, My Heart!

Happy Tuesday Loves, 

Three days in a row of blog posts, WHAT!! :)  Today is a very special day.  Today is two years since my heart and soul kitty, Miss Betty, came into my life. In 2014 I lost my two older outside kitties and it was really hard on me, they were really good cats and at the time I only had Little Shit left outside and wanted to adopt a buddy for him. I had been at my cousins Scott and Tonya's son's b-day party and was talking to Tonya's parents and they told me that they had a young black female cat that I could adopt (they live in the country and have a lot of cats that get dumped, they get as many fixed as they can and adopt out ones they can also). I told them yes and the following weekend we went and I picked up Miss Betty.  She was supposed to be an outside friend for Little Shit, but, that quickly changed and she became an inside cat in like two days.  She had a respiratory infection and had to be inside to get better and by then there was no way she was going back out and here we are today, my happy house cat. She will go outside on occasion for little bits of time to explore, but, only with Mommy and then she wants right back in.

From the minute I brought her home she was so sweet and so friendly and she stole my entire heart in no time at all and she really truly is my heart now.  I love all my cats, but, this little one is just so special to me and means the world to me.  I am so thankful every single day that she is in my life and is my kid.  She brings me so much joy, so much happiness and so much love.  She's a total Momma's girl and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Every day when I get home from work she gets on the couch with me for her daily love and snuggles as soon as she's done with her dinner and it's one of the highlights of my day.  I just love this little cat so much.  She's laying beside me right now on the couch as I type this.  She just always wants to be close to me and that warms me thru and thru and melts my heart.  She's my baby girl!!!

So, to celebrate these last two years with Betty I did some Betty Love nails.  I did a base of OPI "Got Myself Into a Jam-balaya" then put polishes in blobs on a makeup wedge sponge and sponged the polish onto my nails.  I used China Glaze "White on White", Finger Paints "Spun Sugar", China Glaze "Sweet Talk to Me" and Essie "French Affair" for the sponged nails.  I then put some decals on the sponged nails, then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top.  The glitter accent is OPI "On Pinks & Needles".  These decals I love, they are cute and so appropriate with the hearts on them too and the paw prints and hearts on my index nails is for the paw prints that not only Miss Betty, but, all my cats, past and present, have left on my heart.

Hope you enjoy these Betty Love nails.  I sure am and she was beside me the whole time tonight too as I did these nails, so that makes them even better.

Got Myself Into a Jam-balaya by itself.  This is a really pretty peachy coral pinky color.

There's my Betty Love nails.  I love them.  Here's a slew of pics of Miss Betty from when she first came to currently. Isn't she just the cutest cutie patootie ever :) Enjoy and I'll talk to you soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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