Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Turkey Day Pie Slices

Happy Thanksgiving Loves,

I hope you are all well on this day of giving thanks for those we love, both human and animal, and for the good we have in our lives.  I am thankful for so much every day, not just on the day we are "supposed" to be thankful for.  I am thankful for Casey, my boyfriend, that I love dearly and is always there for me, I am thankful for the loving family I have, I am thankful for all the amazing souls I have in my friends that I have in my life, I am thankful for having Casey's wonderful family in my life, I am thankful for my horse, Dusty Bucks, and am so, so, so very thankful every single day for my kitties that bring me such happiness and joy every day.

This Thanksgiving is a bit hard as it is the first one without my Dad and I've been thinking about him a lot this week, well, I think about Dad all the time every day, but, I think you know what I mean, and been kinda dreading not having him be here today.  But, at the same time, I am also thankful that I have a Dad that I do miss more and more every day since he died.  Not a lot of people have that sadly and I did have the most awesome Dad and for that I am eternally thankful and grateful.  He's still with me every day also and for that I am thankful too.

Casey and I are going out to see my Mom and sister this morning, then going to Casey's parents for dinner, then tonight my sister is coming in to catch up on the last two weeks of The Walking Dead and that is my turkey day plans, so, it's a going to be a good day.

For my nails for today I did some pumpkin pie slices and since I love pumpkin pie, these were fun and so easy to do. They turned out so stinking cute I think :)

I started with a base of Orly "Coachella Dweller", then used a nail art brush and China Glaze "Desert Storm", Orly "First Kiss" and Nicole by OPI "It's All About the Glam" to paint the pie slices.  I then did a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the pie nails and Color Club "Orange Crush" on the glittered nails.  Are they making you hungry for some pie?  They sure are me :)

Coachella Dweller on it's own.  This is a pretty green.  I love it actually, it's dusty, my favorite kinds of cremes. 
That's it for today.  Enjoy your day with family, friends and pets.  And, make sure to eat all the food, lol :)  I know I sure will :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."

I love this one and it's so true.

I'll leave you with Mr. Kitty, Dino and Miss Betty :)  Talk to you all soon and Happy Turkey Day :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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