Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Scary Scarecrows!

Happy Hump Day Loves,

Hope you are well.  I took the day off work today sick, have an icky head cold and just generally feel like crap, ugh.  Going back to work tomorrow, but, definitely needed a day of rest at home and on the couch all day with my little nurse, Miss Betty.

Not a whole lot to say tonight since I'm not feeling well, so, onto the nails now.  I did these scarecrows one day last week and love the way they turned out.  They are so cute I think :)

My base here was OPI "Lucky Lucky Lavender".  I used dotting tools and nail art brushes to draw the scarecrow face and the patches.  The red is OPI "5 Apples Tall" and the blue is OPI "My Pal Joey".  I didn't write down all the other polishes I used.  I then put a coat of Orly "Love Each Other" on all nails to finish.

Lucky Lucky Lavender on it's own.  This has been one of my fave OPI's for a long time now ;)

That's it for today.  I'll get the zombie nails I did for the post post Halloween party we went to last weekend and some pics from that up later this week.  Casey and I went as zombies and it was too much fun being walkers.  I loved being able to talk like a zombie and walk the zombie stumble :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Life is better when you are laughing."

Love this one.  I'll talk to you all soon.  I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino.  I love these pics of these two so much, they are so cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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