Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Smooshy Unicorns

Happy Hump Day Love Bugs,

We've made it the middle of the week, yay :)  Hope you are well. I am, but, it's been raining like crazy the last two days, so, it's been kind of dreary and I've been feeling dreary myself, oh well, it could be snow this time of year, so, I'll take the rain!!

Tonight I have some smooshed, then stamped unicorn nails I did a couple of weeks ago.  In truth unicorns or horses with horns scare the bejeebus out of me.  If horses or ponies really had horns I probably would have never made it age 5, LOL :)  But, unicorns are really pretty and they are horsey, so, I do love them in the end :) I love the way these came out, they are so pretty I think :) Hope you likey too :)

My base was China Glaze "My Way Or the Highway", then I did some random dots of polish on the smooshed nails and a stamper to smoosh the polish using Essie "In the Cabana", Sally Hansen X-treme "Big Teal" and Orly "Gumdrop".  Then I used Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" and Bundle Monster Plate BM-XL214.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and a coat of Color Club "Lady Liberty" on my pinky and the unstamped smooshy nail.

My way or the Highway by itself, this one is really pretty.

That's it for tonight.  I just got done doing some awesome gumball machines and gumball nails tonight that I love and am super proud of.  I'll try to post them in the next few days.  They came out so cute :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Life is short-let's do this."

Love this one, it's so fun and so true :)

I'll talk to you soon and here's all my black fur kids in one pic, Princess Pebbles, Miss Betty and Dino. I LOVE black cats in case you didn't know that :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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