Sunday, March 26, 2017

Paw Prints On Your Heart

Happy Dead Day, Yay :)

It's Walking Dead Day, yay :)  There's only two more episodes left this season, boo.  This second half of the season has been really good I think.  Our group is gearing up for war with the bad guys and it's going to be so good!!!!  I can't wait.  At least tho' after Walking Dead is over for this season I do have Better Call Saul, the Breaking Bad spin off, to look forward to coming back for it's third season.  I've been loving Saul, it's really good and if you were a Breaking  Bad fan then you probably already know that Gus Fring will be coming on this season so yay to that.  I do plan on doing some fun Saul premiere nails so be on the lookout for them in a couple of weeks :)

I hope you are having a good weekend.  I am having a pretty accomplished one.  Friday night I went out to my Mom and sister's to put hay away for the horses that was delivered, then yesterday I cleaned was going thru old burn (Burning Man) stuff and doing a big purge of stuff I don't use.  Some of it I will be gifting and other stuff I threw out that was old or no longer usable for my burn needs. Today I am taking it a bit easy.  My body is pretty sore today after going up and down the basement a bazillion times, so today is a do my nails and chill day :)

Today I have some stamped nails I did several months ago that I forgot I did until I saw them in my blog drafts so better to post them late than never at all, lol. These nails represent the paw prints that kitties leave on our hearts.  It's not my best stamping job, but I still like them never the less.

I started out with a base of Essie "Smokin' Hot", then stamped with Essie "Nothing Else Metals" and Uber Chic "Furry Friends" and MJ "JR-35" plates.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on the stamped nails.  On my pinky the glitter used was Milani "Lavendar".

Smokin' Hot on it's own. 
Have a great rest of the weekend.  Today starts my Easter nails I'll be doing from now until the holiday.  I'm doing bunnies today on a purple background :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Be happy with what you have while working for what you want."

Love it!

I leave you the black cats, Princess Pebbles, on the floor, Dino on the left and Miss Betty on the right. I LOVE black cats :)

Talk soon my loves!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring Is Here, Yay :)

Happy First Day of Spring, Yay :)

Yay, today is the first official day of Spring and it feels like Spring out there for sure.  It was sunny and around 50 degrees out, it was really nice and most of the almost 20 inches we got of snow just last week is mostly gone so yay to that too :)

For my first day of Spring nails I decided to do some Spring smoosh nails.  I love these so much. They do indeed scream Spring to me. Hope you like them and yay for Spring :)

My base here is China Glaze "Sand In My Mistletoes".  I then did some dots of different pastel colors on the nails to be smooshed then took a piece of a cut up sandwich baggie and laid it on top of the dots on those nails and gently smooshed the polishes together. I use a new clean piece of baggie for each smooshed nail.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the smooshed nails.  The glitter on my middle nails is My Indie Polish "Peep Me In Mind" and then I put a coat of BaronessX "Diamante" on my pinky and thumb nails to finish this mani.

Sand In My Mistlestoes on it's own.  This was from the Holiday collection this past Christmas and totally a not holiday like color, but I think that is cool they did non-traditonal colors in this collection. This is a really pretty peachy shade too, me likes it :)
That's it for today.  Enjoy the rest of your night.  I'm just chilling the rest of the night.  I stayed after work today to clean the office so I am a bit tired and sore now so time to just relax now :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Do whatever you want, and if it's something you'll regret in the morning...sleep late."

This one is kinda funny :)

I leave you with but what else, kitties :)  Here's Dino and Mr. Kitty proving they have such rough lives :)

Talk to you soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Woodsy Stamping

Happy Walking Dead Day, My Loves,

Happy Sunday loves.  Hope you are having a good weekend.  I am, yesterday Casey and I went out to my Mom's and Casey built a little box to help Mom's older arthritic dog get up on the couch and bed.  Her arthritis has gotten pretty bad so she needs a little boost to help her get up on things now, that poor baby.  But, boy, was she so happy when she realized that the box will help allow her on the furniture again :) So, yay to Casey for making helping to make Gracie's life a bit easier.  He's such a good guy and I am lucky to have him :)

Then tonight one of our really good friends came over for dinner and to hang out and we did some Spring Playa del Fuego (PDF) burn (our Burning Man regional event) planning so lots and lots of laughing happened last night during this :)

Today I have some woodsy stamping I did a few months back and for some reason never posted. I think the post draft just got lost in my blog to do, lol.

My base I used was China Glaze "Peachy Keen".  I stamped using China Glaze "Unplugged" and Lina Nail Art "4 Seasons-Winter 01" plate.  I put a coat of Starlight Polish "Flame Sniper" on my thumb and pinky to finish this mani. I really love this simple stamping look and think that "Unplugged" looks great on "Peachy Keen" for this stamping. I will definitely be using these plates again once it becomes camping season and we go camping up in Potter County, PA and the bus later on this year :)

Peachy Keen on it's own.  This is one of my oldest polishes I have, it's been with me for years now :) It's actually one of my favorite peach shades that I have and has always been a favorite of mine!
These were so simple, yet so fun I think.  Hope you like them too :)

Have a great rest of the weekend.  I'll talk to you tomorrow when I post my Happy Spring Is Here nails that I did yesterday.  Wait till you see them, they are screaming Spring even tho' we still have so much snow outside still from this past week's storm, yuck!  But, it will be nice and stay nice soon, so soon, yay :)

Your feel good today is:

"Be happy.  It's one way of being wise."

I LOVE this one, it's awesome :)

I leave you with Dino cuddling under a blanket on a chilly day.  He's a really good kitty, I love this cat so much, he's my buddy :)

Talk soon!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, March 17, 2017

Lucky Little Leprechaun & His Shiny Pot 'o Gold

Happy St. Paddy's Day Loves,

Hello my friends, hope today finds you well and good.  I am alright, it's Friday!  I am super hurty and sore tho' since we had about 17 inches of snow during a storm we had this week.  I had a snow day on Tuesday because of it and then took a vacation day on Wednesday to finish shoveling myself out and by the time I was done I was completely done, so sore and hurting.  Pretty sure I pulled some muscles so this weekend I am planning on taking it pretty low key and recovering from all that damn shoveling.  Casey was out during most of the storm and thru to Wednesday afternoon clearing snow with his work so it was pretty much just me on my own and the cats during this storm which sucks but it is good money for him so there is that.  I have just been paying since doing all that shoveling. We have not had really any snow this Winter and this storm kinda smacked us in the face with this storm.  Then it got really cold and windy and then had to go back out and shovel again due to snow drifts. I am not a fan of Winter and snow, never have been, never will be.  But the first day of Spring is this Monday, so yay to that!

So, today is St. Patrick's Day, the Irish cultural/religious holiday.  I may have a bit of Irish in my bloodline, not sure really but I do love myself some Irish culture and Irish/Celtic music so I do enjoy St. Paddy's Day for the day that it has become in celebrating Irish culture.  So, for today I have my St. Paddy's nails I did on Tuesday when I was at home for a snow day.  I love these little leprechauns and pots of gold.  I think they turned out so cute :)

My base was China Glaze "Grass Is Lime Greener".  Then I sponged the gold pot nails with different rainbow shades and painted the pot and gold on with nail art brushes.  I drew the leprechaun using nail art brushes and polishes I was too lazy to write down.  I then did a coat of Starlight Polish "Love and Beauty Shock" on my thumb and pinky nails.  The glitter on my index nails is Finger Paints "Wrapped In Ribbon".

Grass Is Lime Greener on it's own, I LOVE this bright happy green so much! 
That's it for my St. Paddy's Day nails.  I was going to do one other mani for St. Paddy's last night, but was hurting too much to do it.  When I got home from work I went pretty much straight to the couch and a heating pad and didn't have the motivation to do my nails with the ouch I was in, so, you only get one holiday mani this year.

Your feel good for tonight is:

"Think...I can, I will, I did, and I'm good."

I totally dig this one!

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you all soon. I leave you with Miss Betty and Princes Pebbles doing what cats do best - cat napping :)
Miss Betty
Princess Pebbles

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Purple, Purple, Purple!

Happy Dead Day!!!

Happy Sunday and Walking Dead Day, yay :)  Hope your weekend is going well.  Mine is okay.  I was sick this past week suffering from the flu which sucked.  I was home sick from work a couple of days and am still feeling a bit blah today.  I have just been resting and taking it easy for the most part this weekend to get this all out of my system.  I am feeling much better, just still feeling a bit tired.  We also turned the clocks ahead last night for daylight savings and I always need a week or so to adjust to the new time.

But other than that I am okay.  Today I have three different purple manis I've done over the last couple of weeks or so. I love purple, it's one of my favorite colors so naturally I steer towards shades of purple a lot with my nails.  Hope you enjoy these.

For these nails I did a base of Orly "Saturated".  I then took a small eyeliner brush and dabbed on Essie "Nice Is Nice" and Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "Tickled Pink".  I then stamped using China Glaze and Uber Chic "Plate 5-03".  The glitter on my middle finger is Funky Fingers "Anna".  I put a coat of a Melly Mix on my thumb and pinky nails to finish. I love, love, love the way these turned out with the stamping on top, it created a really cool marbley look.  Can't wait to do this again in other colors.

Saturated on it's own. 
Then, for these nails my base was Venique "Lost In Bermuda", then I did toothbrush splodge nails using this tutorial from The Nailasaurus I used China Glaze "That's Shore Bright", Essie "Nice Is Nice" and Essie "DJ Play That Song" for my splodge colors.  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of my splodged nails.  The glitter on my middle nail is "Wicked Polish "Glitter Herpes".  I put a coat of Finger Paints "Sparkle Top Coat" on my pinky and thumb nails to finish this mani up. These are pretty cool looking I think and I'll definitely do these splodged nails again sometime.

Lost In Bermuda on it's own.  I love the medium purples like this, they are some of my favorites.
Then for these nails my base was OPI "William Tell Me About OPI".  I then put some Sally Hansen "Good To Grape" on a paper plate and took a crumpled up piece of saran wrap and dabbed it onto my nails to be stamped.  I stamped with Essie "Nothing Else Metals" and Uber Chic "Plate 2-01" and "Plate 2-03".  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of those nails.  I did one coat of Starlight Polish "Silence Glaive" on my pinky and index nails.  The glitter on my thumb is an OPI DS polish but the label fell off so I have no idea what one it is but it sure is pretty and worked great to accent these nails I think :) Galaxy nails are some of my fave nails to do and I love the extra stamping on these, they look awesome I think :)

William Tell Me About OPI on it's own.  This is more of a burgundy  base but the nails ended up purplely looking so into the purple nails they go.  I do love me some vampy shades, that's for sure. 
There you have my purple, purple, purple nails for today.  Have a great rest of the weekend and I'll talk to you all soon.

Your feel good for today is:

"When it rains, looks for rainbows.  When it's dark, look for stars."

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one, it's awesome!!!!

I leave you with what else, but, kitties.  The first pic is Miss Betty and Dino and the second is Buster and Dino.  Dino sure does like using his brothers' and sisters' butts as pillows.  It's cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Polar Bears In Pink & Purple :)

Happy Sunday/Walking Dead Day, Yay Loves,

Hope you are well and having a good weekend.  I am okay and my weekend is good too.  Today I have some polar bear nails I did a week or two ago.  Decided to do them in a very pale pink and purple and I love the way they came out.  They are too cute I think!

My base was Essie "Mezmerised".  I painted the bears using a nail art brush and dotting tool for the eyes with Essie "Nice Is Nice" (the purple) and Essie "Peak Show" (the pink), an OPI mini for the gray, not sure of name, it isn't labeled and Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "Black Out". Then I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top to finish the bear nails.  The glitter on my middle nail is Funky Fingers "Varsity Blue".  To finish I put one coat of BaronessX "Zafiro" on my thumb and pinky nails.

Mezmerised on it's own. This is a pretty blue and one of the very first blues I ever had way back when I first was getting seriously into polish.  It's a really good basic blue to have in your collection. 
That's it for today.  Have a great rest of the weekend and I'll talk to you soon.

Your feel good for today is:

"Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless."

This one is so awesome!

I leave you with Buster and Miss Betty snuggling :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Mardi Gras Madness

Happy Hump Day Loves,

Hello friends! I hope you are well and that your week is going good for you.  Mine is going okay, uneventful, and I am so okay with that. I am officially old now.  I go to bed between 9 and 10 or so at night and am wide awake every morning by 5 or a bit after.  I get ready for work and get a lot done in the mornings now being an old person, lol :)

So, it's Mardi Gras week.  I've never been and don't think I could take the crazy chaos any longer but would have loved to have gone back in the day.  Now I think I'd just get overwhelmed with the crowd and the madness.  I was in New Orleans once in my life but it was around July. I loved it, it was a really freaking cool city.

I love the colors and the sparkle that is Mardi Gras so I did some nails for it.  I tried to draw a mask and then some beads.  The mask was way different in my head and came out way different than I imagined, but oh well, I dig them anyways :)  The beads I love.  I used a nail art brush and dotting tool for the mask and the beads.  My base was Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Good to Grape".  The glitter accent is China Glaze "Glitter All the Way". I put a coat of BaronessX "Amatista" on my thumb and pinky nails.  Hope you like them :)

Good To Grape on it's own.  I like this one, it's a nice medium purple.
There's my nails for Mardi Gras this week.  I like them, they were fun to do.

Your feel good for tonight is:

"Be happy, it's one way of being wise."

This one is good and well, wise.

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you soon! I leave you with Miss Betty, Buster and Dino in the first pic and Princess Pebbles, Buster and Dino in the second pic.

Hugs & love!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?