Friday, March 17, 2017

Lucky Little Leprechaun & His Shiny Pot 'o Gold

Happy St. Paddy's Day Loves,

Hello my friends, hope today finds you well and good.  I am alright, it's Friday!  I am super hurty and sore tho' since we had about 17 inches of snow during a storm we had this week.  I had a snow day on Tuesday because of it and then took a vacation day on Wednesday to finish shoveling myself out and by the time I was done I was completely done, so sore and hurting.  Pretty sure I pulled some muscles so this weekend I am planning on taking it pretty low key and recovering from all that damn shoveling.  Casey was out during most of the storm and thru to Wednesday afternoon clearing snow with his work so it was pretty much just me on my own and the cats during this storm which sucks but it is good money for him so there is that.  I have just been paying since doing all that shoveling. We have not had really any snow this Winter and this storm kinda smacked us in the face with this storm.  Then it got really cold and windy and then had to go back out and shovel again due to snow drifts. I am not a fan of Winter and snow, never have been, never will be.  But the first day of Spring is this Monday, so yay to that!

So, today is St. Patrick's Day, the Irish cultural/religious holiday.  I may have a bit of Irish in my bloodline, not sure really but I do love myself some Irish culture and Irish/Celtic music so I do enjoy St. Paddy's Day for the day that it has become in celebrating Irish culture.  So, for today I have my St. Paddy's nails I did on Tuesday when I was at home for a snow day.  I love these little leprechauns and pots of gold.  I think they turned out so cute :)

My base was China Glaze "Grass Is Lime Greener".  Then I sponged the gold pot nails with different rainbow shades and painted the pot and gold on with nail art brushes.  I drew the leprechaun using nail art brushes and polishes I was too lazy to write down.  I then did a coat of Starlight Polish "Love and Beauty Shock" on my thumb and pinky nails.  The glitter on my index nails is Finger Paints "Wrapped In Ribbon".

Grass Is Lime Greener on it's own, I LOVE this bright happy green so much! 
That's it for my St. Paddy's Day nails.  I was going to do one other mani for St. Paddy's last night, but was hurting too much to do it.  When I got home from work I went pretty much straight to the couch and a heating pad and didn't have the motivation to do my nails with the ouch I was in, so, you only get one holiday mani this year.

Your feel good for tonight is:

"Think...I can, I will, I did, and I'm good."

I totally dig this one!

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you all soon. I leave you with Miss Betty and Princes Pebbles doing what cats do best - cat napping :)
Miss Betty
Princess Pebbles

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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