Monday, June 26, 2017

Dry Brush Nails

Happy Monday Loves,

Hope you are well and that your week is starting out good.  Mine is okay, it's Monday!  I had off last Thursday and Friday, had a long weekend so it was a bit rough going back to work today. I cleaned on Thursday,  Friday I just did some random things around home, Saturday we went to a local burner type event that was super fun with super awesome people, then yesterday I just had a bit of a lazy day and hung out with Casey, the kitties and my sister came in for a bit and we watched some Walking Dead since we are currently in withdrawal from it being the off season lol.  So, my four day weekend was a really good one. I'll get some pics of Booty Quest, the name of the event we went to up later on this week in a post with the nails I did.

Tonight I have some dry brush nails I did a couple weeks back.  To do dry brush nails you just wipe off as much polish as you can on the neck of the polish bottle then brush onto the nail. I love this technique, it's really very simple to do and it looks really cool when you are done I think!

My base was China Glaze "Are You Orchid-ing Me?".  I then dry brushed on Broadway Nails "Bad Queen", Essie "Backseat Bestie" and Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "White On".  I then did a coat of BeautiControl "Angel Wings" on my pinky and thumb nails and the glitter on my middle nails is "Color Club "Fairytale Ending".

Are You Orchid-ing Me? on it's own.  This is a lovely shade of light purple. I love pastel colors so much, especially purples :)
There you have my super simple and pretty dry brush nails for tonight. Tonight's feel good is:

"Tell the people that you love that you love them at every opportunity."

LOVE this one and I must say I do this all the time to those I love :) 

Have a great rest of the night. I am going to watch the Preacher season 2 premiere now and then the next episode after that.  This show is quite weird but so good, I dig it! 

I leave you with my girls, Princess Pebbles and Miss Betty :) Talk to you soon, soon!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, June 19, 2017

In legal trouble?? Then, you BETTER CALL SAUL!!!

Happy Monday!!!!

Yes, it's Monday and it's a happy Monday.  Tonight is the season finale of the Breaking Bad spin off prequel of Better Call Saul. I am so excited for the finale as I think this season 3 has been so good! I am a Breaking Bad junkie so when I heard they were doing a spin off prequel show I was so excited and now it's on season 3.  They've introduced quite a few Breaking Bad characters that I like on BB and it's been nice to see some of those come back.  The gist of this show is a morally questionable lawyer turning into a criminal lawyer and his decline into the criminal world leading up to where Breaking Bad started and I LOVE it!!! I loved the character of Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad and it's been pretty cool seeing him transform into Saul we knew in Breaking Bad in Better Call Saul.

So anyways for these nails I did base using China Glaze "Flame-Boyant" (the red) and OPI "Need Sunglasses?" (the yellow).  Then I used a nail art brush and Flame-Boyant to draw the words "Better" and "Saul".  I stamped the phone using Finger Paints "Dark Knight" and Winstonia Plate W204.  I then put a coat of Starlight Polish "Sunlight" on all nails to finish. I really like how these turned out, wish I could/would have gotten the phone a better centered, but oh well, it's so hard to center those pesky little images on the nail!

Flame-Boyant (the red) and Need Sunglasses? (the yellow) on their onw. 
There you have my super simple Better Call Saul nails.  If you are watching tonight, enjoy the finale and we'll see if we get a cliffhanger or not. I sure hope Nacho, my favorite character on BCS, who was not in Breaking Bad doesn't die tonight!!!  I'll be sad if he does!

That's it for today.  I leave you with Mr. Kitty, Miss Betty and Casey cuddling :)  Talk to you soon and have a great rest of the night and you BETTER CALL SAUL :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Inchworm, Inchworm, Measuring a Miracle!

Happy Sunday My Loves,

Hello my loves, hope you are having a great Sunday.  Mine has been pretty good, a lazy one it's been. I get stuff done on Saturdays so Sundays I can be lazy and watch cheesy Lifetime movies, cuddle with the cats, hang out with Casey, do my nails, read and whatever else I feel like doing :)

Today's nails are some I did last week.  My version of some silly looking inchworms.  They looked different in my head, but I still think these are cute, they just turned into some kind of little mutant inchworm, must have lived in a radioactive area :)

My base is Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Tickled Pink".  I then used dotting tools and nail art brushes with China Glaze "Trip Of A Limetime", Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Bare It All" and Essie "Cocoa Karma" to draw the inchworms.  The glitter on my ring nails is Broadway Nails "Full Of Stars".  I put a coat of L.A. Girl "Sparkling Peach" on my pinky and index nails to finish.

Tickled Pink on it's own.  This is a good pastel pink, I like it :) 
There you have my mutant inchworm nails :)

Today's feel good for the day is: :

"Become what you respect."

That's it for today.  Have a great rest of the night.  I'll talk to you tomorrow when I post my Better Call Saul season finale nails, which I cannot wait for!!!!

I leave you with Buster, Miss Betty and Dino all cuddling on the couch one day :)  Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, June 11, 2017

PDF Burn Nails

Happy Sunday Loves,

Hope you are well and you are having a great weekend. Mine has been alright. Yesterday Casey and I went to my Mom's and he built her a new dog fence in the yard, I brushed my horse, then came home and cleaned the rest of the day.  Today I did my nails and have been watching cheesy Lifetime movies all day.  I am such a dork, but I love my Lifetime movies, lol :)

Memorial Day weekend we were at our Burning Man regional event which has a large focus on fire, Google it if you aren't sure what Burning Man is, and I did these super awesome fire nails for the weekend. I had been dying to use this stamping plate I had gotten over the Winter and what better time than for our event, Playa del Fuego, or PDF, for short :) I loved these so much, they turned out so good I thought!!!

My base was Essie "Capri".  I then used an eyeshadow applicator and sponged on OPI "Need Sunglasses?".  I stamped using Funky Fingers "Black Knight" and Born Pretty "Exoticism BPX-L012" plate.  The glitter on my index finger is Funky Fingers "Alex's Lemonade" and then I put a coat of China Glaze "Lighthouse" on my thumb and pinky nails to finish.

Capri on it's own.  This is a really great orange.  Got it from a recent collection out and glad I did.  I see myself using this one a lot in the future.  It's a true orange. 
There you have my fire nails :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Elegance is when the inside and the outside are equally beautiful."

That one is good I think!

That's it for tonight. Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you all soon!

I leave you with Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty looking cute as usual :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Nick & Leah Wedding Nails

Happy Tuesday My Loves,

Hope your week is going good!  Mine is okay.  Not feeling 100% today, my allergies are kicking my butt so bad today, this year around here has been just awful with allergies and I am so over feeling blah cuz' of pollen, ugh.  Oh well, it is what it is and I just gotta deal with it, but grrrrr.....anyways!

Today I finally have the nails I did from back in the beginning of May when I was in two of my best friends' wedding.  Nick and Leah are such amazing and good people and I was truly so honored and SO HAPPY to have been a part of their big day.  It was such a nice wedding and I wish them nothing by happiness together the rest of their days since they both rock so much :) I love them both to pieces :)

My base was OPI "Do You Have This Color In Stockholm?".  I then stamped using China Glaze "Harmony" with MoYou Pro Collection  "XL-09" and Bundle Monster "Classic Beauty BM-XL355" plates.  The glitter is Kleancolor "Purple Glitter".  I put one coat of Color Club "Pearl-spective" on my pinky and thumb to finish these nails.  What better than hearts for some wedding nails.  These were really pretty I think :)

Do You Have This Color In Stockholm? on it's own.  It's way more purple in real life, my camera has such a hard time with purples. 
That's it for today. Today's feel good is really good for my wedding nails and is:

"Do all the things with love."

Isn't this one great?  I love it!!!

Here's the wedding party in this pic.  That's me third in from the left. It was nice that Leah had us pick out our own style of dress as long as it was purple :)

Have a great rest of the night and I'll chat at you soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Plaid Nails

Happy Thursday Loves,

Long time no talky.  The month of May was super busy for me so I've been seriously slacking on blog posts the last month.  I only posted once the entire month of May.  The first weekend in May two of my best friends' got married and I was in the wedding, still have to post those nails.  It just seemed that every weekend was busy doing something, then I got sick for a couple of weeks with a bad head cold that just wouldn't go away and my allergies have been kicking my butt too this past month so I haven't felt the best at times, ugh.  Two Fridays ago my sister's horse colicked (a bad horse belly ache) so we were out at the house for a good while that night.  This past weekend we were away at our Burning Man regional event we go to twice a year, so it's been a busy busy month.  Hoping to catch up on some blog posts over the weekend.  I'm so far behind in posting right now and have quite a few nail pics to upload as well, blurgh. So, here's to hoping I get a bit caught up this coming weekend!

For tonight's nails I have some plaid nails that I did a couple of weeks ago. I am loving the way these turned out.  Wish I could have gotten my lines a bit sharper, but oh well.  I love them anyways :)

My base here was China Glaze "My Sweet Lady". I then used Essie "Designated DJ", Essie "Backseat Besties" and OPI "Got Myself Into A Jam-balaya" and nail art brushes to draw the plaid nails. I put a coat of a "Melly Mix" on my index and pinky nails to finish.

My Sweet Lady on it's own.  I can never get enough of pastels :) 
That's it for tonight.  Today's feel good is:

"Live today like it's the only one you'll get."

This one is awesome, I love it so much!!!

Have a great rest of the night, we'll talk soon.  I leave you with Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty looking as cute as can be :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?