Wednesday, March 10, 2021

It's Never Too Early For Peeps!

Happy Hump Day My Loves, 

Hello my friends. It's the middle of the week, we made it, yay! Not sure where you are but the weather here is absolutely lovely the last two days. It has been warm and sunny. It is supposed to stay like this for the next several days. Spring is definitely right around the corner thank goodness. I am so ready for Spring and sunny days after the endless gray days we had this past Winter. 

So, even though Spring has not officially sprung yet I decided it was time to do my first Spring and Easter nails of this year. I chose to do green with some reverse stamped Peeps candy on them. I just received this new plate from Maniology in the mail and Monday and could not wait to use the Peeps candy image on it so here you are. I love this mani so much. I am not the biggest fan of eating Peeps candy but think they are absolutely adorable so I do love them for their cute factor! Hope you like these nails as much as I do :) 

My base is Cupcake Polish "Lemongrass". I stamped with Maniology M189 plate and "Bam White" polish. I colored the images in with a nail art brush and Maniology "Monarch Dream", "Sweet", Hit the Bottle "Hello Buttercup" and Twinkled T light blue polishes.

Lemongrass on it's own, love this pretty shade of green and think it was the perfect base for these nails. It's like they Peeps are sitting in some Easter grass in a basket! 

That's all for today. I leave you with some pics of my horse, Dusty Bucks, from yesterday on his 25th birthday. I went out for lunch to see him and my mom and I had a scare with him. He laid down to roll and couldn't get back up for about an hour. It sucked. This is not the first time this has happened, he's struggled a couple times prior to this the last few months. I know this is just the beginning with him of more times to come that he will struggle. My family and myself have been down this path many times before with horses. We have no idea at his age how long we may have left with him but in whatever time we do have with him we will enjoy him, spoil him and love him. It will be hard when it is his time to go to Rainbow Bridge as he is the last horse in our family and it will be weird with no horses once he goes. I hope we have a few more years with him, he is such a good horse with a super sweet personality. I love him and he is my buddy. Talk soon! Have a great rest of the week! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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