Monday, July 26, 2021

Summer Walk In the Country

Happy Monday, 

It's Monday... I hope you are doing well and that you had a good weekend. I am good and the weekend was low key for me. I have a busy week this week. Over lunch today I am hooking a wellness camera up at my Mom's, tonight I get my hair cut, tomorrow my car gets inspected (hope it doesn't need anything), Wednesday night I am volunteering at a horse show and Friday after work Miss Betty has a vet appointment so I am looking at a busy week outside of work this week!  

Today's nails I did yesterday and I really am in love with these. I grew up in the country and these remind me of walking, driving or riding the horses down the country road and this is what we would see, trees, clouds, sky, birds, trees and power lines. I love these. They make me happy! I do wish I would have used a sparkly white for the clouds but oh well.  

My base is Enchanted Polish "Rare Candy". I sponged Picture Polish "NakoAom" and ILNP "1Up" on the nails to be stamped to create my background. I stamped using Whats Up Nails B061 plate with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

There you have my Summer scene nails. These make me so happy. Have a great week, talk soon. I leave you with Miss Betty, the absolute cutest kitty in the whole entire world. She is my heart! 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, July 23, 2021

Let's Scream For Ice Cream

Happy FriYay Friends, 

The weekend is almost here, yay! It's been a long work week, not bad, just long. But, I was volunteering at a horse show last night and that was super fun so that was a great part of the week! I've been volunteering weekly for the last 5 weeks or so at horse shows and am loving doing it. I used to show horses and now I feel it is my time to give back since so many people did it when I was younger and showing. It's also been great seeing old horse friends and making new ones. I have been doing horse nails and am planning one horse mani post at the end of this year's show season and showcasing them all in one. 

Today I have some fun and cute ice cream themed nails. I just received this new plate from Uber Chic a couple days ago and had to use it right away. It's all ice cream themed and I love it so much. I think these nails came out too cute and I love the green base with it, hope you do too :) 

My bases are Enchanted Polish "Leaf Storm" (thumb, middle & pinkies) and Rogue Lacquer "Dino Sprinkles" (index & ring). I stamped using Uber Chic "We All Scream For Ice Cream" plate with all Maniology and Hit the Bottle stamping polishes.

That's it for now. Have a great FriYay, talk soon! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Yummy Blackberries

Happy Tuesday!! 

It's berry season here so for today's nails I decided to do my favorite berry, the blackberry. I love blackberries, they are delicious I think. I have very fond memories of my childhood of many many times over the years picking blackberries all over the place in the country and mountains that I grew up in. It was a Summer tradition for us and it was fun. We did have to watch out for black snakes though as they often times hung out under the blackberry bushes, but as long as we did not bother them they did not bother us. We would ride our horses and carry small buckets with us to pick berries on our rides in the mountains. We would eat them, make pies and make jams with them. Such wonderful memories blackberries always bring to me so onto my nails they are. I have been eating them daily lately with my oatmeal for breakfast. 

Onto to the nails. I think these came out so cute, hope you think so too :) My bases are ILNP "Dreaming In Violet" (thumb, index & pinkies) and Fancy Gloss "Butterfly Dust" (middle & ring). I stamped using Lina 4 Seasons - Summer 02 plate with Maniology "Straight Up Black" and Hit the Bottle "Grape Minds Drink Alike" and "Emeralds Are Forever" polishes. 

That's it for today. Have a great day and rest of week, talk soon. I leave you with my handsome old man King Dino :) 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Summertime Shark Fun

Happy Caturday friends,

It's the weekend, yay! I don't have much planned at all, just chilling. I've been super busy the last several weekends so this weekend is my lazy one! I'll be hanging with the kitties, the bunny, watching some TV and reading. 

Today I have my second and final Shark Week nails for this year. I've been watching sharks here and there all this week. I do indeed love Shark 🦈 Week!

I decided on some cute sharks playing for this mani and I love the way these turned out. Hope you like them too 😊

My bases are Uber Chic "Cabana" (thumb, middle & pinkies) and Polished For Days "Catch You Later, Dude" (index & ring). I stamped using MoYou London Jaws Collection 01 & 03 plates with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

That's it for today. Have a great weekend. I leave you today with Mr. Kitty taking a bath. This cat is too cute!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, July 16, 2021

Gummy Gummy Bears

Happy Friyay, 

Hello friends, I hope you are well and enjoying your week and are ready for the weekend. I sure am. 

I was at a horse show Wednesday night and didn't get home until after 10 and it was so hot but so much fun. I volunteer for the shows. I no longer show and I do miss it so this is a nice way to be around horses and horse people for me. 

These nails I did last week and forgot to post, derp! I do have one more Shark Week mani I am doing tonight or tomorrow but in the meantime you get these from last week. I think these came out super cute! I love these cute little gummy bear images! 

My bases are Pahlish "Chihiro" (thumb, index & pinkies) and Fancy Gloss "Boss Battle" (middle & ring). I stamped using Creative Shop 12S and Maniology X Hanny's Manis M055 plates with "Bam White!" and all Hit the Bottle stamping polishes.

That's it for now, talk to you tomorrow when I post my last Shark Week nails. Have a great FriYay! I leave you with King Dino and Miss Betty looking too cute :) 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, July 11, 2021

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat...Happy Shark Week 2021

Happy Shark Week 2021!!!!

Hello my friends. Tonight begins this year's Shark Week, yay. I absolutely love Shark Week, sharks, shark movies and doing shark themed nails so I do always look forward to this week indeed!

For this year's first mani of Shark Week I decided to go with some Jaws nails as I had gotten some Jaws themed stamping plates in the last month or so and was super excited to use them. This year Jaws the movie is 45 years old. That makes me feel so old, lol. I have loved the Jaws movies since I was a kid and still love them today. Last night Jaws was on and you better believe I turned it on in preparation for today's nails.

I am totally digging these nails. I think they turned out so good and hope you like them too! I am so happy that I now own a plate with that boat line from the original movie also. It was such a great line!! 

My bases are Polished For Days "Under the Sea" (thumb & pinkies) and Fancy Gloss "Fairy Wings" (index, middle & ring). I brushed on Starrily "Cat Eyes" on the nails to be stamped to create the sea water. I stamped using Mundo de Unas MDU Jaws and MoYou London Jaws 01 plates with Maniology and Twinkled T stamping polishes. 

That's it for today. I'll be back mid-week for my second mani for Shark Week. Talk to you then. Have a great Sunday and Happy Shark Week!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

July 4th, 2021

Happy Tuesday, 

Hello my loves. Today is my July 4th post. My boyfriend, Casey, and I were at our family camp in the mountains and went to see fireworks with Casey's family on Saturday. Friday we went to this really awesome natural phenomenon ice mine that we go see each year. It was our first trip to camp this year. Normally we would have gone two other times but the two weekends we had planned it was rainy and cold all weekend so we did not go. This weekend was mostly nice and gorgeous with a bit of rain here and there. It was a great time as usual. I love it up there and always come home happy and relaxed from being able to recharge in those mountains and at that camp and bus that I love so much! The weekend went way too fast though. I am already so ready for our next trip up in August. 

My holiday nails this year I ended up loving so much. I think they turned out very vintage and Americana looking. Hope you like them too. I really enjoyed these nails all weekend and only corner broke two while camping so that is good! 

My bases are Painted Polish "Miss Independence" (index, middle & ring), Enchanted Polish "Lake Rainbow" (thumb) and Enchanted Polish "Gossip Girl" (pinkie). I put one coat of Painted Polish "Let Freedom Bling" on top of my middle nails. I stamped using Whats Up Nails B043 plate with Hit the Bottle "Drop Red Gorgeous" and "Beware the Bates Motel" polishes.

I loved these nails! Below is the ice mine we went to. You can learn about it by Googling Coudersport Ice Mine. The Discovery Channel did a segment on their show "Secrets of the Underground" on this mine and it was really neat. I love this place and enjoy seeing how the ice forms each year, it is cool. Here is the mine I love the rocks around the mine too. 

A cute bear cutout at the mine entrance. 
Our dear home away from home beloved bus! 
The sky above the park that the fireworks were at. The skies up there are so amazingly gorgeous. 

These are a few views around our camp. It's so beautiful and so peaceful there. It's truly one of my favorite places on earth! 

That's all for today. I hope you had a great holiday weekend. I'll talk to you soon.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?