Monday, July 26, 2021

Summer Walk In the Country

Happy Monday, 

It's Monday... I hope you are doing well and that you had a good weekend. I am good and the weekend was low key for me. I have a busy week this week. Over lunch today I am hooking a wellness camera up at my Mom's, tonight I get my hair cut, tomorrow my car gets inspected (hope it doesn't need anything), Wednesday night I am volunteering at a horse show and Friday after work Miss Betty has a vet appointment so I am looking at a busy week outside of work this week!  

Today's nails I did yesterday and I really am in love with these. I grew up in the country and these remind me of walking, driving or riding the horses down the country road and this is what we would see, trees, clouds, sky, birds, trees and power lines. I love these. They make me happy! I do wish I would have used a sparkly white for the clouds but oh well.  

My base is Enchanted Polish "Rare Candy". I sponged Picture Polish "NakoAom" and ILNP "1Up" on the nails to be stamped to create my background. I stamped using Whats Up Nails B061 plate with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

There you have my Summer scene nails. These make me so happy. Have a great week, talk soon. I leave you with Miss Betty, the absolute cutest kitty in the whole entire world. She is my heart! 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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