Sunday, October 31, 2021

Trick or Treaters & Plague Doctor (Final Halloween 2021 Manis)

Happy Halloween My Loves, 

It's the last day of Halloween, sniffle, sniffle... I love the month of Halloween, it's so fun to me. I love doing Halloween themed nails, handing out candy to trick or treaters, Halloween decor (this is the time I find some really cute and cool black cat stuff :) ) dressing up and scary and scary cheesey movies. To me Halloween is just a fun month and I love it :) :) 

Today I have my final two Halloween manis that I did this past week. I must say I did feel very sad when I was putting all my month of Halloween stamping plates away. I was not ready to stop with my Halloween nails this year! 

Anyways, onto the nails.  These trick or treaters I did Friday after work and I absolutely love them. I did not have time to do them before our trick or treaters so I decided they would be the finale for this year. They turned out so cute I think! 

My bases are Starrily Adrenaline (black) and Painted Polish Mystery Crelly Huit (white). I stamped using Moyra 83 Fall In Love, Maniology M253, Lina Spookalicious 01 and 03 plates with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

These next nails I did this past week but did not get to give them their own post so on this final Halloween nails of the year they go! These were such easy simple stamping and I loved them. I am hoping in the future I find a plate with a plague doctor on that is it's own image that can be reverse stamped. That would be awesome!  My base is K.B. Shimmer Mist Me (absolutely in love with this polish by the way) with one coat of Fancy Gloss Opal on my index and ring nails. I stamped using Whats Up Nails B023 plate with Maniology Straight Up Black stamping polish.

There you have my last two spooky Halloween nails of this year, sniffle. Oh well, now it's back to Fall fun nails and that I am okay with too after I do my Miss Betty Got You Day nails for this Tuesday that is. 

Have a great Halloween, talk soon. Here are our Jack 'o Lanterns that myself, Casey and Sarah (our friend and upstairs neighbor) carved last Saturday at our friends' carving party we all went to, it was so fun seeing friends I had not seen in a long time. It was great. The first picture is all of them together at the carving party and the second is out in front of our place on trick or treat night this past Thursday night (don't ask, it's weird around this area, trick or treat is not always on the 31st, but does it really matter since all of October is Halloween :) ). 

Here is Mr. Kitty handing out candy with us. He loves hanging out with us during trick or treat night. It's so cute. He loves interacting with us and people that come by. He lets kids and adults pet him and they love it. Our other cat Charlie hung out with us too so next year I am going to put a festive collar on him also :) 

Here is Mr. Kitty's collar I made for him for this year. He totally rocked it as you can see in the photos. 
Happy Halloween!

Polish & Purrs, 


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Trick 'r Treat, Sam's Coming For You (if you break Halloween tradition, that is)

Happy Caturday Loves,

It's the weekend, yay 🥰 Later on today Casey and I are going to hang out with some friends and carve pumpkins. I'm excited, I have not carved a pumpkin in a lot of years or hung out with these friends in a while. Not sure what I'm carving yet though. I'm thinking ghosts maybe. I will definitely post pics on my next blog post.

Today my nails are the demonic child Sam from the movie Trick 'r Treat. I love this movie, it's become one of my favorite scary Halloween movies. It's a few stories I one. Basically Sam comes for you or bad befalls you if you break Halloween tradition. Watch it if you haven't and if you are into scary movies. I love scary movies. They totally put me in the Halloween spirit and I am so happy to have this image on a stamping plate. I did have to shrink the Sam images on old school opaque stamper heads so Sam is crooked, oh well!

My base is Polished For Days What Is This?! with one coat of Polished For Days This Is Halloween on top on my index, middle & ring nails. I stamped using Sugar Bubbles SB-087, Beauty Big Bang XL-27 and Ejubas EJB-X20 plates and several different brands of stamping polishes.

That's all for today, talk soon. Have a great weekend!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Mummy Of the Year

Happy Hump Day friends, 

Quick post today. I'm in the waiting room waiting for my mom to get done with having a colonoscopy. 

Today I have these super cute mummy nails. I think these turned out adorable. 

My bases are Enchanted Polish Best Wishes, Warmest Regards (thumb & pinkies) and Cirque Colors Pebble (index, middle & ring). I stamped using Lina Spookalicious 02, Uber Chic Halloween 06 and Maniology M158 plates with Maniology and Hit the Bottle stamping polishes. I did free hand some more bandages on the middle nails as I felt that one needed more.

That's it for today. Have a great Wednesday, talk soon. Here's some awesome sunrise pics I got at mom's this morning. It was so pretty 😍 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Scarecrow Watches Over His Corn

Happy Sunday loves, 

Hello my friends. Hope your weekend is going good. Mine is okay. I was going to go to a Fall event and parade with Casey's family yesterday. It was rainy and gross out so I stayed home. Casey still went but my days of doing stuff in the rain for fun are over. I hate being wet. I don't have fun and get cranky so home I stayed.

It was a farm themed event so the nails I have today are the ones I was planning had I gone. They are fun and I think they turned out great. Love, love this green holo, it's pretty!

My bases are Holo Taco Full Charge (holo) and Cirque Colors Pistachio (speckled). I stamped using Dixie Autumn 02 and Uber Chic Mini Give Thanks plates and Maniology stamping polishes. 

That's all for today. Have a great Sunday, talk soon. I leave you with Charlie in a box lid way too small for him that he just loves 🤩
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Candy Everyone Hates

Happy Thursday Friends, 

Today I have more Halloween nails for this year. Today it is the candy that everyone hates, lol. I don't particularly hate candy corn and will eat a few here and there but it's definitely not one of my favorite types of candy. I do, however, find them so cute so that makes them pretty cool I think :) 

I think these turned out great with the different image on each nail. Hope you like them too! 

My base is Pahlish If You've Got It, Haunt It!. I stamped using Maniology M253, Uber Chic Halloween 01 and 03 plates with all Maniology stamping polishes. 

Have a great Thursday, talk soon. I leave you with Miss Betty on her little cozy bed on the back of our couch. She loves sleeping up there, one of her favorite places to sleep. She is the just the cutest, my Miss Betty! I love her so much! 
Polish & Purrs,


 Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Headless Horseman....He's Coming For You!!!!!

Happy Tuesday, 

Hello friends, today's nails are some more Halloween nails. I think these came out so good with these bases for a frightening Headless Horseman on the hunt for you :) Hope you like them too! 

My bases are Cupcake Polish Gettin' Twiggy With It (thumb, middle & pinkies) and Emily de Molly Taking Over (index & ring). I stamped using Nicole Diary L12, Whats Up Nails B031 and B072 plates with Twinkled T black stamping Polish. 

That's it for today. Talk soon with my next scary nails I do, whatever they may be....

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, October 10, 2021

PA Renaissance Fair Dragons (2021 Edition)

Happy Sunday my Loves, 

Hello my friends. I hope you are well and life is good. It is great my way. Yesterday was my annual trip to our local Renaissance Faire. I went with my boyfriend, Casey, sister, Tina, and cousin, Jesse. I also ran into two friends I had not seen in around 8 years and that was awesome. We had so much fun, as usual. It was a great day and a great time. I have many pictures after my nails. 

I dressed as my own version of a pirate with dragon horns so I did some dragon nails for the day. I think these are cute and think they look good on the bases.

My bases are Different Dimensions Summer Soltice (on all but ring nails) and Cuticula Andalasia (ring). I stamped using Lantern and Wren A Scenic Escape, Flight of Fantasy and Uber Chic Fairytale 01 plates with several different brands of stamping polishes (that I am way too lazy to log here, lol).

That's it for the nails. Now, on to the slew of pics. This is me when I first got there. I enjoyed my thrown together pirate gear :) 
This is my favorite fun pic of the me of the day, so fun!
One of the knight jousters and his horse. This guy and his horse were super sweet!
Unicorns, they do exist, ha!
Casey trying his hand at midieval games, the original carnival games :) 

Me again! 
My cousin Jesse.
Jesse and me. I love this!
A cool dragon. 
Jesse and me again, he was a pirate too :) 
Mermaids :) :) :) 

The Museum of Torture. Here's Jesse. 
Here's me! 

More cool stuff. 

Jesse and my sister, Tina. 


Me again!
The knights and their brave steeds.

The friends, Andrew and Heather, that I ran into. It was so great seeing them! 
Have a great Sunday, talk soon. 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?