Wednesday, November 30, 2022

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

HALLOWEEN!!!!!...CHRISTMAS!!!!!.....It's SPOOKMAS!!!!!!

Hello my loves, 

Today I have some more spooky Spookmas nails for you. I am still on this Halloween is sticking around longer this year and decided my first Christmas nails of this year would be spooky! I love these and think they turned out so cute. I am in love with the black cat tree and the bat hanging from the mistletoe. They are too cute! 

My bases are K.B Shimmer Snow Unique (shimmer) and Rogue Lacquer Holiday Calories Don't Count (flakie). I stamped using Maniology MXM091 and MXM092 plates with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great Hump Day. I'll talk to you soon with my next mani which will be more traditional Christmas :) 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Holy Huntin' Holiday 2022

Happy Caturday loves!!!

Today in Pennsylvania marks a very special day for deer hunters. It's opening day of deer rifle season. It is a huge thing here! I do not hunt but my dad was a big hunter and my brother Dave and boyfriend Casey hunts. I also have plenty of other hunters in my life so I enjoy doing huntin' nails for them. 

Each year I dedicate my deer season nails to my dad and for all the mighty hunters in my life. I think this year's came out awesome. They are my favorite to date. 

My bases are Holo Taco Highest Bidder (silver gray) and LynBDesigns Renoir Or Not, Here I Come (flakie). I used Mundo de Unas Great Oudoors 2, Beauty Big Bang Silhouette XL-002 and some no name plates with different stamping polishes. 

There you have my nails for deer season. I love these. I also put my tree up. It is so easy. All I do is take it out of a five gallon bucket I store it in, put fresh batteries in the lights and I am done. It's small and I love it 🙂

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

Happy Turkey Day!!!! 

Hello friends, I hope you are well and are going to have a nice time with family and/or friends for the holiday. I went to my mom's and had a very small turkey dinner, well, lunch with mom and my sister who lives with her. Mom has some mobility issues now at her age of 80 so she would rather stay home. I went early and and helped her go thru some things that she wants to purge and get rid of. Casey went to his parents and sent my love to everyone in his family this year since I am not going to be there. 

For my nails I did these cute turkeys. I think they turned out really cute :) 

My bases are Night Owl Lacquer Fever Chill Weird (shimmer) and Rogue Lacquer Fall-In-Leaves (flakie). I stamped using Manitude Talk Turkey To Me plate with different stamping polishes. 

Have a great Thanksgiving. Talk soon! 

Here is a picture of mom and me from today ❤
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Rest In Peace The Walking Dead

Happy Sunday loves, 

Tonight is the series finale of The Walking Dead. I'm a bit sad but also feel it's time for the series to end after 12 years. It's had it's up and downs and times where I was not that into the writing but I just couldn't stop watching it. It will forever remain one of my favorite shows because......zombies!! I love zombies 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ 

My sister Tina is coming over tonight for our final Walking Dead watch party. It will be bittersweet. I just really hope they give the series a satisfying ending! We shall see. 

For my nails I went super simple stamping. I like these and think they turned out cute.

My bases are ILNP Abudance (multi chrome) with a coat of Fancy Gloss Gold reflective topper and Red Eye Lacquer Being There For A Child Is the Most Noble Thing A Toy Can Do (flakie). I stamped using Creative Shop 46 and Pretty  Nails by Robin Walking Dead plates with Maniology Straight Up Black. 

Have a great Sunday. See you Thursday when I post my turkey day nails. I leave you with Princess Pebbles on her bed on the back of our couch. She is so pretty!!! 
Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Frolicing Forest Friends

Happy Tuesday friends, 

Tonight I have some super cute Fall nails. I haven't gotten really any Fall nails done since the month of September thru early October I was dealing with the cat bite infection in my thumb. So, here are one of the only Fall manis I may end up doing this year. I love these. Think they turned out super cute 😍 

My bases are Pahlish Dancing On My Own (shimmer) and Night Owl Lacquer Cozy Sweater (flakie). I stamped using Maniology M33 and Dixie Autumn 03 plates with different stamping polishes. 

Have a fantastic night. Talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, November 13, 2022

I Am Miss Betty ❤

Happy Sunday loves, 

Last night we went to a post post (2 weeks after) Halloween party our friends have every year. This was the first one since 2019 and it was so great seeing old friends and catching up. 

I went as Miss Betty and Casey went as Waldo from Where's Waldo. I failed to get a pic of us together though, boo. Oh well. 

It was so fun being my baby girl ❤ 

Here are my nails I did for the night. I used decals. Super easy and super fast!

My bases are Polish Me Silly Lollipop Glow (shimmer) and Rogue Lacquer Every Adventure Requires A First Step (flakie). The decals are from Maniology. 

Here is me as Miss Betty with Miss Betty ❤

Here's a few other pics from the night!

That's all. Have a great Sunday, talk soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Halloween Is Sticking Around This Year

Happy Hump Day Loves, 

Hello friends. I hope you you are well and life is good! Today I have some super fun nails. Each year Christmas creeps up on Halloween season more and more and more. Even currently November Fall/Thanksgiving is being completely passed over since it's all Christmas everywhere so because of that Halloween will be sticking around longer this year. Here are some spooky Halloween/Christmas nails. I love these Spooky Christmas plates I just recently got. I think they will be perfect for doing more Halloween sticking around to get back at Christmas for encroaching on Halloween every year nails. I think these are too cute, hope you do too :) 

My bases are J Reine Much To Avenge (shimmer) and Fancy Gloss Wedding Vows (flakie). I stamped using Maniology MXM091 plate and different stamping polishes. 

That's it for today. Have a great Wednesay, talk soon! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?