Monday, August 17, 2015

Black Cat Nails for Black Cat Appreciation Day

It's Monday Friends, 

It's Monday, that's all I got, it's Monday.  I ask again, where do those weekends go, I just don't know, LOL.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  I had an alright one, uneventful and for the first time in several weekends, I wasn't busy doing stuff all weekend which was really nice.  Casey and I got to hangout, chill and watched the Season 4 Walking Dead marathon all day Sunday.  They are showing all five seasons right now since Fear The Walking Dead's series premiere is next Sunday.  I can't wait, I am really looking forward to this companion series of TWD to start, yay.  Casey hasn't ever really watched Walking Dead too much, so, I am getting him caught up now on it.  He has no choice but to watch it with me since I am a total Walking Dead junkie all the way, lol,  and I can not wait till Season 6 premiere come October.   It's going to be good, can't wait and can we just say it together, Daryl Dixon, no other words needed :) 

Today's post is a very special one for me as my nails today are for my most favorite day of the year, Black Cat Appreciation Day, which is August 17th every year.  I love all cats, but, those solid black cats are my heart and soul when it comes to kitties.  I have always loved black cats so much and have had several own me over the years.  I currently have three solid black babies in my life.  My dream, if I ever come into a bunch of money some day, would be to start my own black cat rescue/no kill sanctuary.  There is so much negativity and superstition attached to black cats and Black Cat App. Day was started as an event on Facebook back in 2011 to spread awareness about black cats, to squash that dumb superstition that they are bad luck, to praise the joy and love a black cat can bring you in your life and to make people aware that black cats are sadly the least adopted in shelters, which breaks my heart to no end and I will never get how or why people think these little dear cats are evil or bad luck.  I will always have solid black cats in my life.  Life would be very odd without any black feline kids in it for me.  I love black cats and they are just awesome, so, here's to solid black cats and Black Cat Appreciation Day, yay. 

For my nails I used a base of China Glaze "More To Explore", the cats and paw prints are nail decals. I used one coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow (linear version) on top of the decaled nails and one coat of CBL "Leather & Lace" on the non-decal nails.  I love these black cat nails so much and will actually leave these on my nails for more than a day or two, LOL :) 


Trying to get a black cat nails pics with Dino ;) 
More To Explore on it's own.  This was from China Glaze's spring 2015 Road Trip collection, it's pretty.  I love all shades of peach, pink, coral polishes like this. 
 Here are pics of black cats that mean the world to me and have so many paw prints on my heart. 

Fred & Barney, these two are both waiting at Rainbow Bridge for me.
Bam Bam, he's waiting with his brothers at Rainbow Bridge as well. 
Here are Pebbles, Dino and Betty, the three solid blacks in my life here now.  I love each and every one of them so much.  Betty is my heart. I still think about and miss Fred, Barney and Bam Bam every day. They were great cats, all three of them.

Pebbles, Dino, Betty

Here is yet another picture of Casey napping with another cat, this time it was black cat Dino.  I love that the kids love him so much, it makes my heart so happy, yay :) 

So, there you have my Black Cat Appreciation Day nails.  I love them and I love black cats! 

If you are thinking of adopting a cat in your life, please consider adopting a black cat.  They will bring you nothing but love, joy, fun, happiness and even more love.  Why? Because black cats RULE! 

Have a great Monday and I'll talk to you all soon.  I have some other posts in mind that I want to do soon, one of which I will be updating my nail care routine and sharing that updated one with you all.

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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