Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dotticure Day

 Happy Hump Day Friends,

Hope you are all having a good week, mine has been uneventful and I am so okay with that.  Not feeling the chattiest tonight, so, onto the nails.

I did this dotticure last night using Essie "Salt Water Happy" as my base with dots done on my accent nails with China Glaze "Grape Pop" (one of my favorite purples ever, I love Grape Pop), China Glaze "Don't Mesa With My Heart" and Orly "Teal Unreal".  I then put one coat of Fair Maiden "Glory Of The Galaxy", a holo top coat, on all nails to finish. I did smear a couple dots cuz' I didn't wipe my dotting tool off enough between making the dots on my nails, it will get a little string type thing going on if you don't wipe your dotting tool off every few or more dots, but, I don't care, I heart these nails so hard :)

I love this dotticure so much, I love how it turned out.  Dotticures are really easy to do and every polish peep should have a set of dotting tools, you can do alot with them.

Salt Water Happy on it's own, this was from the Spring collection this year, it's a really cool blue and I surprisingly do not have any blue quite like this one, I dig it, glad I got it.
My dotting tools I used and the piece of cardboard I use to dip my tools in.  I use the backs of paper tablets for the polish, these work great and are a great way to recycle the backs of those :)
 That's it for today, going to brush my teeth, do a mani bomb, which is a bath bomb for your nails that are full of awesomely moisturizing oils and is a nice way to pamper your nails, cuticles and hands, look for a blog post on them coming up, they are so nice to use.  Then after my mani bomb, I'll rub in some cuticle balm and whipped shea butter on my nails and hands, cuddle the kitties and Casey, then to bed.

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you soon. Mr. Kitty says good night.....meeeeee......owwwww....

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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