Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dental Floss Nails

 Happy Sunday & Dead Day Too!

Hope you are all having a great weekend.  I am, I got a lot of stuff sorted thru and together for our Burning Man regional event in 4 weeks, yay!  I can't wait, it's going to be a really great burn, am so looking forward to it.  I also got some other stuff done around home too this weekend, so, now I feel so accomplished, got some stuff off of my to do list.  I just got out of a nice bath and going to spend the rest of the day just chilling with Casey, doing some reading of my books and some nail blogs and then watching the Walking Dead spinoff, Fear the Walking Dead later on tonight.  This one begins with the outbreak beginning and before the world went to shit.  It should be pretty good, the first two episodes were really good and I do love how they are going back to the beginning of the outbreak where The Walking Dead begins already into the zombie apocalypse.  Also, this past Friday night the second season of Z Nation, another zombie apocalypse, premiered and it was really good too.  I did enjoy the first season and it's looking like the second is going to be good too.  Casey is still also catching up with Walking Dead and we watched several episodes of WD last night, so, this weekend has been a total walker weekend all three days, yay.  I love zombies, so, this makes me silly happy, hurh.......hurh....... :)

Anyways, onto the nails!  These nails I did by painting polish on the string part of the plastic pick style dental flossers, then went side to side on my accent nails with a few colors.  Paint the polish on then kinda roll it from one side to the next on the nail, repeat this for each color you want to use.  I painted polish on the flosser between each stripe cuz' there isn't enough polish left on the floss to do more than one line.  Don't paint it on too thick or it will blob on the nail instead of making a stripe.  Repeat this with each color, then use some acetone and a brush to clean up any polish that got on your cuticles or skin around your nails.  I used a different flosser for each color, so, for these I used 3 flossers total.  I love the way these came out.  They remind me of a fan brush mani, but, with just a bit different look.  Will definitely be using this nail art technique again for sure.  It was easy and fun to do.

I used a base of Color Club "Under the Blacklight" then used China Glaze "Sunday Funday", China Glaze "Too Yacht To Handle" and OPI "You Are So Outta Lime" for my flosser stripes.  I then put a coat of Revlon "Gold Glaze" on all nails, finished off with a coat of Seche Vite Fast Dry and was good to go. I love, love, love these so much!

Under the Blacklight on it's own, this one is brighter in real life.  I love this color, it's a muted pastel neon.  I love neons so much, but, those muted dusty pastel neons are my favorite.
 And, there are my dental flosser nails.  You should definitely try this technique for some super easy nail art and there are so many fun colors you can mix together too for doing this.  Can't wait to do one again.

My best friend in the whole entire world, Valerie, went to Atlantic City last weekend for the Labor Day weekend and brought me some gifts home and wanted to share them here too.  They are from a little soap bath beauty boutique.  I can't wait to try the bath bombs which from reading the ingredients, they are full of oily goodness for in the bath, one is cucumber which smells amazing, my favorite of the three, I love bath bombs so much and the soap I did try and it is really nice, but, it's not goat milk soap which is my addiction when it comes to soap.  My favorite soaps to use are all organic goat milk soaps from an Etsy seller, Natural Goat Milk Soap, is the shop name, they are made on a Vermont goat farm from their own goats too, they are packed so full of oils so they moisturize really nice which this has a bit less oil in it so my hands don't feel quite as soft as with the goat milk soap, but, I will still, of course, use this soap and enjoy it too.  Thank you so much for thinking of me Valerie, it means a lot and I love you girl :)

My gift from my BFF, soap and bath bombs, yay :) 
 Well, that's it for now.  Have a great rest of the weekend and I finally got all my pics taken for my mani bomb, which is a bath bomb for your nails and hands, post coming up, so, I'll hopefully get that one up in the next day or so, plus I have a couple more manis to post too, hoping to get them all up this week.  Life has been really busy lately and I just haven't had a chance or some days the energy to do a post, but, want to so badly get back into posting a couple times a week again.  Goal for me.  I even have a bunch of ideas for upcoming posts with nail art and some other nail related stuff like my updated nail care routine, my moisturizing routine and some other fun nails stuff too. 

Talk to you all really soon, I hope :)  Have a great rest of the weekend. I leave you with Miss Betty, my heart, dozing happily away on a lazy weekend afternoon.  Her cute, her cute, I know, I know, it's just too much cute to take sometimes.  I love this little cat so, so, so much, she really is my heart and soul ;)

 This is also my 100th post on my  blog too, yay :) Yay :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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