Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fall Is Here!

Happy Thursday Loves,

Hope your week is going well, mine has been okay.  It's Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday, yay.  Casey and I have a pretty busy weekend ahead of us.  We have to take his chickens to their new home on Saturday, he has to move them from where they are due to that property being sold and they are going to go live with the Sunday School teacher and his family from my Mom's church and they have 5 or 6 kids and are very excited for the chickens to come there.  It sucks we can't keep them, but, living in the city, that's not an option for us to keep them with us and Mom and Dad have too much going on to add any more animals to the mix out there, so, off to a new home they will go.  They are going to get a good home with them, we are happy about that.  Just sucks, no fresh eggs any longer for us, sniffle. Then we have more stuff to do and get ready for our Burning Man regional event in a couple of weeks, some cleaning and organizing stuff at home since Casey has moved in and then he has some stuff to do in his garden too before the cold weather hits so our weekend is going to go fast and be productive at the same time. Then of course we have Fear The Walking Dead on Sunday night, yay!

It's officially Fall here now, so, for these nails I decided to do some Fall colors.  I love Fall and Fall weather, I just hate the impending doom of Winter that comes after Fall, ugh. I love the changing colors of Fall and like that little bit of crisp cool air that calls for hoodies, hot chocolate, warm fires and cuddling with the kitties and that special cuddle buddy in your life, I am looking at you here Casey baby :)

I did a base of two coats of OPI "In The Cable Carpool Lane" on all nails, then did small dabs of polish on my accent nails using OPI "Is My Tai Crooked?", OPI "Sparrow Me The Drama" and OPI "Aloha From Hawaii" then I took a piece of a cut up plastic baggie and laid it down on top of the nail then lightly smooshed the baggie onto the polish to smear it and blend it all together.  I did this on each accent nail using a new piece of baggie for each nail.  I then put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on my accents then one coat of Piggy Paints "Lunar Halo" on the rest and was done.  I love, love, love the way these turned out.  They look just like Fall leaves I think.  This was the first time I did the dabs of polish and the smoosh technique and love how it turned out and can't wait to do this again with other colors.  I love these and may actually keep them on for more than two days, LOL :)

In The Cable Carpool Lane on it's own.  This is such a purrfect Fall color and it's so pretty too.  As much as I love my brights and pastels these types of vampy colors will always have a special spot in my heart too.  I love vampy shades in the cooler weather. 
That's it for today.  I'll talk to you all sooner rather than later :)  I leave you with Princess Pebbles and her outside adventures. She's pretty much become an outside cat.  She had been bugging and bugging to go outside all the time so I finally gave in and she is just loving it.  She hunts too which is great since Momma Kitty and Billy died and Little Shit is so not a hunter I needed another hunter outside so Pebbles it is.  It is nice seeing her do the same cat things that Momma and Billy used to outside.  I miss seeing cats out in the yard just being cats, so it's nice for me.

See how happy she is being an outside kitty, she just loves it so much. Now if her and Little Shit, my only other outside cat, would just start becoming buddies that would be truly purrfect :)  Right now she will chase him, but, hoping that changes once it gets a bit colder and they decide it's warmer to get along and cuddle together.

Talk to you soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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