Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Glitter, Glittah Spam

Happy Tuesday,

Hope you are having a great week so far.  Mine is so-so, yesterday was typical Monday and today is was kinda being nutty too.  Oh well, just got to get thru the next two weeks then it's vacation time for me when I go to our Burning Man regional event, yay!  I can't wait, I am so ready and really need a few days away and off work and to just be with my crazy weirdo burner loves.

In other sad news, my family's Black Lab therapy dog, Harley, is in kidney failure and it's just a matter of time until it's her time to go to Rainbow Bridge.  We just found this out late last week, it sucks, she is only 6 years old and it's so unfair with everything that my Mom has on her shoulders right now with Dad's health and my sister's hurt knee, she's got so much to do and now she's got to deal with losing not only her therapy dog, but, her best friend too, it's so unfair, sigh.  I am deeply saddened by this too.  I love that dang dog, she's a really good dog and Mom and her have continued to go to visits every week even with everything else going on with my family, this sucks.  She has still been going to the barn with me and Mom did take her on a couple of visits since we found out, they will just keep her comfortable and happy and she will tell us when it's time, they always do.  We also just had to have one of my sister's cats put to sleep about a month ago so this is just really hard right now. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we say goodbye to another furry family member.  I have a picture of both Harley and Pudge, who was one of the World's coolest ginger kitties ever, at the end of this post.

Today I have some glitter nail spam for you, who doesn't love some glitter :) I am in the process of trying to use all my glitter polishes and by doing this also purge some polishes too.  I do have several that I do have dupes of or that I have not used yet that I want to use.  I have, gasp, too many polishes at the moment and am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the glitter polishes I do have especially since I've been doing more nail art lately and will continue to do more nail art, so, this way I can get them worn then decide whether to keep, purge, gift, use for crafts, etc.  So, I will be doing more glitter nail spam posts coming up over the next few months or so.

Glitter #1

For these nails I did a base of Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "Pin-k Point" with accents of Milani "Rainbow Prisms" and a coat of a Melly Mix on all the rest.

Pin-k Point on it's own.

Glitter #2
I used a base of OPI "Miss You-Niverse" here with accents of a purple Kleancolor glitter and Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Sparkling Jewel" on the rest.
Miss You-Niverse on it's own
 Glitter #3

I used a base of Color Club "Meet Me At The Rink" with accents of Finger Paints "Laugh My Art Off" (this name, I love it, it's too silly :) ) and one coat of another Melly Mix on the rest.
Meet Me At The Rink on it's own. I love, love, love pastel blues like this, they are so pretty.

Glitter #4

Used a base of OPI "You Are So Outta Lime" here and one coat of Layla Ceramic Effects "CE54" and one coat of OPI "Snowflakes In The Air" ion top of the "CE54" on my accents, then I put one coat of an unknown green sparkle top coat on the rest.
You Are So Outta Lime on it's own.  I love this bright green, it's the green of aliens, yay :)

There you have some glitters.  I do indeed love glitter and am really excited to wear some of my untrieds I have so many of, LOL :)

Here's a picture of Harley and me from Thanksgiving Day last year and one of Pudge from last Summer sometime.  It's so hard to say goodbye to beloved pets and it sure never does get any easier. I miss Pudge and will miss Harley so much when she goes too, sigh.  But, I also could never imagine life without animals in it even tho' it is so dang hard to say goodbye when they go to Rainbow Bridge.  They really just do do so much to brighten our lives and make us happy.

Pudge, he was such a great kitty.  Be at peace at the Bridge buddy till Tina and you meet again one day.  I'll see you too one day when it's my turn to journey to the Bridge. 
That's it for today.  Have a great rest of the night and tomorrow we will have made it to Hump Day already, yay :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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