Monday, September 28, 2015

It's My Blog's Blog-A-B-Day, Yay!

Happy Monday Loves,

It's Monday, ugh, and it's overcast and rainy here today.  I hate dreary Mondays, it just makes Mondays that much harder, LOL!   Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I did, it went too fast of course, but, it was a good weekend and next week is a short week for me since I leave for my vacation next Thursday, yay! I can't wait!

Today is my blog's one year birthday or it's one year blogiversary as they are known in the blogging world.  Last September 28, 2014 I finally started my blog about mostly nails and nail polish with a little bit more thrown in here and there about me and my life.  I was still with my husband last year at this time and he had been encouraging me to start a blog to journal my nail adventures and to give nail care tips and tricks, so, finally one day I said to myself, "I should start a blog, this could be fun and I will have a diary of all my nails in the process.", so, that day I started my blog and did my first hello post. It's been a fun year for me with this blog. I have had lots of fun doing my nails, taking pictures and posting them on my blog.  I know I will continue to have fun with my blog going forward.  I have had several people tell me how much they love my blog, how much they have learned about nails and nail care and how they've been inspired by my nails and my blog to do their own nails and nail art.  That makes me feel so warm and fuzzy and good inside to hear people say that to me.  I will continue doing this blog and have some other ideas for future posts on this blog.  I am planning more nail and cuticle care posts, some bath and body product posts, more nail art and and a few other fun posts relating to nails.  I am beginning to collect some nail polish and nail care products for a blog giveaway I want to do too later this year as a thanks to my readers and fans. I look forward to the next year going forward and can't wait to see what new ideas and fun stuff happens on this blog.

So, since this is my blog's birthday, I decided to do some cupcakes on my nails to celebrate. I used a base of China Glaze "Lotus Begin", the rest of the polishes I used I didn't write down.  This was also the first time I did cupcake nails. I like them!  Here you go.

Lotus Begin on it's own.  I love, love, love this purple, what a surprise, it's purple and I love it :)
My best friend, Valerie, had her daughter, Chloe, also my god daughter, over at my apartment this weekend too and she did a dotticure on her nails.  They looked great and I love the colors she chose.  Here Coco and I are showing off our nails in front of some of my polish :)

Chloe's nails and my nails
Here's Dino snuggling and getting love from Mommy.  I love these pics of him and me.  He's such a good cat.

Trying to pose my nails with Dino here, didn't work so well, LOL, but, look how handsome he is :)

Here's Casey and me on Saturday night before we went out to get a drink.  I heart this guy hard you guys :)  He makes me really happy and we have such a great time together and he's just a straight up good guy that treats me the way I deserve to be treated :)

That's it for today.  Talk to you all soon and Happy Blog-A-B-Day Melly's Musings!!!  :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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