Tuesday, October 6, 2015

It's Glitter Time!

Happy Tuesday Friends,

Hope your week has started out well, mine is a bit sad.  My Mom and Dad's black lab, Harley, was humanely euthanized yesterday due to her kidney failure.  We found out about 3 weeks ago she was in kidney failure, then she stopped eating on Friday morning and her back end became paralyzed over the weekend, so, Mom called the vet this morning to make a time to send poor sweet Harley to Rainbow Bridge.  Sigh, this is so sad, I am going to miss this dog.  She was a certified therapy dog and Mom took her to several visits every week during her time here.  Harley was a rescue dog that my family adopted about 6 years ago after finding out that her owner, a complete ass, was abusing her and they didn't really want another dog at the time, our other dog Buddy was still alive then, but, with her story they couldn't resist, so adopt her they did.  She was really good, so loyal, friendly, sweet, playful, loving and just a good dog, period.  It's really sad that my family has to go thru losing Harley right now on top of everything else my family is going thru, it's just not fair at all, especially to Mom, who even with everything she has on her shoulders with my Dad's cancer surgery and recovery, my sister hurting her knee and her surgery and Mom popping her own hip joint out of place not once, but twice, she was still doing several therapy visits a week with Harley and making a difference in the lives of others, she never stopped just because her life was crazy, that's how much helping other people means to my Mom and it just sucks that Mom won't have a therapy dog for a while again.  They will adopt another dog and Mom will get it certified, but, that's going to take some time.  My heart breaks for Mom right now, it's never ever easy losing one and she is no different, sigh.  My heart is sad today.  I have some pictures of Harley at the end of this post.

Today for you I have some more glitter spam nails.  I am working on getting thru my glitter polishes, so, these glitter spam posts will show up every week or so for quite a while into the future.

For these first nails, I did a base of OPI "Can't Find My Czechbook" with accents of Sally Hansen Gem Crush ""Blingtastic" and a coat of Orly "Twilight" on the rest.
Can't Find My Czechbook on it's own and with Dino :) 
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These I used a base of OPI "If You Moust, You Moust" with accents of Sally Hansen "Purple Petals" and a coat of Pure Ice "Selfie" on the rest.
If You Moust You Moust on it's own and with Dino.  I love this pic of Dino, that was such a great photo op with his tongue out, it's cute.

I did a base of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Delphinium", accents of Finger Paints "Purple Palette" and a coat of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Take The Leap" on the rest.
Delphinium on it's own.
 Here's a few pictures of Harley.  It sure is weird not having a dog at my parent's house.  There has never been a time that there was not a dog there and it feels really empty without one there, sigh.  She always wanted to play frisbee as you can see here even when I was trying to do things with my horse, Dusty.  She sure was a good dog.

Mom and Harley doing relay one year at a local service dog fundraiser event we went to with Harley.

That's it for today.  I do leave on Thursday for our Burning Man regional event, hope to get a couple more posts up before then of some candy corn nails I did and my Walking Dead nails I just did tonight since I won't be able to see the season premiere this Sunday since I'll be away and no TV, sniffle, sniffle, but at least I have the marathon on from season one that started last night and goes thru the weekend with all.  I'll watch it when I get home on Monday. I feel like such a loser, I am so giddy with excitement that Walking Dead is soon back on, I really am a Walking Deadhead for sure :)  I love Walking Dead :)

Talk to you all soon.  Give your furry friends love, hugs and kisses as you never really do know when it may be the last time we get to love on them. It sucked saying bye to Harley yesterday, sigh.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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