Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday Nails

Happy Easter and Dead Day, Yay!!

Hope you all that celebrate have a great day.  Casey and I are getting ready to go meet my Mom and sister at their church, then we are going to dinner at Casey's families with my Mom and sister after church, then it will be home and time for Walking Dead time to start, yay.  There's only two more episodes left this season, sniffle, sniffle, and it's been an intense season so far, not sure yet who we are losing in the season finale next week, but, I know we are losing a beloved character I think.

Anyways, onto the nails.  I used a slew of polishes in these that I didn't (forgot) to write down.  I used a base of Essie "Lounge Lover" that I just got from their new spring collection that is out and it's really pretty, the plates I used were Bundle Monster and a Messy Mansion and dab brushed my nails under the eggs stamp.  Hope you like them.
Lounge Lover on it's own.

Here's the first flowers I've seen in our backyard this so far, some daffodils, and Miss Pebbles smelling the flowers and enjoying the nice weather too.
That's it since I have to leave shortly.  Have a great day and talk to you all soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, March 25, 2016

Chocolate Bunny & Peeps Nails

Happy Friday love bugs!

How is your Friday?  I had off today from work so I did some re-organizing of my nail polish and nail stuff.  Glad I got that done, also made some fresh hand/nail scrub, read some, watched some TV, hung out with the kitties and Casey and went to run a couple errands and so excited, I found Sally Hansen Gel "Let's Get Digital" which is a sparkly top coat that I've been searching for 2 plus months now, so excited I have this now, yay, using it in my Easter nails I'll be doing tomorrow  :) So, I had a good day off :)

Onto the nails, I did these on Tuesday night and I love them.  The two peeps were hard to do, but, they still kinda sorta look likes Peeps (I think) :) The chocolate bunnies I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.  They came out way cuter than I even imagined, so happy with these :)

For these nails I used a LOT of different polishes.  My base was China Glaze "Don't Be Shallow" with one coat of Ozotic "Sugar 903" on my pinky and thumb nails.  For the chocolate bunnies I used China Glaze "Fois Gras", China Glaze "Happy Go Lucky" and OPI "No Room For The Blues" (for the eyes) and Color Club "Feathered Hair Out To There" and Color Club "Till The Record Stops" (for the ribbons).  For the Peeps I used LA Girl "Leap", China Glaze "Daisy Know My Name?", OPI "If You Moust You Moust' and Finger Paints "Spun Sugar".  For the eyes I used "Fois Gras". I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the bunnies and Peeps to finish.
Don't Be Shallow on it's own, this is from the current China Glaze spring collection out now.  It's a really pretty blue, but, a little sheer and jelly-ish, but, if you use two careful coats it's opaque in two coats.

Here's Casey one day napping with Dino, isn't this just so cute?  I love it so much, the kitties really do love him so much and so do I :)))

I'll talk to you all soon and will get my last Easter nails up by Sunday.  Have a great rest of the night :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Easter Bunny Nails

Happy Thursday!!!

Hi my friends.  Hope your day is going well.  Today was my Friday today at work since we have off tomorrow for Good Friday. I am excited, looking forward to a three day weekend for sure, plus the weather is supposed to be really nice too.  I plan on just getting some stuff and things (if you are a Walking Dead fan, do you see what I just did there with "stuff and things" Rick Grimes style, lol) done around home tomorrow, chilling outside and hanging out with the kitties while Casey is at work. I am in need of some polish organizing and purging, so, hoping to get that done tomorrow :)

The nails I have today are some bunny and carrot nails I did this past Sunday.  I heart these so hard and think they really came out too cute.  Pretty happy with these fun Easter nails for sure. Hope you enjoy them too :) I really do love doing and have so much fun with holiday nails.

My base here is China Glaze "Dance Baby" with a glitter accent of OPI "Pink Yet Lavender" on my thumb.  For the bunny I used some of my nail art brushes to free hand draw and the polishes used were OPI "Alpine Snow", OPI "Suzi Nails New Orleans", Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "Blackout" and Avon Gel "Alaska".  For the carrots I used a nail art brush also and polishes were OPI "Can't Afjord Not To", OPI "Where Did Suzi's Mango?" and NYC "Highline Green".  I then did a coat of Sally Hansen Extreme Wear "Boogie Woogie" on all nails, but, my thumb to finish.

I forgot to take a pic of Dance Baby on it's own, but, you can see what it looks like here under the glitter top coat, it's pretty.

That's it for today.  I'll be posting my chocolate bunny and Peeps nails tomorrow and have one more Easter mani to do prior to Sunday which will be some ducks and chicks, can't wait to do them, they will be fun to do especially since I love ducks so much :)

Here's Miss Betty and Dino napping on the bed together, aren't they so cute :)

Talk to you all soon, have a great rest of the day/night!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My First Spring/Easter Nails of the Year

Happy Hump Day Loves,

Hope you are well and that your week is going good.  Mine has been kinda stressful at work so far, nothing major, just some work and scheduling stress, scheduling truly is the most difficult part of my job and boy, can it be a headache.  I work for a security installation company and I schedule jobs and service work and it can really get tricky sometime, gah!!!  I'll be so ready for the weekend and we are off on Friday for Good Friday so I have a short week too at least, whew!!!!

The end of last week I did my first Spring/Easter themed nails.

I started with a base of Essie "Under Where?", then sponged the following polishes on using eyeshadow applicators (I put some polish on a paper plate and dip the applicator into the polish, then sponge it on my nails)  OPI "Gelato On My Mind", Essie "A Crewed Interest", China Glaze "Girls Just Wanna Have Sun", Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Garter Toss", China Glaze "Tart-y For the Party", China Glaze "For Audrey" and China Glaze "Something Sweet".  I then put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the sponged nails and a coat of Pure Ice "Busted" on my pinky and index nails and Candy Laquer "Bunny Lights" for my glitter accent.

I love how springy and Eastery these nails look.  This is an easy sponge technique to do and not a whole lot of clean up either. I am planning on doing a blog post on the different sponge techniques soon too that I do, be on the lookout for that coming up. Hope you enjoy these nails as much as I enjoyed doing them and wearing them.  I love pastels, so, this time of year is one of my favorite times for new polish buying with all the pretty pastels that are out every year :)
Under Where? on it's own, this is such a pretty color!
 That's all folks for today.  I leave you with kitties, of course, here's Mr. Kitty, Buster, Betty and Dino all on the bed one day, that sure is a bed full of cats, LOL :)  Then there's Mr. Kitty and Gypsy later on this same day cuddling together. Cats, they are so funny and too cute!!!

Have a great rest of Hump Day! I have two other Easter manis done that I'll try to get up tomorrow or Friday and one more planned prior to Easter that I'll post on Easter Sunday.  I have so much fun doing holiday nails, it makes me happy :) Talk to you soon!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Goodbye Winter!!!

It's Monday!!!

How is everyone and I hope you had a good weekend.  I am good, got a lot of stuff done around home this weekend that I wanted to get done, mostly purging and organizing stuff and today, for a Monday it hasn't been so bad today, so, yay :)  Yesterday was the first day of Spring, yay, but, it's been so cold and windy this past weekend and today, however, by the end of this week it's supposed to warm up again and be more spring like weather. I am so done with Winter and it's dreariness and cold.  I hate Winter and the cold so much.  I am so ready for the every day nice and warm weather season to be here regularly.  It was really nice out for about a week a week or so ago and I was able to get my flip flops out and I have not worn shoes since no matter the weather outside.  I just want to be in skirts, dresses and sandals again daily!  I am done with shoes for this year, well, until late Fall/early Winter, that is anyways, LOL :)

So, the nails I have today are the last Wintery themed nails I did a couple weeks ago before Winter was really over, ha.

My base here is OPI "Charged Up Cherry" with Pretty Woman brand "Pink" for the glitter and stamping down with Konad White stamping polish and Born Pretty plate BP-45 and one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and a Melly Mix on the rest.

Charged Up Cherry on it's own.  This polish is another one of my classic all time favorite polishes.  It's so pretty :)

There you have my final old fart cold nails!! I've done two Easter manis so far that I will post in the next day or so.  I still have a few more planned that I do hope to get in this week since the holiday is this weekend.  Have a great night everyone and I'll talk to you soon.

Here's my too cute cutie patootie kitty, Miss Betty. She's my very favorite.  I love them all, but, this little one just have my whole entire heart, I love her so much, she's so coddled by Mommy and just such a sweet little snuggle bug and a total momma's girl too, she's my baby, look at that cute.  I heart her so hard :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Luck 'o da Irish

Top 'o Da' Mornin' to you Lasses & Lads, 

Happy everything is green today, including beer :)  I hope today finds you well on this Happy St. Paddy's Day.  I myself don't have any Irish in me I don't think, but, I love St. Paddy's Day anyways. It's a fun Irish cultural day and I love so much about Ireland and the Irish customs in general so I do look forward to it every year and the music, I LOVE Celtic/Irish music, so, today is always an awesome day to listen to radio, I LOVE Irish music in case I didn't say that already :) And, sexy Irish men in kilts is never a bad thing either, LOL :) 

So, of course, for today I did some green themed St. Paddy's Day nails and they even have some green beer on them too.  Check them out below.  I did a base on all nails of OPI "I'm So Swamped" (this is out now in stores in the Spring New Orleans collection and boy, is this ever the perfect swamp green, it's so ugly, I love it).  I put a coat of Pretty Woman "Green" glitter on my index finger and a coat of China Glaze "Angel Wings" on my ring finger.  I stamped the beer on my middle finger using Winstonia plate W105 and Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" and did the gold glitter beer "foam" with Finger Paints "Masked Beauty" and a coat of China Glaze "Golden Enchantment" on top.  I then put a coat of Jesse's Girl "Fire Fly" on my pinky and thumb nails to finish this mani off.  I really like the way these turned out, so simple yet so festive too!

And, there you have my green beer nails for the holiday today. 

Of course what's a post of mine without kitty pics too, it's rare indeed!!!!  Here's Miss Betty and Buster being buds together and Miss Betty and Mr. Kitty catlaxing together on the couch.  I love my babies so much.  They truly do bring me such joy and love and I can't ever imagine a life without kitties in it!  A life without kitties in it is not a life I want to be in!!! 
Miss Betty and Buster 
Buster being sweet to his sister and washing her head :) 

Mr. Kitty and Miss Betty taking up most of the couch, per usual :) 
That's it for today.  Enjoy your day and St. Paddy's Day if you recognize it as a holiday.  Drink some green beer if you get a chance, listen to some fun and snappy Irish music and hug an Irish person today.  Have a great day and I'll talk to you all soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, March 14, 2016

Horse Expo Nails

Happy Monday Loves,

Hope you are well on this fine Monday, well, not really, it's been dreary and rainy here all day and chilly too, but, it's another day, I am alive and in good health and that is always a plus for a fine day :) Last weekend my Mom, sister and I had a date at the Horse Expo that was in town and we went to see a show called Theatre Equus which is basically performance art with horses and it was a lot of fun, really well trained and pretty horses and we really enjoyed it.  My Mom and I had gone before in the past but this was my sister's first time and she loved it.  Next year we plan on going again and making this an annual thing from now on.  I'll be looking forward to it next year too!!

So, of course, for that night I did some horses on my nails and here's what I did below, but, first, enjoy two pics of my own horse, Dusty Bucks!  I didn't take any pics at the expo, I didn't have my camera, will try to remember that next year for sure and since I don't have a fancy phone, no pics to be taken on my phone either, LOL :)  Here's Dusty, he's my bud, such a cool horse and just a good boy all around.
This is one of my favorite pics ever of Dusty and me, he's so handsome :)
Dusty Bucks being Dusty :)
For these horsey nails I did a base of Orly "Lollipop" with an unknown cheapie glitter from a beauty supply store for my glitter accent and decals for the horse and flower, then I used a pink glitter Stripe Rite striper for the pink "grass" the horse is on.  I put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the decal nails and one coat of an NOPI sparkle top coat that I don't know the name of cuz' the label fell off of it. I love these nails and love these decals.  There also are black horses on the sheets I got, I think I got these off of Amazon several years ago.

Lollipop on it's own.  This is a fantastic shade for spring and one of my fave colors, purpley pink, yeah, I'll take it :) 
And, there's my horsey horse nails.  I loved these.  I love these particular decals cuz' they are high stepping fancy prancy horses which are my type of horse all the way :)

I do have my last and final, yay, Winter nails for this season to post later and a couple other manis to show too.  I've not been posting to my blog lately like I'd like to be, not sure why that is other than being somewhat busy, still trying to adjust to life without Dad, the weather, just not sure, but, will try to get back into posting around twice a week more even tho' I do enjoy doing my nails roundup posts too and putting several manis in one post.

Have a great rest of the night.  It's Better Call Saul night and I don't have much planned other than some TV, laundry, reading, hanging out with the kitties and Casey and then bed later on.

Talk to you all soon, here's Miss Pebbles, my princess kitty, looking too cute in a basket one day :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?