Monday, March 21, 2016

Goodbye Winter!!!

It's Monday!!!

How is everyone and I hope you had a good weekend.  I am good, got a lot of stuff done around home this weekend that I wanted to get done, mostly purging and organizing stuff and today, for a Monday it hasn't been so bad today, so, yay :)  Yesterday was the first day of Spring, yay, but, it's been so cold and windy this past weekend and today, however, by the end of this week it's supposed to warm up again and be more spring like weather. I am so done with Winter and it's dreariness and cold.  I hate Winter and the cold so much.  I am so ready for the every day nice and warm weather season to be here regularly.  It was really nice out for about a week a week or so ago and I was able to get my flip flops out and I have not worn shoes since no matter the weather outside.  I just want to be in skirts, dresses and sandals again daily!  I am done with shoes for this year, well, until late Fall/early Winter, that is anyways, LOL :)

So, the nails I have today are the last Wintery themed nails I did a couple weeks ago before Winter was really over, ha.

My base here is OPI "Charged Up Cherry" with Pretty Woman brand "Pink" for the glitter and stamping down with Konad White stamping polish and Born Pretty plate BP-45 and one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails and a Melly Mix on the rest.

Charged Up Cherry on it's own.  This polish is another one of my classic all time favorite polishes.  It's so pretty :)

There you have my final old fart cold nails!! I've done two Easter manis so far that I will post in the next day or so.  I still have a few more planned that I do hope to get in this week since the holiday is this weekend.  Have a great night everyone and I'll talk to you soon.

Here's my too cute cutie patootie kitty, Miss Betty. She's my very favorite.  I love them all, but, this little one just have my whole entire heart, I love her so much, she's so coddled by Mommy and just such a sweet little snuggle bug and a total momma's girl too, she's my baby, look at that cute.  I heart her so hard :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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