Monday, March 14, 2016

Horse Expo Nails

Happy Monday Loves,

Hope you are well on this fine Monday, well, not really, it's been dreary and rainy here all day and chilly too, but, it's another day, I am alive and in good health and that is always a plus for a fine day :) Last weekend my Mom, sister and I had a date at the Horse Expo that was in town and we went to see a show called Theatre Equus which is basically performance art with horses and it was a lot of fun, really well trained and pretty horses and we really enjoyed it.  My Mom and I had gone before in the past but this was my sister's first time and she loved it.  Next year we plan on going again and making this an annual thing from now on.  I'll be looking forward to it next year too!!

So, of course, for that night I did some horses on my nails and here's what I did below, but, first, enjoy two pics of my own horse, Dusty Bucks!  I didn't take any pics at the expo, I didn't have my camera, will try to remember that next year for sure and since I don't have a fancy phone, no pics to be taken on my phone either, LOL :)  Here's Dusty, he's my bud, such a cool horse and just a good boy all around.
This is one of my favorite pics ever of Dusty and me, he's so handsome :)
Dusty Bucks being Dusty :)
For these horsey nails I did a base of Orly "Lollipop" with an unknown cheapie glitter from a beauty supply store for my glitter accent and decals for the horse and flower, then I used a pink glitter Stripe Rite striper for the pink "grass" the horse is on.  I put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the decal nails and one coat of an NOPI sparkle top coat that I don't know the name of cuz' the label fell off of it. I love these nails and love these decals.  There also are black horses on the sheets I got, I think I got these off of Amazon several years ago.

Lollipop on it's own.  This is a fantastic shade for spring and one of my fave colors, purpley pink, yeah, I'll take it :) 
And, there's my horsey horse nails.  I loved these.  I love these particular decals cuz' they are high stepping fancy prancy horses which are my type of horse all the way :)

I do have my last and final, yay, Winter nails for this season to post later and a couple other manis to show too.  I've not been posting to my blog lately like I'd like to be, not sure why that is other than being somewhat busy, still trying to adjust to life without Dad, the weather, just not sure, but, will try to get back into posting around twice a week more even tho' I do enjoy doing my nails roundup posts too and putting several manis in one post.

Have a great rest of the night.  It's Better Call Saul night and I don't have much planned other than some TV, laundry, reading, hanging out with the kitties and Casey and then bed later on.

Talk to you all soon, here's Miss Pebbles, my princess kitty, looking too cute in a basket one day :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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