Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas Bells

Happy Sunday Loves,

Hope you are doing good.  I am doing great :)  I've been off work since Thursday for my staycation at home and go back to work this Tuesday.  Thursday I cleaned all day, then on Friday my sister and I did a bunch of barn work and then yesterday I kinda just chilled, did my nails, then went to our Santa Stumble in the afternoon.  I only did the first two stops of the stumble, then we came back to my apartment and hung out here and I decided to stay home after that since it was slushy and icky out walking with the freezing rain and ick we had all day.  It was fun and I am old so not going out late for any longer doesn't really happen.  I loved that it started at 4 PM in the afternoon so it didn't end up being a late night. What can I say, I am OLD :)   Today and tomorrow I am just kinda relaxing and chilling the rest of my staycation and looking forward to it after being busy the last few days ;)

Here are the nails I did for the Santa Stumble. I did bells.  I am very pleased with how they came out :) The red base is Orly "Unlawful" and the green base is China Glaze "Starboard".  The silver glitter on my pinky is Essie "Set in Stones" and the gold on my index is Essie "Rock at the Top". I did the bells using nail art brushes and a few different polishes.  I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the bells nails to finish it off.  Hope you like them as much as I did :)

Unlawful, the red, and Starboard, the green, on it's own. 
Here's a few pics of me and some friends at Santa Stumble.  It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some new people too and Casey made some banging meatloaf for when we all got back to our apartment and we had some yummy shots too.  A good time indeed :)

Your feel good for today is:

"Today I choose happiness."

This one I love, love, love so much :)

I leave you with a bed of the boys, Buster, Mr. Kitty and Dino :)  I'm going to try to get another post up later on today or tomorrow of a couple other Christmas nails I've done so far this year.   Have a great rest of the day and I'll talk to you soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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