Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Gingerbread Houses for Christmas Day

Merry Merry Christmas my loves!!!

It's Christmas, I hope that you are spending time with your family and loved ones today if you celebrate. Casey and I are going to his family today then we will be hanging with our fur kids the rest of the day. On Sunday I went to church with my Mom and sister, then went to see some cousins. I think this weekend I am going to go see my brother and sis-in-law then for the holiday. It's too hard and tiring to do both families in one day so I like to spread it out over the holidays seeing family. It's also 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TV and I have been and so will be watching that till the last showing this afternoon :) It's so good and such a classic.

Today for Christmas I have some gingerbread house nails. I flippin' love these, think they turned out so darn cute :) Hope you like them too :)

My bases are China Glaze "Sneaker Head" (red), China Glaze "Mahogany Magic" (brown" and Essie "Off Tropic" (green). I drew the houses with a white striper, "Sneaker Head" and "Off Tropic". The red and green glitter is a Rite Aid one. I put a coat of Revlon "Gold Glaze" on my thumbs and Starlight Polish "Flame Sniper" on my pinkies.
Here's my nails with our tree, it's s a little table top one, so it's cat safe :) :)

Off Tropic, Mahogany Magic and Sneaker Head on their own. These were perfect bases for this I think :) 
Here's my sister, myself and cousins from Sunday.
 My Mommy and me with Dusty. We gave him one gift to open on Sunday since I won't see him today. His gift was marshmallows :)
 Dusty opening his gift :)
That's it for today. Have a great Christmas friends. I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with Mr. Kitty in a box :) :) :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Candy

Happy Sunday,

Hello my loves, hope you are well and that you are ready for Christmas if you celebrate. Today I am going to church with my Mommy then going to see my cousins and hang out with my horse for a bit.

Today I have some super simple stamping I did of Christmas candy this past week for our Christmas lunch we had at work on Thursday. I think these are very pretty!

My base is Essie "Cherry On Top". I stamped using Funky Fingers "Gesso" and Whats Up Nails B003 plate. The glitter is a snowman glitter from Rite Aid from several years back. I put a coat of Starlight Polish "Oak Evolution" on my pinky and index nails to finish.

Cherry On Top on it's own. I love, love, love this shade of red. 
Have a great Sunday, I'll talk to you on Christmas when I post my gingerbread house nails that I did this morning for Christmas :) I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino snoozing looking so cute :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Elfs For Santacon

Happy Hump Day, loves,

I hope you are well and that the week is treating you good! Mine has been okay. This past Saturday we had our local 9th annual Santacon which is just a bar crawl where we dress up as Santas or other Christmasy things. I always go as a type of Santa's helper and for this year I chose to do some elf nails for the occasion. This was the first time I did elf nails and I totally love how these turned out, they are so cute :) I have a few pics at the end of this post. Hope you like my happy little elves too :)

I did three bases here, the dark green is Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Hustle Up", the lighter green is China Glaze "Treble Maker" and the nude is Loreal "Go Nude". I then used several polishes and stripers to draw the elfs that I was too lazy to type :) The green glitter on my index nails is an unbranded random beauty supply glitter and on my thumbs and pinkies I put a coat of Starlight Polish "Star Jewel".

Hustle Up, Treble Maker and Go Nude on their own. These were perfect bases for this mani I think :) 
Here's some pics, this is my friend, Amy, and me before we left to go meet everyone.
My friend, Ted, who came as a raver Santa, it was great :)
My friend, Josh, as The Grinch's dog, Max, and myself :)
My cousin, Missy, myself and Josh again :)
Here's a group shot of us at one of the bars we were at, such a fun time with super fun peeps. I look forward to Santacon so much every year, it's so much fun :) :)

Have a great rest of the night, I'll talk to you soon. I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, December 10, 2018

Sweater Weather

Happy Monday Loves,

Hello my friends, I hope you are well and that life is treating you good. I'm okay. This weekend was sad, my step Grandma's memorial was Saturday, she was in her 90's so she had a good long life, but it was still sad. It was nice tho' seeing family members. Then on Saturday evening I was with friends hanging out for a clothing swap and that was fun fun fun. I love our friends, they are the BEST :)

Tonight I have some super simple stamped sweater weather nails. I think these are cute and they were so simple to do. Hope you like them too!

I did two bases, Orly "Seize the Clay" (pinky, index & thumb) and Orly "Terra Mauve" (middle and ring). I stamped with Funky Fingers "Gesso" and Winstonia "Winter Wonderland" plate. The glitter on my index nails is China Glaze "Turn Up the Heat" and I put a coat of BaronessX "Rubi" on the others to finish.

Seize the Clay and Terra Mauve on their own, these two are so pretty me thinks!
Later on this week I am planning on starting some Christmas nails. The first I am planning is some elves, can't wait to do them since I haven't ever done elves before.

Have a great rest of the night. I leave you with Miss Betty and Dino looking too cute :) Talk soon my lovely friends!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, November 30, 2018

Happy Hedgehogs & Happy Dots

Happy Friday Love Bugs,

It's Friday, yay, and I have the day off today, yay. So, I get a three day weekend, whoot. I do have to take a kitty to the vet later on today for her snotty nose allergy issues she gets and then tonight my sister is coming in to hang out but other than that I am having a pretty lazy day!

This morning I did some hedgehog nails. Let me tell you these were a lot harder to draw than I thought they would be. I kinda love these and think they turned out so cute :) I then decided to add some dots and I think they look super cute with the hedgehogs!

I did two bases here, the darker is Sally Hansen X-treme Wear "Pinch of Punch" and the lighter is China Glaze "In A Lily Bit". I used nail art brushes and a dotting tool to with several different polishes I did not feel like typing out to draw the hedgehogs and dots. I then put a coat of Different Dimension "Cold As Ice" on the others to finish.

Pinch of Punch and In A Lily Bit on their own, both of these are so pretty!
Have a great rest of the day and a wonderful weekend. I don't really have anything planned this weekend so it's going to be a lazy one and low key and I am okay with that.

I leave you with today Dino and Miss Betty snoozing, aren't they so cute when they cuddle together? I love it! Talk soon :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sparkly Blues for Winter Blahs To Come, Blah!!!

Happy Dead Day!!!

Tonight is the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead already. Can't believe it's here. This season has been really good I think. With the new showrunner the show feels fresh again and my sister and I have been thoroughly enjoying this season and do believe that it's about to get so very creepy with The Whisperers coming into play. We can't wait!!!!

Today we are going to have Thanksgiving dinner again with my Mom's church, so excited for more good food later on, lol :)

This morning I decided to do some shades of blue nails for the Winter blues like temperatures we've been having the last several days. On Thursday it was so cold out, Friday morning it was 17 degrees, ugh. I hate the cold and am so not looking forward to the many more months of cold we have to look forward to bah and the first day of Winter hasn't even got here yet, gah!!! Yesterday it rained all day and was cold but at least it wasn't snow!!! 

I think these did come out really pretty with all the glitters and sparkle, hope you like them too.

I did three bases here, China Glaze "Fade Into Hue" (pinky and thumb), Essie "In the Cabana" (ring and index) and Color Club "Hydrangea Kiss" (middle). On my pinkies and thumbs I put a coat of Maybelline Color Show "Blue Glaze", on my ring nails I put a coat of Color Club "Beyond the Mistletoe", on my middle nails it's a coat of L.A. Girl Splatter "Spatter" and on my index nails is a coat of an unlabeled random beauty store polish, no idea the brand or name, lol.

China Glaze "Fade Into Hue" (pinky and thumb), Essie "In the Cabana" (ring and index) and Color Club "Hydrangea Kiss" (middle) on their own. These were perfect bases me thinks :) 
Have a great day today my friends. Here's a feel good since I haven't posted one in a long while and this one is awesome and so true:

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about dancing in the rain."

LOVE this one. I leave you with Miss Betty and her cute as heck tongue blep, she's so adorable when she sleeps with the blep :) Well, she's adorable all the time :) Talk soon xoxo

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Turkey Day Turkeys....and......Turkey Legs!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Loves,

Happy day of thanks (even though I believe every day should be days of thanks :) ). I have so much every single day to be thankful for in my life. I am truly blessed with the life, family, friends and animals I have in my life.

Casey and I are going to his Mom and Dad's later on today for the holiday. I love his family so much and always look forward to spending time with them. This coming Sunday we are going to my Mom's church for their Thanksgiving dinner so will then spend the day with her and my sister and all the good people that go to her church.

For today I have some turkey and turkey drumstick nails to celebrate Turkey Day today. I actually prefer the the white breast meat to the dark leg, wing and thigh meat but wanted to do a drumstick cuz' they look cute :) It's been a couple years since I did turkeys and so glad I did this year, they are so cute me thinks!!!

I used three bases, Essie "The More the Merrier" (pinkies and thumbs), China Glaze "Casual Friday" (ring and index) and China Glaze "Spring Jungle" (middle). I used several different polishes to draw the turkeys and drumsticks that I just don't feel like typing them all out, lol. The glitter on my index nails is China Glaze "Glitter Me This...." and on my pinky and thumb nails I put a coat of China Glaze "Queen, Please!" to finish.

Essie "The More the Merrier" (pinkies and thumbs), China Glaze "Casual Friday" (ring and index) and China Glaze "Spring Jungle" (middle) on their own.
There you have my happy little turkey and turkey leg nails. Have a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate. I leave you with Miss Betty and Buster (RIP my buddy). I miss him, December 4th will be a year since Buster went to Rainbow Bridge and I miss my little asshole every day. He was a good cat :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?