Monday, September 6, 2021

Camp Weekend

Hello my friends, 

I hope you are well and life is good. It is my way. Casey and I were at our family camp this weekend. The weather was amazing and we had a great weekend. We saw elk on the road up to camp and it was awesome. Only recently have elk been migrating to this area so seeing them was really great!!!

We did not do much, mostly hung out at camp and Casey prepped the bus for a new paint job in a couple weeks when he goes back to paint. The bus is a 1939 school bus converted to a camp. It is great and I love it dearly. I have some pics after my nails below of our weekend.

For my nails for the weekend I did some layered tree stamping with deer and bear. I am so pleased with how these came out. I love these ❤

My base is Colores de Carol Peaceful. I put one coat of Holo Taco Galactic Unicorn Skin on the nails to stamp. I used ZZ Forest 1, Lantern & Wren Layers of Nature, Nicole Diary 153 and Clear Jelly Stamper CJS-67 plates with all Maniology stamping polishes.

Here is our beloved bus.
In the outhouse 🤪😜🥺🥴

Inside of the bus. We have and will always keep it just the way my Dad had it. I love that everything is so old ❤

Here are my Dad's ashes and some of one of his best buddies who spent a lot of time at camp with him. 
Looking up at our camp. I love it so much. It truly is home away.
The view from below our camp. It's so gorgeous.

The road where we get spring water by camp. So gorgeous here too.

Cast getting water.
The one local general store's sweet sweet girl, Sadie. I love her and smother her with attention when we go there. 
The elk on the way to camp. These animals are so cool.

That's it for today. Have a great day. I am off for the Labor Day holiday and plan on a lazy day with the cats 🐈 Talk soon.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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