Monday, November 1, 2021

Happy Got You Day Miss Betty ❤❤❤

Hello My Friends, 

Today is a very special day, my favorite of the year. Today is seven years since Betty and I came into each other's lives. I adopted her from my cousin's parents when I was looking to adopt another kitty and they had a litter from some outside cats that needed a home. They live in the country so they always had people dropping cats off. They have gotten them all fixed and homed so now they are down to just a couple, yay! 

From the first time I laid eyes on this little lady she had my heart. There was just something about her. The bond we have is so strong and so special. She is my little side kick. I love all of our kitties, but she is my heart, my love kitty! We cuddle, we snuggle and we just love each other so much. She is my baby girl. She is so stinking cute too. I mean, just look at her, she is the cutest! 
For this year's nails to honor my baby girl I did some black holo cat stamping. I think these turned out so cute and I love them! 

My base is K.B Shimmer Frequent Flyer. I stamped using multiple plates and holo stamping polishes that I am way too lazy to type out this time 😜🤪

Here are a few of my favorite pics of Miss Betty :) 

Have a happy Monday, talk soon! 

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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