Sunday, August 30, 2015

Walker Sunday Nails A Week Late :)

 Happy Dead Day/Night,

It's Fear The Walking Dead Day/Night, yay.  Last week's premiere episode was pretty good and tonight is really good, the World is going to shit in a hand basket, I love it :)  Anyways, I got lots to say, but, since these nails are a week late and FTWD is on now, I am writing this during the commericials, you'll get just a little chat tonight and the full chat tomorrow night when I get my next post up hopefully which is about mani bombs or bath bombs for your hands, nails and cuticles, they are luxurious :)

I did these last Sunday for the Fear The Walking Dead premiere/potluck I had, didn't get a chance to post then or at all this week, it was a long week.

Onto my dirty blood splattered walker nails, these were lots of fun and so Walking Dead like, yay :)


My distressed/dry brush dirty nails I did before I splattered them.
And, there you have my FTWD Series Premiere nails only a week later.

I leave you with a pic of Casey and me at an event last weekend and one of Casey and Betty sleeping.  I now have a pic of Casey and each of my five cats sleeping with him. I love it :) Talk to you all soon!
We are so cute :) Casey is so cute :)
Casey and Miss Betty, the cute, the cute :) 

 Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Drunk Saran Wrap Nails Post :))

 Happy Drunk Friday Love Bugs,

I am drunk!  Casey and I went to a local artsy place and i got a bit drunk on cheap vodka, I LOVE cheap vodka, vodka and I will always be friends and lovers, unlike those first three booze divorces I had early in life, the first booze divorce I had was To-Kill-Ya, yuck, just yuck, second divorce was that daggone'fo whiskey, last and final booze divorce was, shudder, shudder, shudder, shudder, ALL the shudders, Yaeger, no, no, no, NO, Yaeger, NEVER EVER again will be buds, ain't gonna happen!  So, that crazy Russian, you never do me wrong and I even have this Russian Vodka hat that I was going to take a pic of, but, I am unsure of where it's living right now in myh apartment, I shall post a pic once I find it, but, anywhos, vodka, you will always be my friend, yay for potatoes vodka, yay!

The nails I got tonight I did last night with saran wrap.  You paint on your base coat, let that dry, then put some random dots of polish on your nail, then crumple up a piece of saran wrap and dab it on the dots to marble it, then finish with a top coat and call it good.  I used a base here of OPI "Mermaids Tears" and did dots of Zoya "Malia", Zoya "Flora" and Zoya "Yummy" (which I love this polish name as Yummy is what I tell Casey he is to me all the time cuz', well, he IS yummy :) ), I saran wrap dabbed all my accents, then put one coat of a glittery, sparkly "Melly Mix" on all nails to finish these nails.  Saran wrap nails are pretty, fun and easy to do.  There's different techniques to do them with and you can "just google that' to see some more :) Onto the nails :))
Here's Merma id Tears on it's own, it's pretty :)

That's it for tonight, I'll have my walker, walking dead nails by Sunday up.  Have a great rest of the night, I'll chat at you soon!  I've got more booze to drink now.

Here's Betty saying, "Mom, seriously, another pic, leave me alone and just love me!", LOL

Polish & Purrs,
 Have you loved your cuticles today?

Life is good, really good! I am happy, really happy and that is good!!!

Happy Yay It's Friday Friends, 

Smelly Melly and Do Me, the Doe at  PDF some year :)
It's Friday, yay, so glad the weekend is almost here.  I do indeed love the weekends.  It's been a long week, but, not too bad of one.  Looking forward to this weekend, some of my most beloved friends and one of my favorite camps, Prancing Pony, from our Burning Man regional event is hosting a local burner type event tomorrow with pirates being the theme that I can't wait to go to, good times with even better people, that's tomorrow, then on Sunday I am hosting a Fear The Walking Dead series premiere potluck which is going to be lots of fun too with great peeps, yay, plus we get a special edition of the Talking Dead before Fear The Walking Dead premieres and that makes me happy too.  I miss my Talking Dead and Chris Hardwick every week.  I will be doing some walker nails for Sunday and will post those then, yay :) 

Today's post is not nails.  I do have one mani to post later today or tomorrow of some saran wrap nails I did last night, but, not today.  Today is a post about me and my life.  If you regularly read my blog, you will remember me not posting much the month of April and May due to my personal life going pretty crazy for a while.  I did not go into any detail on my blog other than that my life was crazy, my marriage was over and I would be getting a divorce.  A few weeks ago I wrote the following and shared it on my personal Facebook and today I would like to share what I wrote with you, my blog readers and friends.  This is a recount of the events in my life from those few months that things were really nuts. Here it is:     

So, as a lot of you know, this past March 2015 my life went into some crazy, crazy turmoil and the ultimate heartbreak.  In literally the blink of an eye, my life changed dramatically.  My husband drove to Colorado to knowingly have sex with children after a six month federal sting operation targeting pedophiles. In August of 2013, our apartment was raided for child pornography images being on a computer in the home that the feds had gotten a hit off of.  They seized all of our computers and other electronics and searched top to bottom thru all of our belongings looking for evidence of child pornography.  They found nothing in our home as the porn was on one of Matt's computers. I felt so violated that day even tho' the feds and authorities treated me with nothing but the utmost respect, kindness and compassion that day, it still was so awful having them searching and looking thru my old childhood of innocence things such as my 4-H horse project books, my childhood photo albums, my childhood horse/cat scrapbooks, my horse and cat books, ribbons and trophies, etc. looking for child porn especially as my childhood was such a great and wholesome one, this was really hard for me to watch and experience.  After this happened I truly with every fiber of my being did not think that Matt was capable of looking at these immoral, disgusting and criminal images of children. I truly and stupidly believed that we were victims of internet crime, it happens every day and the Matt that I loved and thought he was would never have done this. Time went on and we heard nothing so we both thought that was the end and we could just let that awful day go.  Little did I know the truth and this secret life he was living right under my nose, he was talking to an undercover fed agent posing as a single mom pimping her "daughters" out for sex for six months, he also sent pictures of his penis to this agent online, I had no idea what-so-ever. Matt looked both me and one of my best friends in the eyes and straight up lied to us saying he had no idea how this all happened on the computer. We both believed him. A handful of other people knew about what happened and they were of the same thoughts, that Matt was not capable of this, how wrong we all were, sigh. 

Matt and I did separate for 5 months from October 2013 thru March 2014.  When he claimed he loved me, wanted to work on our marriage and wanted to come back home as long as I just "promised to trust him to not do anything stupid", again, I foolishly believed him and let him move back in.  I didn't want my marriage to fail.  I did love him after all. Things were really great the first couple of months, then Matt started to withdraw, began to treat me really badly, was just so rude to me all the time and was continually getting black out drunk or so out of his mind from drugs, so, I just put myself into my doing my nails, my blog, my family, friends and pets to avoid him and I guess looking back now, to maybe pretend things weren't this bad, I don't know. So, then he told me and several family and friends that he was going to Denver for a job interview, he was looking for a job at the time and I didn't really want to leave this area, but, thought, why not, maybe a change could/would be good for us.  Again, we all believed his master lying, sigh.  Then he got arrested and has been locked up since.  

He's right where he needs to be and I am relieved that he is gone and that he did not have an actual victim to destroy a life. When this all happened, I was in shock and disbelief, but, somehow handled it emotionally and mentally really well.  I was strong and stayed strong, I had no choice. I had so many friends and family come see me in those first days after it happened.  I couldn't have stayed strong had I not had them there for me.  I couldn't be alone and didn't want to after this happened.  I was very stressed over how I was going to pay my rent and bills on my own all of a sudden, then Niki started a go-fund-me for donations to help, my Dad and boss gave me some money and Leslie at my work took donations to give me to help alleviate my money stresses.  Thru the kindness and generosity of others, I was able to stay in my apartment, not disrupt my six cats' lives, pay all my bills and move on. I wouldn't have been able to do it on my own otherwise, so, thank you to all that helped me in my darkest time of need, it means so much and I love you all. 

Those first few days, weeks to month after it happened I had so many different emotions going thru me. I went from sadness to grief to anger to despair to WTF, why me and more.  I questioned alot why this happened to me and what did I do to ever deserve this and could I have been more observant and seen Matt for what he really was/is.  I now know that I had NOTHING, NADA to do at all with the choices he made, he made them all on his own and he made me a victim.  Matt was a very selfish person.  I didn't deserve this, but, it happened, I've dealt with it, remain strong and just knew that I was going to be okay.  There were alot of people really worried about my emotional health, but, I was okay and like I said, I just knew I was going to be okay.  Things also happen for reasons, I see now different reasons why it happened. There's also been blessings in disguise since this happened.  

One blessing was getting into the car accident, it sucked that I was hurty for a while, it happened the week prior to PDF and my car was totalled, but, at the same time, my old car was going to take a lot of money to pass inspection and I had been stressing a bit cuz' of that.  My car being totalled and me getting my "new" car took away that stress and I really do love my Mercury too.  It's a nice horseless carriage!

Matt also blew a good chunk of money on scratch off lotto tickets all the time, way more than I ever even knew about.  He had a gambling problem too. Money is really tight for me now, but, I somehow am still doing better than when he was around to waste money, another blessing in disguise. I do plan on finding a cool part-time job soon to help with the cash flow.  

As sad and heartbroken as I was I still had every intention of attending this past Spring Playa del Fuego, our local regional Burning Man event, and going to be surrounded by so many lovely beings and souls that would bring me nothing by love, joy, smiles, hugs, laughter and support and they sure did that the entire weekend.  Thank you, I love you all so much.  I honestly thought this past PDF was going to be a really hard and difficult burn for me being the first time in 8 years that I went without Matt. It ended up being the BEST DAMN BURN I've had in many years.  It was not hard nor difficult at all like I thought it would be.  This is thanks to all my lovely burner family at PDF and also a large part due to someone really amazing who has become very special to me.  

I had thought and had it in my head that I would really truly become a crazy old cat lady as I really believed that I could/would never be able to ever trust a guy again, let alone love someone again and would never ever get involved with anyone ever again.  I was that broken inside.  Then PDF happened and that first night of PDF on "It's Only Thursday!", Casey, who I've known for many years thru PDF, came rolling into camp unloading stuff and I told him quick what had happened, then a few hours later I asked him if he wanted to be my cuddle buddy this PDF, he said yes :)  I still have no idea what made me say that to him, but, I did and I am so glad I did as we've been hanging out ever since and I've now got the most amazing boyfriend (gah, still sounds and feels so weird to say that word, LOL) that treats me the way I deserve to be treated, takes really good care of me and is really such a good guy all around.  He's a country boy, loves animals and we've got so much in common, it's pretty damn awesome! We have so much fun together, are really happy together and all my cats love him to pieces. I trust him one billion percent and that is so refreshing to not have a single trust issue in this relationship.  I'm really thankful I have him in my life, yay.  Again, things happen for reasons and those blessings in disguise.  

I am staying in my apartment with my cats, have rearranged the apartment and just made it be mine and the fur babies home now.  It's not hard at all to be there and I have no problem being there.  There are no memories with Matt having lived there that make me sad any longer. 

I see now that Matt did bring me down and caused me stress in more ways than I even realized.  I am, for the first time in several years the happiest I've been for a long time.  I am okay, knew I was going to be okay and will remain okay, I know it.  Even with my Dad and his colon cancer and health issues, Mom getting hurt, my sister hurting her knee and me having to go to take care of the horses every day, I have no stress in my life barely at all any longer, it's so nice, I'll take it.

I get to see my horse just about every day now too and that has been great therapy for me as well along with my cats, they've really been my furry little rocks thru this too. 

I have moved forward from this and will continue to move forward.  I am very happy and content with the path my life has taken and I look forward to the future journeys my life's path sends me on.  I know there will be bumps in the road, but, after this, I can get thru anything, I damn well better, I just know it and I will be okay, this I know.

If you got thru all of this, thank you.  It felt really good to write this and just get it off of me.  I still struggle with certain feelings about what Matt did, what he is and probably always will, however, it will not dominate me nor rule my life and I've learned to squash the icky feelings down pretty much as soon as they rear their negative heads up.  This post is not meant to bash Matt or to talk shit on him, any negative comments will be deleted, please, just don't do it.  This was not written to create negativity, this was written because I needed to write this and get it out for me and for you, my friends and love bugs.  

Thank you all so, so, so much for being there for me thru all of it, I love you all so much.  I couldn't have done it without the amazingly strong support system I have.  I am so thankful for each and every one of you in my life! 

Life is good, really good!  I am happy, really happy and that is good!!! 

All the hugs and love, 

Smelly Melly 

There you have it, the crazy that my life was for a while, pretty crazy shit, eh'.  It's still hard that I even had to go thru this to begin with.  It sucked majorly and was not something I ever thought would happen to me, but, it did and I am okay now and will remain okay.  I am happy, living my life and moving on and that is a really good thing.
My horse Dusty Bucks and me :)
Talk to you all this weekend when I post my saran wrap and Dead Day nails, yay.

Have a great rest of Friday, yay!  Tonight I am cleaning a bit for the potluck and hanging out with Casey and the kitties :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dotticure Day

 Happy Hump Day Friends,

Hope you are all having a good week, mine has been uneventful and I am so okay with that.  Not feeling the chattiest tonight, so, onto the nails.

I did this dotticure last night using Essie "Salt Water Happy" as my base with dots done on my accent nails with China Glaze "Grape Pop" (one of my favorite purples ever, I love Grape Pop), China Glaze "Don't Mesa With My Heart" and Orly "Teal Unreal".  I then put one coat of Fair Maiden "Glory Of The Galaxy", a holo top coat, on all nails to finish. I did smear a couple dots cuz' I didn't wipe my dotting tool off enough between making the dots on my nails, it will get a little string type thing going on if you don't wipe your dotting tool off every few or more dots, but, I don't care, I heart these nails so hard :)

I love this dotticure so much, I love how it turned out.  Dotticures are really easy to do and every polish peep should have a set of dotting tools, you can do alot with them.

Salt Water Happy on it's own, this was from the Spring collection this year, it's a really cool blue and I surprisingly do not have any blue quite like this one, I dig it, glad I got it.
My dotting tools I used and the piece of cardboard I use to dip my tools in.  I use the backs of paper tablets for the polish, these work great and are a great way to recycle the backs of those :)
 That's it for today, going to brush my teeth, do a mani bomb, which is a bath bomb for your nails that are full of awesomely moisturizing oils and is a nice way to pamper your nails, cuticles and hands, look for a blog post on them coming up, they are so nice to use.  Then after my mani bomb, I'll rub in some cuticle balm and whipped shea butter on my nails and hands, cuddle the kitties and Casey, then to bed.

Have a great rest of the night and I'll talk to you soon. Mr. Kitty says good night.....meeeeee......owwwww....

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Black Cat Nails for Black Cat Appreciation Day

It's Monday Friends, 

It's Monday, that's all I got, it's Monday.  I ask again, where do those weekends go, I just don't know, LOL.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  I had an alright one, uneventful and for the first time in several weekends, I wasn't busy doing stuff all weekend which was really nice.  Casey and I got to hangout, chill and watched the Season 4 Walking Dead marathon all day Sunday.  They are showing all five seasons right now since Fear The Walking Dead's series premiere is next Sunday.  I can't wait, I am really looking forward to this companion series of TWD to start, yay.  Casey hasn't ever really watched Walking Dead too much, so, I am getting him caught up now on it.  He has no choice but to watch it with me since I am a total Walking Dead junkie all the way, lol,  and I can not wait till Season 6 premiere come October.   It's going to be good, can't wait and can we just say it together, Daryl Dixon, no other words needed :) 

Today's post is a very special one for me as my nails today are for my most favorite day of the year, Black Cat Appreciation Day, which is August 17th every year.  I love all cats, but, those solid black cats are my heart and soul when it comes to kitties.  I have always loved black cats so much and have had several own me over the years.  I currently have three solid black babies in my life.  My dream, if I ever come into a bunch of money some day, would be to start my own black cat rescue/no kill sanctuary.  There is so much negativity and superstition attached to black cats and Black Cat App. Day was started as an event on Facebook back in 2011 to spread awareness about black cats, to squash that dumb superstition that they are bad luck, to praise the joy and love a black cat can bring you in your life and to make people aware that black cats are sadly the least adopted in shelters, which breaks my heart to no end and I will never get how or why people think these little dear cats are evil or bad luck.  I will always have solid black cats in my life.  Life would be very odd without any black feline kids in it for me.  I love black cats and they are just awesome, so, here's to solid black cats and Black Cat Appreciation Day, yay. 

For my nails I used a base of China Glaze "More To Explore", the cats and paw prints are nail decals. I used one coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow (linear version) on top of the decaled nails and one coat of CBL "Leather & Lace" on the non-decal nails.  I love these black cat nails so much and will actually leave these on my nails for more than a day or two, LOL :) 


Trying to get a black cat nails pics with Dino ;) 
More To Explore on it's own.  This was from China Glaze's spring 2015 Road Trip collection, it's pretty.  I love all shades of peach, pink, coral polishes like this. 
 Here are pics of black cats that mean the world to me and have so many paw prints on my heart. 

Fred & Barney, these two are both waiting at Rainbow Bridge for me.
Bam Bam, he's waiting with his brothers at Rainbow Bridge as well. 
Here are Pebbles, Dino and Betty, the three solid blacks in my life here now.  I love each and every one of them so much.  Betty is my heart. I still think about and miss Fred, Barney and Bam Bam every day. They were great cats, all three of them.

Pebbles, Dino, Betty

Here is yet another picture of Casey napping with another cat, this time it was black cat Dino.  I love that the kids love him so much, it makes my heart so happy, yay :) 

So, there you have my Black Cat Appreciation Day nails.  I love them and I love black cats! 

If you are thinking of adopting a cat in your life, please consider adopting a black cat.  They will bring you nothing but love, joy, fun, happiness and even more love.  Why? Because black cats RULE! 

Have a great Monday and I'll talk to you all soon.  I have some other posts in mind that I want to do soon, one of which I will be updating my nail care routine and sharing that updated one with you all.

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Abstract Nails

Hello Again Peeps, 

I've got, gasp, gasp, gasp a second blog post up tonight, yay.  This makes me happy I am caught up with my nails now on my blog, yay, and I am doing a different font too on this post, hope it's pretty looking.  I chatted last post, so, onto the nails.  

These I did using a nail art brush to do the lines.  I like them, wish I could get my lines a little more straight and narrow, but, oh well, I still loved these anyways :)  

I used a base of Orly "Push The Limit", used Orly "Glowstick", China Glaze "You Drive Me Coconuts", Sinful Colors "Endless Blue", Finger Paints "Leonardo's Lime" and Orly "Be Daring" for my accents and used Indigo Bananas "Rainbow All The Things" on the rest.    

Push The Limit on it's own, trust me when I say this is way brighter than my pics show, it's a pretty bright polish.

That's it for those nails.  I will be doing some black cat nails tomorrow for Black Cat Appreciation Day on Monday and I do plan to have them up by Monday morning for my favorite "holiday" of the year, yay for black cats.

Have a great rest of the night.  Casey and I are watching an Undercover Boss marathon and just chilling the rest of the night.  Here's the other pic of Casey with Pebbles napping on the couch, they are cute, I love that my fur babies love him so much, that makes me really happy, yay. 

They are cute :) 
And, here are two more of Mr. Dino, he's such a cool cat, I love him so much!


Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Glitter.....Glitter.... Glittah!!!

Happy Caturday Friends, 

Hope you are all having a wonderful Caturday. It's been a long ass time since I posted on a Caturday, so, happy I am today, yay!  I love Caturdays, it's the weekend.  My day has been uneventful, went out and cleaned the horse stalls, then putzed around home doing some laundry and doing some nail polish crafty stuff.  Today I was painting lighters with nail polish, they come out really pretty.  I also decorate small mint tins that I use to put my pills and meds in in my purse.  I also paint baby food jars that I put all my hand creams in which is way prettier to have sitting around than tubes and jars that the creams come in.  I'll post some pics in another post of some of the fun nail polish crafts I and many of my friends do too.  I love decorating stuff with nail polish in addition to my nails 'cuz, well, I do indeed LOVE nail polish, yay  :)

Today's post is glitter nails I've done in the past week or so.  I am going to continue to group my glitter nails together in one post when I do glitter nails, it's easier this way than a single post for each, don't cha think?  I sure do. 

Here you go, glitter, glitter and more GLITTAH, yay! 

Bonna Blue on it's own, you can get this one at 5 Below, it's a nice pastel blue and bright to boot.
I used a base here of Fresh Paints "Bonna Blue", one coat of Sinful Colors "Baila Baila" on my accents, then Red Carpet "Make Up Time" on the rest.  
For Audrey on it's own, it's Tiffany Blue and it's a classic, all polish whores should have this one ;)
Here is a base of China Glaze "For Audrey", with Sally Hansen Triple Shine "Fanta-Sea" on accents and an unknown no name sparkle top coat on the rest.
Imperial Purple on it's own, it's a pretty purple.
 Base here is Milani Color Statement "Imperial Purple" with Venique "Meshing Around" on accents and Ozotic "905 Beam" on the rest.  The Ozotics Sugar and Beams that I have I love, some of my favorite sparkle top coats.  They are pretty.
Be Daring on it's own.  Another really pretty purple, purple is my favorite color, so, of course I love it, derp.
Base here of Orly "Be Daring" with Finger Paints "Sparkle With Me" on accents and Ruby Kisses no name polish.
Suzi Shops & Island Hops on it's own.  A really pretty pastel pink, I love pink almost as much as my purple, so, of course I love this one too ;)
 Here is a base with OPI "Suzi Shops & Island Hops" with accents of Rica "Bottled Unicorn Fart" (This is an indie, she has a shop on Etsy and you so should buy this polish, the girl that makes this is also in my one small polish group I am in on Facebook, so, that is cool) then Finger Paints "Sparkle Top Coat" on the rest.  I loved these, I love neon glitter so much, it's so much fun and I love that I am able to support an indie polish maker too, yay. 

Whew, that's it for my Caturday Glitter Spam today.  Yay for sparkles and yay for getting a blog post up.  Princess Mirabel, this post is dedicated to you (((  HUGS ))) and love!!

I leave you with, can you guess, cats, cats, cats and Casey with a cat too :)  Have a great rest of the night.  I am going to do a, gasp, second post tonight of one other mani I did with a nail art brush that I just did some abstract lines on, they were pretty and easy to do too. 

Talk to you again tonight soon, oh, so soon, yay for getting blog posts done :) 
Miss Betty, that tongue, look at that tongue :)

Casey & Princess Pebbles napping and cuddling, the cute, the cute :)
Polish & Purrs, 


Have you loved your cuticles today?