Monday, December 21, 2015

Reindeer Cats?!?!

Happy Monday All,

Hope you had a good Monday.  Mine was okay, not bad at work, but long since I went back today first day after surgery and by 4-ish I was really in pain so I left a bit early and came home and chilled, then made a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting to take to work tomorrow for our Christmas lunch we are having at the office. 

I sadly ended up not going to church yesterday.  I was in too much discomfort still and this recovery is sucking, but, I'll get thru it and be fine, just have to take it easy and not over do things which is very difficult for me being an active person and stubborn too, but, I am doing pretty good with this cuz' it hurts, ugh.  Casey has been doing all my "heavy" normal chores like cleaning the litter boxes, laundry, that kind of stuff, but, I have still been doing dishes.  I hope that I am back to my normal routine soon tho', this sucks being limited, ugh.

Tonight I have some nails that I originally intended to be my reindeer nails, but, as I got done with them I realized that they totally didn't look like reindeer at all and looked like cats, so, they became reincats or the things we do to our cats like dress them up for the holidays so now I present to you my reindeer cats :)  I kinda totally dig them, reindeer nail fail and all, LOL :)

I used a base of China Glaze "Thistle Do Nicely" and a coat of Orly "Fifty Four" on top of my non-reincat nails and one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the reincats. They came out cute, don't you think?  I do :) 
Here's the "deer" prior to me making them into official reincats, LOL, see they totally don't look anything like reindeer at all, ha ha.

Thistle Do Nicely on it's own.  I love wearing neons in the Winter, well, I'll wear any color any day I feel like it, such a rebel I am :)

That's it for tonight.  Hope you dig my nail fail reindeer nails.  I sure do!! Here's Princess Pebbles being my nurse yesterday while I was doing my reincat nails :)  Isn't she just the prettiest kitty?
Have a great rest of the night and I'll chat at you all soon me promise you that :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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