Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sugar Cookie Nails

 Happy Caturday Ya'll,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.  I have been home recovering from my surgery which did go well.  The first two days were really rough with the discomfort in my abdomen from the gas they pumped into it and that really sucked, but, thankfully that has lessened mostly by now.  My incisions are still really hurty, but, otherwise I am okay, just been taking it easy, watching TV, reading some nail blogs, messing around on FaceCrack and cuddling with the kitties.  I do go back to work on Monday and am going to my Mom's church tomorrow for their Christmas program.  Mom is going to be a shepard in the play the kids are putting on and it should be cute.

I did muster up the energy to do my nails on Thursday night cuz' I couldn't take having my nails naked any longer since I had to take my polish off for the surgery so I did some sugar cookies since they didn't take too much time to do.  I used a base of China Glaze "UV Meant To Be" and used nail art brushes to do the cookies using a Maybelline polish, didn't write it down and don't feel like getting up to look which one it was, but, it is a neutral beige and the "sugar' on the cookies with glitter polishes and nail art brushes too.  I then put one coat of a Melly Mix on my non cookie nails and a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the cookies.  I like these cookie nails, hope you do too :)
My sugar cookie nails with some sugar cookie mani bombs
UV Meant To Be on it's own, this is a really pretty and bright blue.
There you have my sugar cookie holiday nails.  I really did like these nails.  I still want to do some reindeer yet before Christmas and for Christmas it's going to be some gingerbread men, can't wait to do them :)

Here is Dino and Miss Betty being Mommy's nurses over the last few days.  I am so happy that I have such good little nurses to make Mom feel better right now.  They sure do know when you aren't feeling good.  Kitties are the best!!!!
 Miss Betty

Here's Mr. Kitty, Dino and Casey too being my nurses, they are all so cute :)
That's it for now.  I'll talk to you all soon I promise you that :)  Have a great rest of Caturday!!!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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