Thursday, December 24, 2015

Gingerbread Men For Christmas!!!

Happy Christmas Eve Friends :)

It's Christmas Eve, hope everyone is ready for Santa to come visit and that everyone's been good so Santa does come to visit, yay :)  I am ready for tomorrow.  In the morning Casey and I are going out to my parent's to visit with them, my sister and the horses and we'll get to be with the horses when they open their gifts which I can't wait for, it's actually the thing I am most looking forward to tomorrow since it's so cute watching them attempt to open gifts and also because I haven't seen my horse since before my surgery and I miss him so much, I just miss his goofiness, his sweetness and just Dusty being Dusty. I love my my horse, that is for sure, he's a good boy, then we are going to Casey's family then if we have time we'll stop by my nephew's and his wife's to visit for a bit, so, a busy full day, but, it will be an awesome day and it's also a three day weekend, so, that makes it even better.

I am still recovering and healing from my surgery slowly, but surely.  It's a slow process and I still have a lot of pain, but, it's not as bad as it was, just trying to take it easy and not overdo anything which I have been really good about for the most part :)

This holiday season I've been obsessed with all things gingerbread from body butters to lip balm to candles to soap to wax melts.  I LOVE gingerbread scented anything, it smells SO GOOD!!! So, for my gingerbread obsession I decided that I wanted to do some gingerbread men for my Christmas day nails and so I did.  I LOVE them so much!  I think they came out cute, even the one that got kinda funky on my right ring fingernail, it's okay tho', he just got a little too into the eggnog and decided to do a little running dance to get rid of his eggnog overindulgence bloat, LOL.  I love these tho', my little gingerbread men make me happy, happy, happy :)

For my gingerbread men I did a base of China Glaze "Violet-Vibes" then did one coat of Indigo Bananas "SF 35 Top Coat" on my non-men nails and one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on my men nails.  I used a nail art brush and dotting tool with a Maybelline shade to do the men with and a few random polishes that I didn't write down for the white, green and red.

Here's my got into the eggnog gingerbread man, isn't he funny looking in his drunken stupor :)
Violet-Vibes on it's own, I love, love this pretty and bright it's on, it's awesome :)
 Here's a pic of some of my gingerbread scented stuff.
A mani bomb, candle, body butter, soap, body butter, mani bomb and more soap.  I also have some gingerbread lip balm and wax melts, but forgot to put them in the pic.
I also went to The Feed Store today for litter and cat treats and got some pics of The Feed Store kitties and gave them their treats like I always do when I go there.  I love these girls, they are really sweet and good kitties :) 
Puss, Almond and Boots
Almond, she's such a cute kitty, I love her ;)
Boots, she's a good girl, her and Puss are sisters and they are old ladies now, they are around 13 or so now, such sweet kitties :)

Have a great rest of Christmas Eve all that celebrate and a very Merry Christmas!  I'll talk to you all soon and of course here's some of my kitties wishing you a very Meowy Christmas as well :)  Hugs and love and enjoy this time with your family and friends!
Miss Betty
Pebbles and Buster
 Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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