Friday, December 11, 2015

Here Comes Santa Claus, Here Comes Santa Claus!

Happy Friday Loves,

It's the weekend, yay, yay, yay :)  I love the weekends.  Tonight is Z Nation night on TV, only two more episodes left of Season 2, sniffle, sniffle, so no more zombies for a while now after next Friday night when the Z Nation season finale is on, but, I will have most definitely have some zombie nails for next Friday night for you all cuz' you know by now how much I do indeed love zombies if you regularly read my blog :)

I also had to go have blood drawn today for before my tubal ligation surgery I am having next Wednesday and it sucked cuz' it's really difficult to get blood from me so I have a sore right arm, right hand and left hand, but, third time is the charm and the girl did get it to flow the third try from my right hand, but, boy, is it black and blue and sore, ugh.  Back in August I had the Essure procedure done where you get tubes inserted into your tubes, a permanent birth control and my doc was unable to get one in my left side and he said sometimes the tube may be naturally blocked, but, sadly mine was not, he said it may have spasmed during the procedure preventing the tube isertion so tubal ligation it is now, sigh, but, on the other hand I am so ready and excited to be able to finally get off the pill for good now.  I am just a bit anxious about this surgery, but, it will all be okay, I know it. I'll be off work from Wednesday thru Friday next week and then back on the following Monday. At least I'll have my little nurse kitty Betty by my side the entire time while I am home recovering.

Today I have my second Christmas nails of this year that I did.  I did Santa.  This is the first time I did Santa and I free handed them too and I am really pleased with how they came out.

For my Santa nails I used a base of OPI "Panda-Monium Pink" and then used a "Melly Mix" on my non-accent nails and one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on the Santa nails.  I used a slew of different polishes for the Santas using a nail art brush and and dotting tool for his eyes.  I am quite pleased with how my first ever attempt at Santa nails free handed came out.  I dig 'em, hope you do too :)
Panda-Monium Pink on it's own.
 That's it for now.  Tonight I am going to make my chocolate cupcakes with homemade peanut butter frosting for my good friend, Leah's, b-day party tomorrow and I can't wait for the party, it's going to be a great time with great friends, yay :) 

I leave you with what else, but, some kitties :) 
Buster and Miss Betty sleeping in two of the kitty beds.
Mr. Kitty laying on Casey.  He is on Casey every single day, it's so cute.  He's not my cat, he's so Casey's cat. He hardly ever gets on Mommy, ha, that brat :)  But, I love that he loves Casey so dang much, it makes me happy :)
Aren't they cute :)
Have a great night and I'll talk to you all soon, soon, soon.

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

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