Sunday, December 28, 2014

Glitter, Yay, Cats & Breyer Horses

Happy Sunday Night,

Hope you all had a great weekend and holiday.  I got a lot done this weekend, I got a new nail polish rack from "Santa", so, got all my polishes reorganized this weekend.  I also tarped up our outside cat houses for the two boys, Little Shit and Mr. Kitty, that live outside, washed all their blankets and straightened up outside.  I did overdo it a bit with my back this weekend, that sucks, but, taking it easy the rest of tonight while watching some Breaking Bad on AMC.  I love Breaking Bad, it was a really good series.  I wish it was still on.

Anywhos, on to my nails.  So happy to be done with Merry Merry nails, I was really tired of red, green, white and silver. I started with my standard adhesive base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "History of the World" with one coat of CND Effects "Amethyst Sparkle" on top of all nails, but, my thumb and accent, I did one coat of KB Shimmer "Happily Ever Aster" (one of my holiday gifts) followed by one coat of Poshe fast dry top coat.  I love the glitter, couldn't wait to use my new KB Shimmer :)   

                                                                  Polishes Used:
China Glaze "History of the World", KB Shimmer "Happily Ever Aster", CND Effects "Amethyst Sparkle"
History of the World on it's own
Buster & Betty

Everyone have a great rest of the weekend.  I'll talk to you all soon.  Been thinking on how I want to do my nails for NYE. 

I leave you with a flashback picture of some Breyer Horse Models I had as a kid and still have now.  I had so many Breyers, love them so much and still do have a bin full downstairs ;)

Love you, my love bugs, 


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Mr. Kitty, I FINALLY got a couple pics of him, he's so hard to take pics of cuz' he rubs all over your legs, wants pet and just wants love.  He's sweet.
Merry Christmas to all,

I hope that everyone had/is having a great Christmas Day and Merry Christmas to all my family and friends.  I love you all!  I had a really nice day.  I hung out with the kitties then went out to my Mom & Dad's.  Normally we go to my brother's where the rest of the family went, but, Dad hasn't been feeling good, so, everyone else went to see them last weekend and I went out today.  It was nice, very relaxed, just Mom, Dad and me.  I visited with the horses, gave Harley, the dog, and the cats love too.  I really enjoyed going to Mom & Dad's today and it's my childhood home, so, I always love going out there anyways, plus, I get to see my horse then too :) 

Here's my Merry nails.  I did a different look for these.  I was tired of red, green and white, so, purpley, pink orchid (China Glaze "Sweet Talk To Me) it was for my base after a coat of Orly Bonder, an adhesive base coat.  I was feeling lazy, so, decided to pull out some of my nail decals and used them.  I love how they turned out, especially my thumb, I used white polish for the snow the tree and gift is on and white polish also for the snow dots in the orchid sky and on the orchid "door" on my ring finger with my wreath and mistletoe. I used a coat of Color Club "Bright Night, Big City" on all nails but, my accents, I did a coat of INM "Northern Lights" on my accent nails, then a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  Here they are:

Sweet Talk To Me on it's own.  She's so pretty!

Dino & Pebbles saying they want in on the claw action :)
My best gift that came to me about two months ago, Miss Betty
Handsome, Handsome Dino

Buster, my pretty and needy boy

Miss Betty, the cute, I sure hope you can take it, I sure can't, LOL. Look at that face, she looks like a little teddy bear, she's my teddy bear baby kitty.
Princess Pebbles and a little green guy, ha!

Buster & Dino snoozin'
Mr. Kitty, finally got some pics :)
Mr. Kitty and his in style ear tip so that people know he's fixed and not a stray since he lives outside.
Pics of my gifts from this year.

All my Merry Merry gifts
My Lush Lemony Flutter, my first, I've wanted this for so long and love it.  My sample pack of Dollish Polish cuticle balm, this balm is great too, I love that and my favorite name, not smell is "Look At The Flowers Lizzie", of course :)
Wipe 'Yer Paws
Here's pics from out at Mom and Dad's today.  I love going out there and I love my Mom and Dad so much.  My sissie, Tina, lives with them, but, only got to say a quick hello to her, she works overnight, so, she was sleeping.

Mommy & me in front of the barn Christmas tree

My sis, Tina, always decorates the barn.  I love it :)

My best horse buddy in the world.  I love my horse so much, he's a really nice horse.
Here's Harley being silly.  She loves me so much, she's so cute and she's a good girl and a certified therapy dog.  Mom and her go on many visits, I am so proud of them both for the good they do.

That's is for now my love bugs, hope you all get to spend time with your loved ones, both family and friends. It's not about gifts, it's about spending quality and good time with family and that's what I did today.  I love my Mommy and Daddy.  I leave you with me and my amazing parents.  I love you Mom and Dad XOXO

Mommy, Daddy, me & Harley photobombing us, I love it :)
Polish, Purrs, Peace, Love Always,


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Twinkle, Twinkle Nails & Caturday Cats

Hi friends, 

Hope your weekends are good.  Mine is. I would like to take a moment to remember the two NYPD officers that were ambushed murdered while sitting in their marked parked car earlier today.  It's sad and senseless.  My heart goes out to the families and friends of these two men.  Cops take a very high risk every day, a risk I do not care to take and I respect them for that. 

My 'tis the season nails I did today are my version of Christmas lights.  I love how they came out. I dig them.  I used Orly Bonder, per usual, as my base, then two coats of OPI "Alpine Snow" with one coat of Revlon "Gold Glaze" on all nails, but, accent.  I then used my nail art brushes for the lights on my ring and thumb accent nails.  I used Orly "Enchanted Forest" for the cord the lights are on. For the lights I used all China Glaze polishes, "I Sea the Point", "Four Leaf Clover", "Orange Knockout", "Happy Go Lucky" and "Salsa" for the lights.  When the lights were done I did one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top, then Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  I love these.  I've been digging wearing white nail polish two times in a week. I love white polish. 
                                                                      Polishes Used
OPI "Alpine Snow", Orly "Enchanted Forest", CG "I Sea The Point", CG "Four Leaf Clover", Orange Knockout", "Salsa", "Happy Go Lucky", CG "Fairy Dust", Revlon "Gold Glaze"
The nail art  brushes I used.  Just drop polish on a plate and clean brushes with acetone between colors.

 I didn't post this in my last post, was hoping to get a few good pics today, but, couldn't. Anywhos, I adopted a new kitty this past week for a buddy for our outside cat, Little Shit, for real this time.  Our other one we adopted about 8 weeks ago was going to be outside, had to be inside to get over a respiratory infection and Miss Betty is all house kitty now. Things always happen for reasons, it is true.  Matt and I were not going to adopt a 6th one after we got Betty (our two older outside ginger kitties went to Rainbow Bridge earlier this year and we were down from 6 to 4 before we adopted Betty), but, we were supposed to adopt Mr. Kitty too.  He's currently in our rescue cage, got fixed and shots on Wednesday, still learning this is home now.  We are going to let him out to walk around the yard a bit tomorrow.  I am pretty confident that he's not going to run away when he gets freedom from the cage.  He knows now that this is where food, shelter, soft blankies, love, pets, cuddles and kisses are at.  He's a really sweet cat.  I am really happy Matt and I adopted this big guy. 

That's it for now my love bugs.  Have a great rest of Caturday.  I'll try to post my next holiday nails on Tuesday or so, I hope :)

And, it's now on to kitties we a go!!!!!!

Mr Kitty in his temporary home
Mr. Kitty eating his treats
Mr. Kitty (this was the picture I first saw of him and said, "Awwww....he's cute, I'll take him" :)
Pebbles & Dino (last night I got this pic too, but, it was Dino on the Forever Comfy.  I love how I got them switched up the next day.
Polish, Purrs & Love,


Friday, December 19, 2014

Holographic Nails & Caturday Cats, but, Of Course!

Happy Caturday, yay, 

Hope everyone had a great week.  My week was alright.  We had our work holiday lunch at the office today and that was nice.  We just get food and some beer and have it at the office.  I'd much rather have it at the office than go out to eat like we used to.  I can't believe that Christmas is next week already.  

I really was going to try to do holiday nails until Christmas, but, had to change it up.  I was getting tired of red, white, green and silver, so, I did blue this time.  I do have two more holiday manis that I will do and post.

I started out with my standard base coat of Orly Bonder (rubberized adhesive base coat), two coats of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Grey By Grey" on all nails then did a coat of Pretty & Polished "Holo Top Coat" on all nails, but, my ring and thumb accent nails, on those I put a coat of China Glaze "Glistening Snow", then topped all nails off with Seche Vite Quick Dry.  I didn't take bottle shots this time, was being lazy.

Here you go, sparkling goodness!

 Here's "Grey By Grey" on it's own.  It's a dusty blue gray, I love it.
Another sparkly holo goodness pic.
Miss Betty passed out, she puts her tongue out when she crashes hard, it's so cute.

That's all for now and now I shall spam you with Happy Caturday pics.  I'll talk to you all later in the weekend.  Have a great Caturday all my love bugs.
Handsome boy Dino

Dino & Pebbles

Miss Betty, our cute little teddy bear kitty.  She looks so much like a little teddy bear. She's so cute, I can hardly take her cute some days, LOL.
Princess Pebbles, she is such a pretty cat.
Buster, our needy, needy, sweet boy.

Polish & Purrs,



Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dotti-Marble & Kittehs.....Of Course!

Happy Sunday Love Bugs, 

It's still the weekend, yay!  I've had a very uneventful weekend, trying to take it a bit easy with my boogered back, so, I've been reading my book a lot this weekend which makes me happy.  It takes me longer to read a book now than before the time of social media and the interwebs. I also spent a lot of time doing my nails yesterday. So, here's my next 'Tis 'da Season nails.  I water marbled my accent nails, then brushed some silver, then green dots on with a dotting tool.

I did a base of Orly Bonder (adhesive base coat), 2 coats of OPI "Big Apple Red" on all nails, one coat of CND "Crimson Sparkle" on all, but, my accent nails (thumb and ring).  On those, I did a water marble using Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "White On" and OPI "Big Apple Red".  I then did some silver glitter accents on the marble with Orly "Mirrorball", followed that with green dots using China Glaze "Holly Day".  I put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the marbles, then put one coat of Seche Vite fast dry on all nails.  Here is my dotti-marble, I love how these came out.

Finished nails wit Dino in the back ;)
My marble before I put the silver and green on.  I love how my thumb came out.
Another with Pebbles
Big Apple Red on it's own with Pebbles
Dotti-Marble Nails
                                                Polishes Used
OPI "Big Apple Red", China Glaze "Holly Day", Sally Hansen "White On", CND Effects "Crimson Sparkle", Orly "Mirrorball", China Glaze "Fairy Dust"

Have a great rest of the weekend.  I am hanging out with my hubby, going to take a nice soaking bath, relax, read and chill the rest of today.  I'll leave you all with a pony and some kitties to make you smile, I hope. 

Talk to you all soon, my loves ;) 

Me leading my sister in a horse show way back when.  That's my pony, Goldy.
Princess Pebbles
Polish, Purrs & Peace, 
