Wednesday, December 10, 2014

'Tis 'da Seeeeee..Sannnn......and Owwwww......My Back Hurts....

 Hola my loverlies, 

Hope everyone is warm and toasty toasty, it's full blown Crotchety Curmudgeonry Cranky Cantankerous Son of a Buck Winter here now, insert Mr. Yuck face.  It's doing some freezing rain nonsense outside right now and is just icky, Mr. Yuck face again!!  I am so not a fan of the cold, I hate it.  Growing up with horses and having to deal with it every single day makes you not smitten with the season not one bit.  I right now am under my heated blanket on the couch with two purring fur ball kitties beside me, my boy, Buster and my girl, Betty.  We also have Dino and Pebbles, they are elsewhere on their own warm and toasty kitty beds.  We have cat beds of all sorts all over our apartment, they love their beds, spoiled rotten cats do indeed live here ;)

This week I had to take Monday home from work due to my arth-rittis in my back acting up.  I have three bulging disks and a tear in my ligament or whatever that is called in your back.  I had an epidural in both sides in the Fall and they helped for a while, but, now I am back to being in lots of pain, it's not easy gettin' old, this old gray mare, she just ain't what she used to be, ain't what she used to be, and , thank you all ya' darn horses in my life for contributing to my 'rittis.  I kid, I would not trade my horse life I've had for anything and I will accept the 'rittis and pain because horses really truly are a big part of what makes me ME.

I didn't have a chance to get my last two manis up yet, so, they will get done in a "Two-Fer" post in the next day or so.  Today's nails I did last night and finished tonight.  I had a green with red brush swirl accents that just didn't turn out the way I was hoping, but, I kept it on cuz' I was too tired to redo my nails.

I did have bottle shots,  but, then I used a different red and didn't really like how the swirl looked, so, I just said screw it, just gonna post my nails.  When I got home from work today I added one of the Revlons on my accent nails and it worked purr-fect, so, here is my first 'tis the season nails.  I love the combo.  I used Bonder as my base, a rubberized base coat, then 2 coats of Nuance "Prickly Pear", then a couple red Orlys that I dropped dots on my nails and swirled with a nail art brush, the red was too dark so I couldn't really see the swirls, then I used one coat of Revlon "Holographic Pearls" on all my non-accent nails then Poshe fast dry.  I then put one coat of Revlon "Graffiti Top Coat" then Poshe fast dry.  I love the way it turned out, glitter can ALWAYS make a not so feeling it to feeling it mani.  I love them.
Prickly Pear on it's own, I love this green
Revlon "Girly" on the left and "Graffiti Top Coat"
That's all for today.  I am hanging out with my bestie, Valerie, I love you Val, and the kitties. is good!  

I leave you all with Miss Betty.  She's the new kitty and I love her so much, she's just a doll baby and she looks like a little teddy bear.  Some days I can't handle her cute, just look at that cute.  Black cats ROCK!!

Hugs, Purrs, Polish  & Peace, 


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