Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Dental Floss Nails

Happy Monday,

Did I just say Happy Monday??? Why, yes I did, for a Monday, today was not to shabby at all :) Hope yours was alright too :)

Today's nails are some I did a few weeks back, just never got around to posting.  I did these using the dental floss technique, these remind me so much of fan brush nails which I love the look of them too :)

I used a base of Essie "Chillato" here and did the dental floss accent nails using OPI "My Chihuahua Bites" and China Glaze "Drink Up Witches" and then put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of my accent nails and a coat of Sally Hansen Diamond Strength "Twist of Lime" on the other nails.  To do the dental floss nail art, take one of the plastic dental pick flossers, paint the polish onto the floss and then take it from one side of the nail to other, repeat this with each line and color until you get the desired look you want.  Paint the floss between each application one the nail and don't paint the polish on too heavily or it will blob when you put it on the nail. This is messy, so, you will need to cleanup the skin around your with a clean up brush and acetone when you are done, but, this effect is so cool looking, so, it's totally worth it :)

Chillato on it's own, it's a very different and funky shade, but, I like it. 
Here's some pics of the horses, my horse, Dusty, and my sister's horse, Dream and them opening their gifts (treats) on Christmas day.  They are so spoiled and too cute :)
They made out, look at all that loot of treats :)

                                                My horse, Dusty, enjoying his gifts :) 

My sister's horse, Dream, with his gifts and Gracie trying to help open them and my Mom :) 

My Mommy , me and Gracie 
It was fun giving them their stuff on Christmas, it was the most fun part of my day actually :)

And, what would a post of mine be without kitties, so I leave you with Mr. Kitty and Princess Pebbles looking all sorts of cute :)
Mr. Kitty
Princess Pebbles 

That's it, talk to you all soon, have a great rest of Monday!

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Grumpy Cat for Festivus!

 Happy Festivus for the Rest of Us,

This past Wednesday, 12/23 was the Festivus "holiday", if you ever watched Seinfeld regularly you'd have heard of Festivus, it's a holiday made up by George's Dad, which is said to have originated with one of the writer's fathers in real life, a day to air grievances and instead of a tree they put a metal pole up, it was a funny episode and since then somehow Festivus kinda sorta became a "real" holiday :)  My only grievance I have is still recovering from surgery so I am not getting my normal exercise in the barn cleaning stalls and I miss my horse, so, that's not bad for airing my grievances, LOL :)  So, for today I present my Happy Festivus nails featuring none other than some Grumpy Cat and unless you've been living under an interwebs rock, you've most definitely seen the memes done with Tardar Sauce, aka Grumpy Cat.  It originally started as one meme online and since then has taken the world by storm with Grumpy Cat stuff all over. Tardar Sauce has feline dwarfism and an underbite that makes her look grumpy all the time, here's a link to read more about her if you would like :)  She's a cute little cat I think :)

I used a base of Essie "Groove Is In The Heart" and stamped Grumpy Cat and the words with Konad Stamping Polish in black, then put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the stamped nails, then one coat of a Melly Mix on the rest.  I used two different plates from Bundle Monster, plate # S161 and plate # S162  I am getting so much better with my stamping placement too I think, yay :)  I also ran out to the dollar store today to get a few things and got these two stickers out of a sticker machine.  I got so excited when I saw them walking into the store, it was purrfect :)  So, here you go, Grumpy Cat for Happy Festivus!!!
Groove Is In the Heart on it's own, it's a pretty pink, I like these kinds of girly pinks
The two plates I used for these.
Here are two of my favorite memes with Grumpy Cat :)
There you have my Festivus nails.  These were fun and I am so happy that I actually have a plate that has Tardar Sauce on it, so fun to have this image, yay!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!  I did, we went and gave the horses all their gifts which was a lot, those boys made out.  I have several more pics I want to show on here of the boys and their gifts but since this was on Festivus, I'll post the rest of them in my next post with some other holiday nails I did a few weeks back but didn't have a chance to post yet, so, you'll get them then :)  In the meantime here's a couple to hold you over, ha, ha!
Dusty, me, Gracie, Dream and my Mom
Dusty and Dream's tree and their booty of gifts, it was all treats, LOL
Well, that's it for now.  I am kinda hurting a bit tonight, overdid it doing a couple things around home today so just going to take it easy the rest of the night, going to try to get a post up tomorrow.  Chat soon loves, have a great night and even better FESTIVUS!!!!!  LOL!!!!!

 If you want to read more about Festivus, you can do so right here:

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Gingerbread Men For Christmas!!!

Happy Christmas Eve Friends :)

It's Christmas Eve, hope everyone is ready for Santa to come visit and that everyone's been good so Santa does come to visit, yay :)  I am ready for tomorrow.  In the morning Casey and I are going out to my parent's to visit with them, my sister and the horses and we'll get to be with the horses when they open their gifts which I can't wait for, it's actually the thing I am most looking forward to tomorrow since it's so cute watching them attempt to open gifts and also because I haven't seen my horse since before my surgery and I miss him so much, I just miss his goofiness, his sweetness and just Dusty being Dusty. I love my my horse, that is for sure, he's a good boy, then we are going to Casey's family then if we have time we'll stop by my nephew's and his wife's to visit for a bit, so, a busy full day, but, it will be an awesome day and it's also a three day weekend, so, that makes it even better.

I am still recovering and healing from my surgery slowly, but surely.  It's a slow process and I still have a lot of pain, but, it's not as bad as it was, just trying to take it easy and not overdo anything which I have been really good about for the most part :)

This holiday season I've been obsessed with all things gingerbread from body butters to lip balm to candles to soap to wax melts.  I LOVE gingerbread scented anything, it smells SO GOOD!!! So, for my gingerbread obsession I decided that I wanted to do some gingerbread men for my Christmas day nails and so I did.  I LOVE them so much!  I think they came out cute, even the one that got kinda funky on my right ring fingernail, it's okay tho', he just got a little too into the eggnog and decided to do a little running dance to get rid of his eggnog overindulgence bloat, LOL.  I love these tho', my little gingerbread men make me happy, happy, happy :)

For my gingerbread men I did a base of China Glaze "Violet-Vibes" then did one coat of Indigo Bananas "SF 35 Top Coat" on my non-men nails and one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on my men nails.  I used a nail art brush and dotting tool with a Maybelline shade to do the men with and a few random polishes that I didn't write down for the white, green and red.

Here's my got into the eggnog gingerbread man, isn't he funny looking in his drunken stupor :)
Violet-Vibes on it's own, I love, love this pretty and bright it's on, it's awesome :)
 Here's a pic of some of my gingerbread scented stuff.
A mani bomb, candle, body butter, soap, body butter, mani bomb and more soap.  I also have some gingerbread lip balm and wax melts, but forgot to put them in the pic.
I also went to The Feed Store today for litter and cat treats and got some pics of The Feed Store kitties and gave them their treats like I always do when I go there.  I love these girls, they are really sweet and good kitties :) 
Puss, Almond and Boots
Almond, she's such a cute kitty, I love her ;)
Boots, she's a good girl, her and Puss are sisters and they are old ladies now, they are around 13 or so now, such sweet kitties :)

Have a great rest of Christmas Eve all that celebrate and a very Merry Christmas!  I'll talk to you all soon and of course here's some of my kitties wishing you a very Meowy Christmas as well :)  Hugs and love and enjoy this time with your family and friends!
Miss Betty
Pebbles and Buster
 Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?

Monday, December 21, 2015

Reindeer Cats?!?!

Happy Monday All,

Hope you had a good Monday.  Mine was okay, not bad at work, but long since I went back today first day after surgery and by 4-ish I was really in pain so I left a bit early and came home and chilled, then made a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting to take to work tomorrow for our Christmas lunch we are having at the office. 

I sadly ended up not going to church yesterday.  I was in too much discomfort still and this recovery is sucking, but, I'll get thru it and be fine, just have to take it easy and not over do things which is very difficult for me being an active person and stubborn too, but, I am doing pretty good with this cuz' it hurts, ugh.  Casey has been doing all my "heavy" normal chores like cleaning the litter boxes, laundry, that kind of stuff, but, I have still been doing dishes.  I hope that I am back to my normal routine soon tho', this sucks being limited, ugh.

Tonight I have some nails that I originally intended to be my reindeer nails, but, as I got done with them I realized that they totally didn't look like reindeer at all and looked like cats, so, they became reincats or the things we do to our cats like dress them up for the holidays so now I present to you my reindeer cats :)  I kinda totally dig them, reindeer nail fail and all, LOL :)

I used a base of China Glaze "Thistle Do Nicely" and a coat of Orly "Fifty Four" on top of my non-reincat nails and one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of the reincats. They came out cute, don't you think?  I do :) 
Here's the "deer" prior to me making them into official reincats, LOL, see they totally don't look anything like reindeer at all, ha ha.

Thistle Do Nicely on it's own.  I love wearing neons in the Winter, well, I'll wear any color any day I feel like it, such a rebel I am :)

That's it for tonight.  Hope you dig my nail fail reindeer nails.  I sure do!! Here's Princess Pebbles being my nurse yesterday while I was doing my reincat nails :)  Isn't she just the prettiest kitty?
Have a great rest of the night and I'll chat at you all soon me promise you that :)

Polish & Purrs,


Have you loved your cuticles today?