Saturday, March 21, 2015

Caturday Nail Spam

Happy Caturday, 

Hi all, long time, no talk, haven't posted since last week.  It was a long week and I just didn't get a chance to post any nails, so, today I have all the nails I did this week.  No bottle shots, just pretty nails.  

I also did get the new China Glaze Electric Nights collection for Summer this week.  This was the first time I ever felt I "needed" an entire polish collection.  This one has 9 really pretty and bright cremes and 3 glitter toppers.  I love them, but, it's the names that are the best.  They are all named after Techno or EDM (Electronic Dance Music) music.  I love it! I'll be doing posts on them tomorrow and this coming week.  So happy I got these polishes.  I do indeed love my brights and neons.  Here's a sneak peek at my new pretties!
Anyways, onto the nail spam.  These first nails were the nails I did for St. Paddy's Day.  That was the first time I tried a gradient using a makeup sponge.  I like the way it turned out. I did the gold stripes on my middle finger to cover up some polish I got on that nail, I ended up liking those gold stripes. I used a base of Nina Ultra Pro "Lime Light"
My gradient before I glittered it.  I think they turned out good.
Lime Light on it' own.
Next nails are a mish mash water marble I did.  I wanted each nail to be different, so I did some different swirls.  I love the way these came out, a mish mash marble, it was fun, will do this again.  I used a base of OPI "Suzi Shops & Island Hops".

Suzi Shops & Island Hops on it's own. This is from the Hawaii collection out now. I love pinks like this.
My next mani is a dotticure I did with a bunch of purples.  I used a base of China Glaze "Grape Pop".  Grape Pop is one of my favorite purple polishes ever.  It's just so pretty and so vibrant too.  I love China Glaze's cremes the best.  They all just pop with color.
Grape Pop on it' own, it's more purple in real life.  My camera doesn't like some purples.
Those were all my nails from this past week.  Hope you all are having a great Caturday and weekend.  Last night I went out to an art and music event.  I got a scarf, ring and a mug from some local artists.  I love being able to support local artists for sure. It was a really good time with some really amazing art and awesome music.  
My mug, isn't it awesome!  I love the face and my copper wire ring is on the top of the green polish. I am so happy to be able to give to local artists.  The world needs more art all the time.
Also, last weekend two good friends, Jenni and Andre, came to visit and Jenni gifted me a pair of hair falls that she made.  I love them so much and can't wait to wear them.  I also painted Jenni's nails skittle style.  I was so happy to see them, haven't seen them in a while, so it was nice, we had a great time.
My new falls, so excited to wear them, they are so pretty.  Thanks Jenni, I love you girlie XOXO
Jenni's skittle nails
 That's all I have for today.  Have a great rest of night.  I'll talk at you tomorrow when I start showing my fun new polishes, yay :)  

I leave you with Betty and Buster!  I love this picture of them so much, so cute!
Betty & Buster
Hugs, Purrs & Polish, 


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Holo Candy Sprinkles & Holo Top Coat #12

Happy Friday Eve,

Tomorrow is Friday, yay!  Going to my parents after work tomorrow.  I didn't go last night since my back and hips were really hurting.  I came home last night and soaked in a hot bath.  Today wasn't as bad.  It's the weather changing making it worse right now.  It's crazy how weather and temperatures have such an effect on your body.  

Today I have the last holo top coat in my holo series.  This one is actually a bonus one that I found and forgot I had put it not with the other top coats in my one wall rack, found this one in my tray I have some random and overflow polish that doesn't fit in my polish racks.  So, I have 12 holo top coats in total.  I don't need any more.  I have them from sparse to dense to somewhere in the middle.  I like having those different options for my top coats.  

This is Indigo Bananas "Rainbow ALL The Things" (indie polish). This one is just a big less gray and dense than the other Indigo Bananas top coat I have, "SF 35".  I used a base of Orly Bonder, two coats of China Glaze "One Track Mind" on all nails, then I used China Glaze "At Vase Value", China Glaze "Shocking Pink" and Finger Paints "Spun Sugar" and used a nail art brush to paint the sprinkles on my accent nails. When they were done, I put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of my accent nails and one coat of Indigo Bananas "Rainbow ALL The Things" on the rest, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails to finish. I love, love, love these nails and pastel sprinkles are cute :) 

  Polishes Used:
Bonder, China Glaze "At Vase Value", China Glaze "Shocking Pink", Finger Paints "Spun Sugar", Indigo Bananas "Rainbow ALL The Things", Seche Vite Quick Dry
The nail art brush I used and the cardboard that I use to put polish on to do the sprinkles
One Track Mind on it's own.  I love dark blues like this, they are pretty.
That is my last mani in this series.  I enjoyed doing this.  It was fun a great way to get all those polishes worn.  Tomorrow night I'll do my final wrap with these top coats.

In other news, there's a new cat that's been coming around the last few days.  I think he's about 7 or 8 months old and a bit feral, so, he'll need some patience and love.  Here's what I wrote on FaceCrack about him earlier tonight and the pic I got thru our kitchen window.  

"So, last Fall one night only, I saw this cat in our yard. It ran then out of the yard, hadn't seen it since and then the last two evenings, I hear this howling, yowling, not Little Shit's crying for Mom and Bill still, little cat, got this ghostly picture of it thru the kitchen window, so, the weekend I will try to catch him/her, although with that whiny howling, we suspect a boy, lol. Anywhos, then catch, get fixed, shots, etc, then either find him a home if he's adoptable or he'll be Little Shit's bud since Mr. Kitty came in. He's got huge ears that go on for years, years and years, he's cute, the howling brat!"

We shall see what happens with this kitty.  Of course I'll update too.

I'll talk to you all soon, soon XOXO


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Holo Top Coat #11

Hey guys, 

Hope today is seeing you all well and happy.  I am really hurting tonight with my arthritis and in a lot of pain in my hips and back from the rain and damp we are having, so, that sucks, but, I am not unhappy and that's what's important.  It sucks to be in pain but, it could be way worse and as for the rain, I'll take it cuz' it's not snow, ice or cold. March sure has "come in like a lion", so, it darn well better go "out like a lamb", dang it!  Bring on the warm!!!

 My nails today have my ILNP "My Private Rainbow" (linear version) (indie polish) on them.  This is a very, very sparse and subtle linear holo, so, it doesn't have a strong rainbow effect at all, more just a silver/gray base that you can barely see in these pics.  This polish is meh, my least favorite of them.  I like the more linear rainbow look instead of this, but, I will use this again, just not very often, it's just too subtle and not rainbow enough for me.  Don't mind the black cat hair in a few of these, didn't realize there was a kitty hair, oh well, story of my life.  Nothing we own does not have at least one cat on it, lol :)

I started with a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Madame X" on all nails, then I fan brushed first Fresh Paints "Guava" then Snowman Orchid then Fresh Paints "Honeydew" on my accent nails, then one coat of ILNP on all nails, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  To do fan brush nails, put some lip chap on the skin around the nails that you want to brush, then paint the bristles of the brush, then paint the polish onto the nails.  Clean up any polish on the skin with acetone using a small makeup brush or makeup q-tips. Clean your brush with acetone too after you are done so it doesn't get funky.  I love fan brush nails, just need to work on making my brush strokes more even, either way I like the look of them.  They kinda remind me of the surfaces of Jupiter and Saturn, just in these colors and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE space, the universe, astronomy, galaxies, the stars, it's all so glittery and pretty, yay, so much glitter in the universe :))

                                                                   Polishes Used
Bonder, Sally Hansen Salon "Madame X", Fresh Paint "Guava" and "Honeydew", orchid snowman, ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche 
The fan brush I used.
Madame X on it's own.  I love this red, it's a nice red. 
I have just one more holo top coat to use and I will maybe do my nails at my parents tomorrow night when I spend the night, not sure if I will tho' or not, but, I'll get that last one up by the end of the week I am sure.  I am having fun doing this and have a couple other little series thought out in my head.  Talk to you all soon!  

I leave you with my baby bear kitty, Miss Betty, she's my baby girl.  I posted this about her with these pics on FaceCrack tonight and here it is for you too ;) Yay for Betty!!!

" Happiness is coming home to this every day!  Miss Betty just melts me every single day with her love and devotion to me. All the cats are happy when I get home, but, Miss Betty, she's just ecstatic when Mommy gets home. In the mornings she doesn't want me to leave and it is hard to leave this face, that it is! Look at that face, she is so cute and such a purring cuddle snuggle love bug. I love this little cat so much. I never thought I'd have another Barney and I do have the female version of him with Betty. She makes me so happy, this little girl of mine."

Isn't she just the cutest little cat?  That face, I can't take that cute some days, lol.  She melts me, she really does :) 

Polish, Purrs & Hugs, 


Monday, March 9, 2015

Holo Top Coat #10

It's Monday, 

Hope your Monday was okay, mine was typical Monday, long and trying, but, I got thru it, LOL! Watching Bates Motel and then Better Call Saul, then off to bed for me.  It always takes me a little bit to adjust to the time change and I am sleepy those first few days after we "spring ahead".  But, Spring is only 11 days away, yay, it was in the 40's here today, sunny and nice out.  I even got to take the kitties out in the backyard for a bit after work today since it was so nice.  They enjoyed it for sure.

Today I have ILNP "My Private Rainbow", the scattered and linear version.  This is an indie made polish also. This one has both scattered and linear microglitter in it, it's pretty, not really dense, but, I like it for a more subtle sparkle.  I used a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "Purr-fect Plum" on all nails, then I painted one coat of China Glaze "Laced Up" on my accent nails, then took a piece of wrinkled up plastic wrap and dabbed my nails to make the mottled/marbled look.  I then painted one coat of China Glaze "Spring In My Step" on my accents and did the same dabbing with plastic wrap for the second color.  I then put a coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow" on all nails, then finished up with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  

To do this technique, paint your base color, let dry, then paint one coat of color onto the first nail you want to do this on.  As soon as you paint that coat, take a piece of balled up plastic wrap and dab the polish with the plastic.  Use a light touch or you will pick up too much polish.  Do one nail at a time so the polish is wet when you dab it.  Use a brush/q-tip and acetone to clean up any polish that gets on your skin around your nails.  I love this technique also, it's easy to do and looks really cool too.  You can do however many colors you want, I like to use 2 to 3, I used two polishes here. I like them.   

                                                            Polishes Used
Bonder, China Glaze "Purr-fect Plum", China Glaze "Laced Up", China Glaze "Spring In My Step", ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche Vite Fast Dry
                                         Before I put the holo top coat on.  These colors I really do like
                                         together, they look really pretty.                                  
Purr-fect Plum on it's own, a nice deep berry shade.  I love these vampy colors, always have, always will.
That's it for tonight, it's Monday, I am sleepy and my shows are on now.  Talk to you later on this week.  I only have two more holo top coats to show.  I'll get them done this week I hope.

Buster and Betty say, "Nighty, Night, Sleepy tight, meow."
Betty and Buster
 Polish & Purrs,
