Thursday, March 5, 2015

Holo Top Coat #7

Happy Friday Eve, Yay,

Hope you are well.  I am okay.  It snowed about 5 or 6 inches today and is cold, cold bitter outside again, yuck.  I went to work, stayed all day and when I left the roads weren't too bad at least until I hit the city, they sucked as usual when it snows.  But, next week it's supposed to be in the 50's.  Spring will be here soon and we also "spring ahead" this weekend and turn the clocks ahead one hour, so, daylight longer, yay :)  

I have the next holo top coat, ILNP "My Private Rainbow" (scattered) today.  This one is pretty sparse, but, I do like the subtle holo it gives, it's pretty, especially on this purple.  I used a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of Finger Paints "Lavender Highlight" on all nails, then one coat of China Glaze "The Outer Edge", on my accents, then one coat of "My Private Rainbow" on the rest, then finished with a coat of Seche Vite Quick on all nails.  I love these, purple is my favorite color.
                                                                 Polishes Used
Bonder, FInger Paints "Lavender Highlight", China Glaze "The Outer Edge", ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche Vite Quick Dry
Lavender Highlight on it's own.
I love, love, love this white glitter I have on here, it's small white and silver glitter, so pretty.  I love white glitter so much, as I've said before :) 

I'll talk to you all tomorrow night when I post the nails I did tonight.  Have a great rest of the night.  I leave you with handsome boy Dino again tonight.
Dino Dooder Bug
Polish and Purrs,


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