Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Holo Top Coat #11

Hey guys, 

Hope today is seeing you all well and happy.  I am really hurting tonight with my arthritis and in a lot of pain in my hips and back from the rain and damp we are having, so, that sucks, but, I am not unhappy and that's what's important.  It sucks to be in pain but, it could be way worse and as for the rain, I'll take it cuz' it's not snow, ice or cold. March sure has "come in like a lion", so, it darn well better go "out like a lamb", dang it!  Bring on the warm!!!

 My nails today have my ILNP "My Private Rainbow" (linear version) (indie polish) on them.  This is a very, very sparse and subtle linear holo, so, it doesn't have a strong rainbow effect at all, more just a silver/gray base that you can barely see in these pics.  This polish is meh, my least favorite of them.  I like the more linear rainbow look instead of this, but, I will use this again, just not very often, it's just too subtle and not rainbow enough for me.  Don't mind the black cat hair in a few of these, didn't realize there was a kitty hair, oh well, story of my life.  Nothing we own does not have at least one cat on it, lol :)

I started with a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Madame X" on all nails, then I fan brushed first Fresh Paints "Guava" then Snowman Orchid then Fresh Paints "Honeydew" on my accent nails, then one coat of ILNP on all nails, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  To do fan brush nails, put some lip chap on the skin around the nails that you want to brush, then paint the bristles of the brush, then paint the polish onto the nails.  Clean up any polish on the skin with acetone using a small makeup brush or makeup q-tips. Clean your brush with acetone too after you are done so it doesn't get funky.  I love fan brush nails, just need to work on making my brush strokes more even, either way I like the look of them.  They kinda remind me of the surfaces of Jupiter and Saturn, just in these colors and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE space, the universe, astronomy, galaxies, the stars, it's all so glittery and pretty, yay, so much glitter in the universe :))

                                                                   Polishes Used
Bonder, Sally Hansen Salon "Madame X", Fresh Paint "Guava" and "Honeydew", orchid snowman, ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche 
The fan brush I used.
Madame X on it's own.  I love this red, it's a nice red. 
I have just one more holo top coat to use and I will maybe do my nails at my parents tomorrow night when I spend the night, not sure if I will tho' or not, but, I'll get that last one up by the end of the week I am sure.  I am having fun doing this and have a couple other little series thought out in my head.  Talk to you all soon!  

I leave you with my baby bear kitty, Miss Betty, she's my baby girl.  I posted this about her with these pics on FaceCrack tonight and here it is for you too ;) Yay for Betty!!!

" Happiness is coming home to this every day!  Miss Betty just melts me every single day with her love and devotion to me. All the cats are happy when I get home, but, Miss Betty, she's just ecstatic when Mommy gets home. In the mornings she doesn't want me to leave and it is hard to leave this face, that it is! Look at that face, she is so cute and such a purring cuddle snuggle love bug. I love this little cat so much. I never thought I'd have another Barney and I do have the female version of him with Betty. She makes me so happy, this little girl of mine."

Isn't she just the cutest little cat?  That face, I can't take that cute some days, lol.  She melts me, she really does :) 

Polish, Purrs & Hugs, 


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