Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Holo Top Coat #5

Happy Hump Day, 

We made to Hump Day, yay!  Hope your week is going well.  Mine is okay.  Didn't go to Mom and Dad's tonight as they are calling for snow tonight thru tomorrow afternoon/evening sometime and I didn't want to fight getting over the mountain tomorrow morning in the snow, so, home I am.  I have this mani and two more holo manis I did that I need to post, so, will get try to get all three up tonight to catch me up on my blog posts.

Tonight I plan on doing my blogs posts, taking a nice soaking bath for my arthritis and hanging out with the kitties, reading, then bed. Such an exciting life, I know, but, I did go out this past weekend to a party and did have a lot of fun and saw a lot of old friends and made some new ones too even tho' I was the oldest person it attendance, LOL.  It was a good time :)

Onto the nails.  I have the 5th holo top coat in my holo top coat series using KB Shimmer "Prism Break" (indie polish).  I used a coat of Orly Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "Metro Pollen-tin" on all nails, then one coat of Milani "Sugar High" on my accents, then one coat of KB Shimmer "Prism Break" on the rest, then finished it with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  

                                                                       Polishes Used
Orly Bonder, China Glaze "Metro Pollen-Tin", Milani "Sugar High", KB Shimmer "Prism Break",  Seche Vite Quick Dry
Metro Pollen-Tin on it's own
I do like the Prism Break alot, it's a nice holo top coat. 

Talk to you all in a bit when I post my 6th top coat in a bit.

Hugs & Holo, 


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