Monday, March 9, 2015

Holo Top Coat #10

It's Monday, 

Hope your Monday was okay, mine was typical Monday, long and trying, but, I got thru it, LOL! Watching Bates Motel and then Better Call Saul, then off to bed for me.  It always takes me a little bit to adjust to the time change and I am sleepy those first few days after we "spring ahead".  But, Spring is only 11 days away, yay, it was in the 40's here today, sunny and nice out.  I even got to take the kitties out in the backyard for a bit after work today since it was so nice.  They enjoyed it for sure.

Today I have ILNP "My Private Rainbow", the scattered and linear version.  This is an indie made polish also. This one has both scattered and linear microglitter in it, it's pretty, not really dense, but, I like it for a more subtle sparkle.  I used a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "Purr-fect Plum" on all nails, then I painted one coat of China Glaze "Laced Up" on my accent nails, then took a piece of wrinkled up plastic wrap and dabbed my nails to make the mottled/marbled look.  I then painted one coat of China Glaze "Spring In My Step" on my accents and did the same dabbing with plastic wrap for the second color.  I then put a coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow" on all nails, then finished up with one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  

To do this technique, paint your base color, let dry, then paint one coat of color onto the first nail you want to do this on.  As soon as you paint that coat, take a piece of balled up plastic wrap and dab the polish with the plastic.  Use a light touch or you will pick up too much polish.  Do one nail at a time so the polish is wet when you dab it.  Use a brush/q-tip and acetone to clean up any polish that gets on your skin around your nails.  I love this technique also, it's easy to do and looks really cool too.  You can do however many colors you want, I like to use 2 to 3, I used two polishes here. I like them.   

                                                            Polishes Used
Bonder, China Glaze "Purr-fect Plum", China Glaze "Laced Up", China Glaze "Spring In My Step", ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche Vite Fast Dry
                                         Before I put the holo top coat on.  These colors I really do like
                                         together, they look really pretty.                                  
Purr-fect Plum on it's own, a nice deep berry shade.  I love these vampy colors, always have, always will.
That's it for tonight, it's Monday, I am sleepy and my shows are on now.  Talk to you later on this week.  I only have two more holo top coats to show.  I'll get them done this week I hope.

Buster and Betty say, "Nighty, Night, Sleepy tight, meow."
Betty and Buster
 Polish & Purrs,


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