Friday, November 28, 2014

Glitter, Mommy & Daddy, Horses, Pup, & Kitties of course!

Happy Friday, yay!

Hope everyone is having a great Friday.  I worked today and did not go anywhere but to work and the bank.  I am so not one of those crazy Black Commodified Ugly Friday shoppers, shudder, I just couldn't do it.  Not for me at all. 

Went to my parents for Turkey Day and I got to hang out with my sister, Tina, that lives with them, got to hang out and love on my horse, see all the cats, they have 6 I think and Harley, the Black Lab they have, she's a certified therapy dog and such a good girl.  She loves when Melly comes to visit.  All she wants me to do is throw her frisbie for her even when I am trying to hang out with my horse, Dusty, and my sister's horse, Dream.  I had a great time yesterday out at the house :)

Today I have some glitter accent nails to show you.  I did these last night when we got home.  I did my usual base of Orly Bonder (an adhesive base coat), two coats of China Glaze "At Vase Value" with one coat of Nuance "Moonflower" on all nails but my accent nails.  I put a Snowman Glitter on those, followed by a coat of Seche Vite quick dry top coat.  This snowman glitter is going to the craft pile tho', it has gold glitter in it and I just don't like gold, but, I will use it for the crafty stuff I do with nail polish. I always end up picking up a snowman or two every year at Rite Aid.  I can't help it, they are just too cute, those bottles.

                                                      Polishes Used:
Orly Bonder, China Glaze "At Vase Value", Nuance "Moonflower", Snowman Glitter, Seche Vite Quick Dry

At Vase Value on it's own
Here's a slew of pics from yesterday and you all get to meet my horse, Dusty Bucks, and my sister's horse Dream.  He's an Arabian horse.  He's a sweet horse too.
My Dusty Bucks, I love him so much.
Dusty getting kisses

Dusty & Harley
Tina's horse, Dream

"Look at me, look at me, I'm so pretty!"
Miss Harley
My Daddy & me

My Mommy & Me
I love my Mom and Dad so much, they really, truly are two very amazing people and I am so blessed to have them.  They are the BEST!!! 

Here's Miss Princess Pebbles, she's a sweet kitty, but, boy, is she a princess and she's so gorgeous too.  
The Princess, Pebbles!

That's all for today my love bugs.  I will talk at you all soon. My next mani is going to be some Holy Huntin' Holiday nails for Openin' Day of Buck this Monday!

Polish, Peace, Purrs & Nickers, 


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