Sunday, November 2, 2014

Saran Wrap Nails & My New Furkid, Miss Betty

Howdy all my love bugs,

Hope you all are having a great weekend. I am!  Today I did a saran wrap mani.  It's very easy, simple and fun to do.  All you do after your base color is dry is then paint a coat of your second polish on top of the nail(s) you want and take a piece of saran wrap bunched up and dab it on the nail while the second polish is still wet to create this marbled look.  I love it.  I began with my base coat of Orly "Bonder", then did a base coat of color of China Glaze "Be Bright Back", followed by China Glaze "Sweet Talk To Me" and put a coat of Out the Door "Northern Lights" on my marbled accent nails and a top coat of Stardust Polish "Holy Holo" (an indie brand made by one of the girls in my favorite nail polish group on FaceCrack) on all my other nails, then a final coat of Poshe "Fast Dry" top coat.  My bottle shots are below of what polishes I used.  I did not take a picture of Northern Lights, forgot to put it in the bottle shot.

(L-R) Orly "Bonder", China Glaze "Be Bright Back", China Glaze "Sweet Talk to Me", Stardust Polish "Holy Holo", Poshe "Fast Dry" top coat

In other news, yesterday, I brought  my new furbaby, Betty, home.  She's awesome and so sweet.  I adopted her from my cousin's parents who have too many outside as they live in the country and cats are always being dumped off on them and their neighbors, sigh.  She is just the sweetest little cat, she's so petite and just purrs and purrs, is a talker too.  She will be going to get her girlie bits removed this week, yay :)  Here she is, I love her so much.  I miss my gingers so much since they went to Rainbow Bridge and I know she is going to help both myself and Little Shit, our kitty still outside, with our sadness and missing of our beloved ginger kitties.  Little Shit will now have a new sister to take under his paw and I have a new fur daughter to help me get thru as well, and I have a female hunter to keep the yard clean of rodents. She is just such a sweetie, I heart her so hard already.

Betty and Mom

That's it for now my friends.  I will be posting another post today of nails I did on 10/22/14, but, didn't get around to posting yet.

Have a fantabulous rest of the weekend.  Chit chat at you all soon.

Glitter & Kitties, 


Stardust Polish can be purchased from the seller's site here 

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