Saturday, November 15, 2014

Caturday Claws Spam

Happy Caturday to you all, hope everyone is having a great weekend.  I did a lot of moving things around and getting more stuff crossed off of my To Do List, but, I did overdo it with my bad back of arth-rittis that I have, so, decided to take it easy now before the hubby and I leave to go to some very good friends that are having a costume party tonight.  I love my costume, it's going to be too funny.  I will have pics of my costume in tomorrow's blog post :) 

I do have a couple manis to post, not feeling like writing up a whole post tonight, so, on this Caturday, I leave you with a bunch of past manis that I did and posted on Face Crack.  All of these photos are prior to my starting my blog.  Enjoy.  I will caption these later on, I promise!

Warning: pic heavy, but, it's nails and you KNOW you wanna see them all!!!!

 go, LOTS of Caturday Claws picture spam

Have a great night, I'll chat at my loves tomorrow.

Bubbles, Glitter, Cats, Horseys, 
Fire and LOVE,


                                 Princess Pebbles says, "Happy Catur-Meow-Day!"

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