Sunday, November 30, 2014

Holy Huntin' Holiday Nails & Happy Dead Day!!!


My friends, Happy Walking Dead Day!  Tonight, sniffle, sniffle, is the mid season finale and it's gonna be a good one, I can't wait.  I have had the Season 5 marathon on since 2 PM, much to my hubby's "dismay" since we've seen each one at least two times, but, I just can't not have a WD marathon on when it's on, ya know, and, well, Norman Reedus, um, yeah, well, you know, nom..nom...Norman Reedus...nom....nom, need I say more ;) 

We are also having friends over for our weekly potluck dinner of leftover Turkey Day yumminess and DJ friends DJ-ing. We call our weekly potluck Eats 'N Beats, it's a good time with great people.  I love our friends, yay.

Today is also the eve of the Holy Huntin' Holiday in PA, Openin' Day of Deer Season.  I grew up in a very responsible huntin' (please note that there is NEVER a "G" at the end of Huntin' ever, just don't do it EVER!!!) family, so, the Holy Huntin' Holiday is very special in my family.  I do not hunt, but, fully support responsible huntin', meaning that you eat what you shoot and do not shoot just to kill, that is wrong and no one in my huntin' family ever will do that or would ever do that.  My Daddy is a mighty hunter and has gotten many a buck over the years, no doe, he would never shoot doe cuz' you never know if one is "in fawn" or not and he just doesn't shoot the girls.  Sadly, due to some health issues that my Dad has going on with him getting older he will not be going out for deer this time and it saddens him and me greatly, so, today I dedicate my nails to the world's most wonderful Dad in the world, my mighty hunter Daddy, I love you so much and it pains me to see you have to sit this year out.  My nails for the Holy Huntin' Holiday are for you Daddy.

For my nails I started with a base of Orly Bonder (adhesive base coat), two coats of Orly "Melt Your Popsicle", then I did a spatter mani on my ring fingers to make my camo on top of the Huntin' Orange.  I used China Glaze "Happy Go Lucky", OPI "Don't Mess With OPI" and Rimmell Salon Pro "Beige Bare" for the splatter.  For my antlers (well, my antler trees, lol, they look more like trees, huh....huh...) Maybelline Color Show "Better In Buff", Maybelline Color Show "Neutral Statement" and Wet 'N Wild Megalast "Wet Cement".  I did the splatter using straws and used my nail art brushes to paint the antlers, then I put a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of all nails followed by a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry top coat.  I like them, I need to work on my antlers fer' sure, but, overall, I dig it :) 

Huntin' Orange Nails
                                                              Polishes Used
My plate for putting polish on for doing the art, my straw cut in half, my brushes, my lip chap for putting on around nails to be splattered (helps with cleanup) and cotton applicators for clean up, that's acetone in the cap to the right of the plate
Maybelline "Neutral Statement", Wet 'n Wild "Wet Cement", Maybelline "Neutral Statement", China Glaze "Fairy Dust", Maybelline "Taupe On Trend" (I ended up not using this, but, pulled it out in case I decided to use it)

Orly Bonder, Orly "Melt Your Popsicle:", Rimmel "Beige Bare", China Glaze "Happy Go Lucky", OPI "Don't Mess With OPI", Seche Vite Quick Dry
"Melt Your Popsicle" on it's own
"Do Me the Doe", our old shot up target shootin' deer that my Dad gave me that we decorated and started taking to our Burning Man regional event and which has provided us endless hours of entertainment.  She now lives in our back yard, she lived in front of the horse pasture at my parents for years before we got her.
And, there you have it, my Holy Huntin' Holiday nails.  I'll chat at you all very soon, have a great rest of the night.  I will with good friends and Walking Dead and Talking Dead, yay!

Norman Reedus and his black cat sexiness. His cat was a rescue cat also, so, that makes Mr. Reedus even more sexy in my book.   I sure do love a man with a Black Cat, it's sexy as hell :) 
And, since we are on black cats, I leave you today with Pebbles, take note of Do Me The Doe in the back, hurh....hurh....
 Polish, Purrs and Braaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnsssssssssssssssssssss.....damn WALKERS, 


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